Statements and Operators
Parent page: DelphiScript
DelphiScript Statements
A statement in DelphiScript is considered as simple when it does not contain any other statements. Examples of simple statements are assignment statements and procedure calls.
Simple statements:
X := Y + 10; // assignment ShowMessage(‘Hello World!’); // procedure call
A compound statement consists of multiple statements.
Compound statements:
Begin If A > B Then ShowMessage(‘A is bigger’); Else ShowMessage(‘B is bigger’); A := 0; B := 0; End;
Conditional statements
DelphiScript has control statements that affect the flow of execution within a script. The most common control statement is the If..Then
conditional statement.
If Then statement
The If..Then
statement is used for conditional control. The syntax is:
If Condition Then Begin // code here End Else Begin // code here End;
Case Of statement
To avoid a complex set of If
statements, these can often be replaced with Case
statements. A case statement in an expression is used to select a value, a list of possible values, or a range of values.
Any types can be used in a Case statement because DelphiScript is an untyped language. Case statements can have an Else statement that is executed if none of the labels correspond to the value of the selector (within the Case Of condition).
Example 1:
Case Char of '+' : Text := 'Plus sign'; '-' : Text := 'Minus sign'; '*', '/': Text := 'Multiplication or division'; '0'..'9': Text := 'Number'; a'..'z': Text := 'Lowercase character'; 'A'..'Z': Text := 'Uppercase character'; else Text := 'Unknown character'; End;
Example 2:
Case UserName of 'Jack', 'Joe' : IsAdministrator := true; ‘Fred' : IsAdministrator := false; else Raise('Unknown User'); End;
With statement
The With
statement is a DelphiScript shorthand. When referring to a record type variable (or an object), a with statement can be used instead of repeating its name each time.
Normal version:
Form.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2; Form.Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver;
Version using With:
With Form.Canvas.Pen do Begin Width := 2; Color := clSilver; End;
For To Do loop
The For..To..Do
statement provides a method for repeatedly looping through a block of code (one or more lines of code). The basic syntax is:
For counter := start To end Do Begin // code here End;
loops are often used to initialize an array. The counter direction in a For..To..Do
loop can be controlled by alternatively using the DownTo
keyword to decrement the loop. DelphiScript provides the Break/Exit statement to exit a For..To..Do
loop prematurely.
Repeat Until loop
The Repeat
statement is executed repeatedly until the Boolean expression is true. The Repeat
statement is always executed at least once.
Repeat Write('Enter a value (0..9): '); ShowMessage(IntToStr(I)); Until (I >= 0) and (I <= 9);
While Do loop
A While
statement is similar to a Repeat
statement, except that the control condition is evaluated before the first execution of the statement sequence. Hence, if the condition is false, the statement sequence is never executed.
Randomize; I := 0; While I < 1000 do Begin I := I + Random (100); Add ('Random Number: ' + IntToStr (I)); End;
Continue statement
The Continue
statement jumps over the body of a loop, similar to the Goto
statement. The continue statement causes the executing script to pass to the next iteration in the current For
, While
or Repeat
var F: File; i: Integer; Begin For i := 0 to (FileListBox1.Items.Count - 1) do Begin Try If FileListBox1.Selected[i] Then Begin If not FileExists(FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i]) then Begin MessageDlg('File: ' + FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i] + 'not found', mtError, [mbOk], 0); Continue; End; AssignFile(F, FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i]); Reset(F, 1); ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(FileSize(F))); CloseFile(F); End; Finally { do something here } End; End; End;
Goto Label statement
The Goto
statement has the form Goto label
which transfers the script execution to the statement marked by the specified label. To mark a statement, the label must be declared first and then the target statement preceded with the label and a colon: label: statement
A Label can be any valid identifier. The Label declaration and Goto
statement must belong to the same code block within a script. Therefore it's not possible to jump into, or out of, a procedure or function.
Label StartHere; // code StartHere: Beep; Goto StartHere;
Exit statement
The Exit
statement immediately returns from a function or procedure. If you call Exit
from within a Try..Finally
block, the Finally
part gets executed before the subroutine returns. If the Exit
procedure is called from within the main body of the script, then execution of the script will terminate.
Begin Server := SchServer; If Server = Nil Then Begin ShowError('No SchServer started'); Exit; End;
Break Statement
The Break
statement causes the executing script to exit out of the current For
, While
or Repeat
loop. Script execution continues from the subsequent executable line after the current loop.
Var S: string; Begin While True do Begin ReadLn(S); Try if S = '' then Break; WriteLn(S); Finally { do something for all cases } End; End; End;
DelphiScript Expression Operators
In general, an expression is a valid combination of constants, variables, literal values, operators and function results. Expressions are used to determine the value to assign to a variable, to compute the parameter of a function or to test for a condition. Expressions can include function calls.
DelphiScript has a number of logical, arithmetic, Boolean and relational operators. These operators are grouped by the order of precedence (see below), which is different to the precedence orders used by Basic, C etc. For example, the AND
and OR
operators have precedence compared to the relational one.
If you write a<b and c<d
, DelphiScript will do the AND
operation first, resulting in an error. To prevent this problem and define the priority, each <
expression needs to be enclosed in parentheses: (a<b) and (c<d)
The supported DelphiScript operators listed below are shown by their order of precedence.
Operators grouped by Precedence
Note that Unary operators have the highest precedence.
| Boolean or bitwise NOT. |
Multiplicative and Bitwise Operators
* | Arithmetic multiplication. |
| Floating point division. |
| Integer division. |
| modulus (reminder of integer division). |
| Boolean or bitwise AND. |
| Bitwise left shift. |
| Bitwise right shift. |
Additive Operators
| Arithmetic addition, string concatenation. |
- | Arithmetic subtraction. |
| Boolean or bitwise OR |
| Boolean or bitwise EXCLUSIVE OR. |
Relational and Comparison Operators (lowest precedence)
| Test whether equal or not. |
| Test whether not equal or not. |
| Test whether less than or not. |
| Test whether greater than or not. |
| Test whether less than or equal to or not. |
| Test whether greater than or equal to or not. |
Also note that the ^
and @
operators are not supported by DelphiScript.