TMR3_W - Pin Description
Frozen Content
The following pin description is for the TMR3_W when used on the schematic. In an OpenBus System, although the same signals are present, the abstract nature of the system hides the pin-level Wishbone interfaces. The external interface signals will be made available as sheet entries, associated with the parent sheet symbol used to reference the underlying OpenBus System.
Name | Type | Polarity/Bus size | Description |
Control Signals | |||
CLK_I | I | Rise | External system clock |
RST_I | I | High | External system reset |
Host Processor Interface Signals | |||
STB_I | I | High | Strobe signal. When asserted, indicates the start of a valid Wishbone data transfer cycle. |
CYC_I | I | High | Cycle signal. When asserted, indicates the start of a valid Wishbone cycle |
ACK_O | O | High | Standard Wishbone-device acknowledgement signal. When this signal goes high, the Timer Unit (Wishbone Slave) has finished execution of the requested action and the current bus cycle is terminated. |
ADR_I | I | 3 | Standard Wishbone address bus, used to select an internal register of the Wishbone slave device for writing to/reading from. |
DAT_O | O | 8 | Data to be sent to an external Wishbone master device (i.e. host processor). |
DAT_I | I | 8 | Data received from an external Wishbone master device (i.e. host processor). |
WE_I | I | Level | Write enable signal. Used to indicate whether the current local bus cycle is a Read or Write cycle. 0 = Read |
INT_O | O | High | Interrupt signal. If either Timer A or Timer B have reached overflow state (i.e. either of the corresponding overflow bits in the Timer Control register are set), this signal is activated. This alerts the host processor to the fact that the timer/counter has reached its upper limit and has rolled over to start counting from zero. |
Timer Input Signals | |||
TA | I | Rise | Timer A external clock input |
GATEA | I | High | External Timer A enable input. If bit 3 of the Timer Mode register is set (1), Timer A is enabled solely by this external input. |
TB | I | Rise | Timer B external clock input |
GATEB | I | High | External Timer B enable input. If bit 7 of the Timer Mode register is set (1), Timer B is enabled solely by this external input. |
Timer Output Signals | |||
TB_OV | O | High | Timer B overflow output. This signal is taken high for a single period of the external system clock signal (CLK_I) when: TLB register (low byte of Timer B) reaches overflow state and current mode is mode 2. |