TMR3_W - Wishbone Dual Timer Unit

Frozen Content

Figure 1. TMR3_W - Wishbone Dual Timer Unit.

The dual timer unit component (TMR3_W) is used to provide additional functionality to processors that do not inherently contain dedicated timing units. The TMR3_W can be configured as counters or timers and provideS four distinct modes of operation.

Features at-a-glance

  • Four 8-bit registers providing dual timer functionality
    • TLA, THA – constituting Timer A
    • TLB, THB – constituting Timer B
  • Configurable functionality – either Timer or Counter
  • Four modes of operation for each Timer/Counter
    • Mode 0 : 13-bit Timer/Counter
    • Mode 1 : 16-bit Timer/Counter
    • Mode 2 : 8-bit auto-reload Timer/Counter
    • Mode 3 : Timer/Counter B stopped. Timer/Counter A functions as two independent 8-bit Timers/Counters
  • External timer clocking inputs with rising edge detection
  • Ability to control Timer clocking via external enable input
  • Wishbone-compliant


From an OpenBus System document, the Dual Timer Unit component can be found in the Peripherals region of the OpenBus Palette panel.

From a schematic document, the TMR3_W component can be found in the FPGA Peripherals (Wishbone) integrated library (FPGA Peripherals (Wishbone).IntLib), located in the \Library\Fpga folder of the installation.

Designing with the TMR3_W

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