Mixed Simulation

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This area is dedicated to documentation for Altium's Mixed Simulation capabilities.

Circuit simulation allows the designer to explore their ideas before committing to manufacture. Concepts can be verified and the circuit can be tuned quickly and accurately. Circuit simulation also gives the designer the opportunity to perform measurements that may not be physically possible on the fabricated board. 

The Altium Designer-based Circuit Simulator is a true mixed-signal simulator, meaning that it can analyze circuits that include both analog and digital devices. The Simulator uses an enhanced version of the event-driven XSpice, developed by the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), which itself is based on Berkeley's SPICE3 code. It is fully SPICE3f5 compatible, as well as providing support for a range of PSpice® device models.

In addition, the Simulator supports models described using the hierarchical sub-circuit syntax, as well as digital device models that have been created using the proprietary Digital SimCode™ language. This is a special descriptive language that allows digital devices to be simulated using an extended version of the event-driven XSpice.

Learn more about the Mixed Simulator:

Altium Designer can also interface to the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Circuit Simulator.

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