System API Types and Constants
Parent page: Technical Reference - System API
System API: Types and Constants
Contents of this reference:
Client Enumerated Types
The enumerated types are used for many of the client/server interfaces and methods which are covered in this section.
TCommandProc procedure type
TCommandProc = Procedure(Const AContext : IServerDocumentView; AParameters : PChar);
TDocumentsBarGrouping type
TDocumentsBarGrouping = (dbgNone, dbgByDocKind, dbgByProject);
TGetStateProc procedure type
TGetStateProc = Procedure(Const AContext : IServerDocumentView; AParameters : PChar; Var Enabled, Checked, Visible : LongBool; Caption, ImageFile : PChar);
THighlightMethod type
THighlightMethod = (eHighlight_Filter,eHighlight_Zoom,eHighlight_Select,eHighlight_Graph,eHighlight_Dim,eHighlight_Thicken, eHighlight_ZoomCursor);
THighlightMethodSet type
THighlightMethodSet = Set Of THighlightMethod;
TSnippetCreationMode type
TSnippetCreationMode = (eSnippetCreationBySelection, eSnippetCreationByUnionIndex);
TServerModuleFactory function type
TServerModuleFactory = Function (Const AClient : IClient) : IServerModule;
Client Constants
General constants
cDXPHomePage = 'DXP://Home';
cDXPProcess = 'DXPProcess';
cDXPDocument = 'DXPDoc';
cViewNameParam = 'ViewName';
cContextHelpDelimiter = '.';
cWebUpdate_DefaultURL = '';
cWebUpdate_DefaultURL = '';
cWebUpdate_DefaultNetworkPath = '';
cWebUpdate_DefaultUseNetworkPath = False;
cWebUpdate_DefaultCheckFrequency = wucfEveryDay;
cWebUpdate_CheckFrequencyNames : Array[TWebUpdate_CheckFrequency] Of AnsiString =
'On Altium Designer startup',
'Every day',
'Every 3 days',
'Every week',
'Every 2 weeks',
'Every month');
DocumentNotification codes
cDocumentLoading = 0;
cDocumentOpening = 1;
cDocumentClosing = 2;
cDocumentActivating = 3;
cDocumentNameChanging = 4;
cDocumentCompiled = 6;
cDocumentCompiling = 7;
cDocumentBeforeClose = 8;
cDocumentProjectChanged = 9;
cDocumentSaved = 10;
cDocumentModifiedChanged = 11;
cDocumentHidden = 12;
cDocumentProjectActivating = 15;
cDocumentScrapCompiling = 16;
cDocumentScrapCompiled = 17;
cProjectClosing = 18;
cDocumentWorkspaceLoad_Begin = 101;
cDocumentWorkspaceLoad_End = 102;
cDocumentWorkspaceSave_Begin = 103;
cDocumentWorkspaceSave_End = 104;
cDocumentRouterStarted = 200;
cDocumentRouterStopped = 201;
cDocumentOwnershipChanged = 300;
View Notification codes
cDocumentDataInserted = 0;
cDocumentDataDeleted = 1;
cDocumentDataModified = 2;
cDocumentDataRefresh = 3;
cApplicationStartupComplete = 6;
cApplicationShutdownStarted = 7;
cLicenseDetailsChanged = 8;
cObjectNavigated = 150;
cGroupNavigated = 155;
cNavigationHistory = 160;
cRefreshNavigationPanels = 170;
cObjectCrossprobed = 180;
cGroupCrossprobed = 185;
cBeginRefreshNavigationPanels = 190;
Module Notification codes
cModuleLoaded = 0;
System Notification codes
cLibrariesUpdated = 0;
cSystemPreferencesChanged = 1;
cTextEditPreferencesChanged = 2;
cPCBPreferencesChanged = 3;
cSchPreferencesChanged = 4;
cSchPreferencesChangedWithUpdate = 5;
cCamtasticPreferencesChanged = 6;
cPCB3DPreferencesChanged = 7;
cVersionControlPreferencesChanged= 8;
cSchPreferencesChanged_UpdateStringsFont = 10;
cCustomDynamicHelpUpdated = 11;
Message notification codes
cMessagesAdd = 0;
cMessagesReplaceLast = 1;
cMessagesFullUpdate = 2;
cMessagesClearAll = 3;
Client Functions
Function Client : IClient;
Function Server : IServerModule;
Procedure SetClient (Const AClient : IClient);
Procedure SetServer (Const AServer : IServerModule);
Function CreateNewDocumentFromDocumentKind (Const DocumentKind : AnsiString) : IServerDocument;
Function CreateNewFreeDocumentFromDocumentKind(Const DocumentKind : AnsiString) : IServerDocument;
Function GetSceneManager : ISceneManager;