Command Line Tool for Vault Management

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Altium Vault 2.6 introduces a new Command Line tool designed to import Vault Users, Roles, and user-role membership data from standard comma-delimited *.csv files. The tool allows the Altium Vault to be preloaded with bulk user and role configurations derived from company systems or records, thereby avoiding a need to individually create the entries through the Vault web interface.

The new EVSConfigurationTool.exe is included in the Altium Vault 2.6 installation and can be found in the %VaultInstallationDir%\EVSConfigurationTool directory, or in practice, typically executed as: С:\Program Files (x86)\Altium\AltiumVault\EVSConfigurationTool\EVSConfigurationTool.exe

Even though the tool can be used for automated user management, the recommended approach is to use LDAP synchronization functionality.

The format used to launch the tool is:
EVSConfigurationTool [/? | VaultUrl:Port UserName Password]


  • VaultUrl:Port – Address and port number of Vault server, in the form http://vaultname:port. Note that the full address is required (including http://), and can refer to the localhost or network (computer_name) version.
  • UserName – Altium Vault UserName. Note that the User must be a member of the Administrators role.
  • Password – User Password (case sensitive).
  • Options:
    • /? – Display help information. Will also display when a command parameter is unrecognized.

A typical example of the command to launch the tool operation would be:
EVSConfigurationTool http://localhost:9780/ admin admin

Note that language-specific characters (such as umlauts, graves etc) are not supported.

When the tool is executed, the content of any compatible *.csv files in the tool directory will be imported into the Altium Vault – the recognized files are users.csv, roles.csv and usersroles.csv. The tool will parse the file data for validity before importing the contents into the Vault, and also display import success/failure messages for each proccessed file as the tool runs.

User, role and usersroles entries that already exist in the Vault will not be imported (overwritten). That is, only new entries will be added to the Vault.

An example of each recognized *.csv file in included in the tool's directory. The content descriptions of each file type, and any requirements, are shown below.


Contains User profiles data.

Field name Description Requirements
FIRSTNAME First name Required
LASTNAME Last name Required
USERNAME User name Required
PASSWORD User password Required for 'Built In' Authentication mode
PHONE Phone number  
AUTHTYPE AUTHTYPE Required: Type of Authentication; 0 for 'Built In' Authentication, 1 for 'Windows' (Domain) Authentication
EMAIL Email address  
DOMAIN Domain name Required for 'Windows' Authentication mode.
  • No entries will be imported into the Vault if data for any of the Required fields are missing in the users.csv file.
  • User entries will not be imported if there is an error in the data, such as a Domain included when the AUTHTYPE is incorrectly set at 1 ('Built In').
  • All fields must present in the CSV file, however the data for non-required fields should be blank.

Contains Role data.

Field name Description
ROLENAME Name of Role

Contains User Role membership data (that is, which users are members of which Roles)

Field name Description
ROLENAME Role name
USERNAME User name
  • Invalid USERNAME–ROLENAME matches will fail, but not prevent valid matches from being imported.
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