Legacy Downloads for Vault Technologies

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This page contains download links for various legacy Altium Vault Technologies. For the latest technology available, see Altium Vault.

Altium Vault 2.0 (145MB) - Installing the Altium Vault is performed using the Altium Vault Installer. Download and Run Altium Vault Specify the destination folders for the installation, and the data, and specify the port number for the web server. For more information, see Installing the Altium Vault.

Altium Vault Server 1.2 (137MB) - Installing the Altium Vault Server is performed using the Altium Vault Server Installer. Download and Run Altium Vault Server 1.2.30757.exe. Specify the destination folders for the installation, and the data, and specify the port number for the web server. For more information, see Altium Vault Server.

Personal Vault 1.2 (65.5MB) - Installing the Personal Vault is performed using the Personal Vault Installer. Download and Run Altium Personal Vault 1.2.30759.exe. Specify the destination folders for the installation and for the data. For more information, see Altium Personal Vault.

Personal Vault 1.2 introduced the ability to acquire managed content from other vaults. At the same time, the number of possible concurrent connections was reduced from 3 to a single connection. If more than a single (concurrent) connection is required, consider upgrading to Altium Vault 2.0 (or later), or retaining Personal Vault 1.1.

Team Configuration Center (TC2) (99.7MB) - Installing the Team Configuration Center is performed using the TC2 Installer. Download and Run TC2 1.0.30758.exe. Where the installer detects an installed Altium Vault Server, TC2 will be set up to use it as its default repository. TC2 requires the installation of the latest Private License Server v14.0. For more information, see Centralized Environment Configuration Management. For detailed information regarding installation and licensing, see Installing & Licensing the Team Configuration Center.

Vault Migration Tool (1.9MB Zip)- To successfully migrate between vaults, you must be using the latest version of the Vault Migration Tool (version, Altium Personal Vault (build 1.2.30759), and Altium Vault (build 2.0.33788 or later). Ensure you have upgraded your Altium Personal Vault (if not already) from v1.1 to v1.2.





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