Daughter Board Power and Program LEDs

Frozen Content

The daughter board provides the following two LEDs:

  • Power LED – this will light (RED) when the daughter board is correctly plugged into the motherboard and the NB2DSK01's power is switched on. It signifies presence of the 3.3V supply to the board.
  • Program LED – this will light (GREEN) when the target device on the daughter board has been successfully programmed with an FPGA design.

Figure 1. Status and Power LEDs.

Location on Board

The two LEDs, labeled 'POWER' (LED1) and 'PROGRAM' (LED2) respectively, are located at the bottom of the board, on the component side.

Schematic Reference

The LEDs can be found on sheet DB_LEDS.SchDoc (entitled Daughter Board LEDs) of the daughter board schematics.

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