Placing an Arbiter Component

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As with all OpenBus components, the Arbiter component resides on, and is placed from, the OpenBus Palette panel. Simply click on the entry for the component, in the Connectors region of the panel. The component will appear floating on the cursor ready for placement in the OpenBus System document (*.OpenBus).

Simply position the component at the required location in the workspace and click to effect placement.

While floating on the cursor, the component can be rotated or flipped:

  • Press the Spacebar to rotate the component. Rotation is anti-clockwise and in steps of 90°.
  • Press the X or Y keys to flip the component along the X-axis or Y-axis respectively.

Figure 1. Place an Arbiter component directly from the OpenBus Palette panel.

Although each OpenBus component has a designator, it is not a designator in the schematic sense of the word. There is no notion of annotation in the OpenBus System document. Rather, it is simply unique comment text. This text will initially be the name of the component as used in the schematic world, along with a suffix to distinguish multiple instances (e.g. WB_MULTIMASTER_1). Change this text to a more meaningful descriptor as required, but make sure the text of multiple instances of the same component are unique.

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