OpenBus Tutorial - Initial Project Preparation

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As we are converting an existing design, it is a good idea to have that design open. We will need to jump to it for reference – ensuring that we keep the new OpenBus System design true to the configuration of the original. Navigate to, and open, the existing project DSF_Mandelbrot.PrjFpg.

We also need to create a new FPGA project in which to 'house' our new design. This needs to include a single schematic top sheet and a single OpenBus System document (which will hold the description of the design's OpenBus System).

  1. Create a new FPGA project using the File » New » Project » FPGA Project command.
  2. Right-click on the name for this new project in the Projects panel and choose the Save Project command. Save the project with the name OpenBus_DSF_Mandelbrot.PrjFpg, in a new folder called OpenBus DSF Mandelbrot.
  3. Add a new schematic document by right-clicking on the FPGA project entry in the Projects panel and choosing the Add New to Project » Schematic command. Save this document with the name OpenBus_DSF_Mandelbrot.SchDoc, in the same folder as the project.
  4. Add a new OpenBus System document by right-clicking on the FPGA project entry in the Projects panel and choosing the Add New to Project » OpenBus System Document command. Save this document with the name System.OpenBus, in the same folder as the project.

The OpenBus System document is linked to the top-level schematic through a sheet symbol. As part of this initial preparation go ahead and place a sheet symbol on the schematic. You can either place the symbol manually (Place » Sheet Symbol) or use the Create Sheet Symbol From Sheet Or HDL command from the main Design menu. Ensure that:

  • The Sheet Symbol's Designator is System
  • The Sheet Symbol' s Filename is System.OpenBus.

Perform an initial compilation of the new FPGA project. At this point, the two projects open in the Projects panel should appear as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Original and new FPGA projects open
side-by-side in the Projects panel.

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