Netlist Outputs
The Netlist Outputs category of the OutputJob Editor allows you to create the following Output Generators:
Configuring Assembly Drawing Output Generators
Depending on the specific output type, options may be available for you to configure the associated output generator, providing more control over the generated output. Where configuration options are available, they can be accessed in one of the following ways:
- Selecting the required Output Generator and choosing the Configure command from the Edit menu
- Right-clicking on the required Output Generator and choosing the Configure command from the pop-up menu that appears
- Selecting the required Output Generator and using the keyboard shortcut, Alt + Enter
- Double-clicking directly within the row for the required Output Generator.
If multiple output generators are selected, the configuration dialog will appear for the output generator that was selected last.
Different output generators have unique dialogs to configure precisely what gets generated when the output is run.
Generating Netlist Output directly from the Project
Netlist Output can also be generated directly from your project. To generate a Netlist for the Project, navigate to Design » Netlist for Project.
Alternatively, if you wish to generate a Netlist for your active document, navigate to Design » Netlist for Document
For more information about configuring your Verilog Netlist, see Verilog Netlist Output Options
For more information about configuring your VHDL Netlist, see VHDL Netlist Output Options
For more information about configuring your XSpice Netlist, see Xspice Netlist Output Options
Links to other Outputs
Assembly Outputs
Documentation Outputs
Fabrication Outputs
Report Outputs