Code Explorer

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The Code Explorer panel provides a visual summary of all entities and architectures (and identifiers therein) declared in the active VHDL source document (*.VHD, *.VHDTST) for an FPGA project (*.PrjFpg).

Content and Use

The identifier information that appears in the Code Explorer panel is grouped under the following top-level folders:

  • Entity(ies) - contains all entities for the source VHDL document. For each entity, port and attribute declarations (where they exist) are listed as sub-entries
  • Architecture(s) - includes all architectures for the source VHDL document. For each architecture, the following sub-folders can be displayed (depending on architecture content):

File(s) - output file(s) in which generated results are written (VHDL Testbench files)
Subprogram body(ies) - includes all functions and procedures local to the architecture. Any variables local to the function or procedure are listed in an additional sub-folder
Component(s) - includes all component declarations for the architecture. For each component, the port declarations are also listed
Subtype(s) - includes all subtypes declared and used in the architecture
Signal(s) - includes all signals declared and used in the architecture

Constant(s) - includes all constants declared and used in the architecture

Process(es) - includes all processes used in the architecture. For each process, any signals local to the process are also listed under an additional sub-folder
Icons are used to distinguish between the various identifiers:


Entity or Architecture


Port declaration


Input port


Output port


Identifier represented by this icon changes according to the context of the sub-folder it is in. Can represent the following: Attributes, Files, Component declarations, Subtypes, Signals, Constants, Variables




Signal local to a process

Double-clicking on an entry in the panel (or selecting it and pressing ENTER) will jump to the corresponding area of code in the design editor window, placing the text cursor to the immediate left of the identifier.

Right-click Menu

The right-click pop-up menu for the panel provides the following commands:

  • Sort by declaration order - display all folders and identifiers therein in the order in which they are actually declared in the source document
  • Sort alphabetically - display all folders and identifiers therein in alphabetical order.


Direct filtering is available, allowing you to quickly jump to an entry by directly typing within the panel.
To use this feature, click within the panel and type the first letter of the entry you wish to jump to. The first entry in the panel starting with the letter you type will become selected and the letter will be highlighted to show that filtering of the panel content is based upon it, as shown.
If the panel contains multiple identifier entries starting with the same letter, narrow your search by typing additional letters as required.
To clear the current filtering, allowing you to enter a different starting letter, press ESC. Use the BACKSPACE key to clear the previously entered filter characters, in sequence.
Note: The feature will find identifier entries listed in folders and sub-folders that are currently collapsed, expanding such folders where necessary.

  • The keyboard shortcuts Up Arrow and Down Arrow can be used to select the previous and next entry in the panel, respectively. Stepping up or down using these shortcuts will clear any direct filtering currently applied.

See Also

You are reporting an issue with the following selected text and/or image within the active document: