WB_FPU - Wishbone Floating Point Unit

Frozen Content

Figure 1. WB_FPU - Wishbone Floating Point Unit.

Altium Designer's floating-point unit - WB_FPU - facilitates the conversion of 32-bit integer values into single precision floating-point numbers, and vice-versa. This hardware peripheral performs these conversions and additional, standard mathematical calculations, with greater speed when compared with previous, software-based floating-point support.
Incorporating the standard Wishbone interface, the WB_FPU can be used with any of the 32-bit processors available in Altium Designer.

Features at-a-glance

  • Converts 32-bit integer values to single precision floating-point numbers, in accordance with the IEEE-754 standard
  • Converts single precision floating-point numbers to 32-bit integer values
  • Perform addition of two single precision floating-point numbers
  • Perform subtraction of two single precision floating-point numbers
  • Perform multiplication of two single precision floating-point numbers
  • Perform division of two single precision floating-point numbers
  • Wishbone-compliant.


From an OpenBus System document, the Floating Point Unit component can be found in the Peripherals region of the OpenBus Palette panel.

From a schematic document, the WB_FPU component can be found in the FPGA Peripherals (Wishbone) integrated library (FPGA Peripherals (Wishbone).IntLib), located in the \Library\Fpga folder of the installation.

Designing with the WB_FPU

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