マルチレポジトリのサポート (ソフトウェア プラットフォーム)

Altium Designer のソフトウェア プラットフォーム 技術は、エレクトロニクスシステム開発のための様々な機能をご提供いたします。インストールデータの一部としてプラグインを通じて機能をご提供しています。Altium Designer Summer 09 では、マルチレポジトリ機能をサポートしています。エンベデッドプロジェクトでソフトウェアプラットフォームを使用した際にレポジトリを完全に制御することができます。

This support is highly attractive if you have existing Software Platform projects which may break when using the latest software plugins shipped with the Summer 09 release. Should you decide not to upgrade those projects to use the later plugins, you can opt to use the software plugins shipped with your Winter 09 release of Altium Designer, simply by defining a path to the relevant repository. Whichever plugin repositories you use, and how many, the choice remains your and yours alone – allowing you to build Software Platforms with the right ingredients to meet your design needs!

Options for Embedded Project ダイアログの Compiler Options タブ上で Build Options ページからソフトウェアプラグインレポジトリのパスを特定することができます。


デフォルトで、Add default Software Platform location オプションが有効になっています。このオプションは、インストールディレクトリ内の \Library\Software Platform にデフォルトのレポジトリパスとして指定されています。

Use of one or more alternate (or additional) repositories depends on the value specified for the Software Platform search path option. Essentially, you are setting up search paths that Altium Designer will use to locate the plugins. Enter paths directly in the value field – separate multiple repository paths by a semicolon. The search order is from left to right. Alternatively, click inside the value field and then on the ... button at the far right to access the Directories dialog. From here, you can browse to and add, paths to one or more plugin repositories as required. Use the arrow buttons to order the search paths accordingly (search order is from top to bottom).

If you specify alternate plugin search paths AND enable the use of the default Software Platform location, the latter will be added to the end of the ordered search paths – it will be searched last.

You control exactly which repositories of Software Platform plugins are made available for use in your embedded software projects -- your own custom plugins, those
acquired from a third party, plugins from the current (or previous) release of Altium Designer, or a combination of these.

It is advised not to include search paths to plugin repositories of multiple releases of Altium Designer. Either use:

  • Plugins from the current release in addition to your own plugin repositories, or
  • Plugins from a previous release in addition to your own plugin repositories.
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