TSK3000A - Bitwise Logical Instructions

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Logical instructions perform bitwise operations and store the resulting values in registers. The instruction format can be R-type or I-type. With R-type instructions, the two operands and the result are register values. With I-type instructions, one of the operands is a 16-bit immediate value, zero extended to 32 bits.

Table 1. Bitwise Logical Instructions.

AND rC, rA, rB

Bitwise Logical AND

Bitwise logically ANDs the contents of GPRs rA and rB and puts the result in GPR rC

ANDI rB, rA, IMM16

Bitwise Logical AND Immediate

Zero-extends the 16-bit immediate value, IMM16, bitwise logically ANDs it with the contents of GPR rA and puts the result in GPR rB

NOR rC, rA, rB

Bitwise Logical NOR

Bitwise logically NORs the contents of GPR rA with the contents of GPR rB, and loads the result in GPR rC

OR rC, rA, rB

Bitwise Logical OR

Bitwise logically ORs the contents of GPR rA with the contents of GPR rB, and loads the result in GPR rC

ORI rB, rA, IMM16

Bitwise Logical OR Immediate

Zero-extends the 16-bit immediate value, IMM16, bitwise logically ORs the result with the contents of GPR rA, and loads the result in GPR rB

XOR rC, rA, rB

Bitwise Logical Exclusive OR

Bitwise logically exclusive-ORs the contents of GPR rA with the contents of GPR rB and loads the result in GPR rC

XORI rB, rA, IMM16

Bitwise Logical Exclusive OR Immediate

Zero-extends the 16-bit immediate value, IMM16, bitwise logically exclusive-ORs it with the contents of GPR rA, then loads the result in GPR rB

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