Daughter Board Power (Including 1.2V only)

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In addition to the 3.3V and 5V supply voltages and ground signals supplied to the daughter board from the NB2DSK01 motherboard, the daughter board also has its own 1.2V supply. This supply is generated by passing the regulated 5V supply through a low-voltage step-down regulator – a MAX1831 device, from Maxim.

Figure 1. MAX1831 device.

The daughter board provides an array of test points for checking the integrity of each of the board's power supplies, as well as GND.

Figure 2. Power supply test points.

Location on Board

The MAX1831 device is located on the component side of the board, to the right of the FPGA device.

The power supply test points (designated TP0TP4) are also located on the component side of the board, to the right of the Flash memory device (U1_CM).

Schematic Reference

The power supply-related circuitry can be found on the following sheets of the daughter board schematics:

  • PSU.SchDoc (entitled Power Supply Top Level)
  • PSU_MAX1831_1V2_ALT.SchDoc (entitled Power Supply MAX1831 (1V2)).

Further Device Information

For more information on the MAX1831 device, refer to the datasheet (MAX1830-MAX1831.pdf) available at www.maxim-ic.com.

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