Object Not Completely within Sheet Boundaries

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This compiler hint appears when a design object resides beyond the extents of the schematic sheet. The message is displayed in the Messages panel in the following format:

Off sheet ObjectIdentifier at Location,


ObjectIdentifier identifies the specific object that currently does not reside completely within the boundary defined by the sheet. The identifier is composed of the object's type and its name/designator (e.g. Port PortName)

Location is the X,Y coordinates for the object's electrical hotspot.

Default Report Mode



When placing or pasting objects onto a sheet, you are prevented from placing/pasting beyond the extents of the sheet's border. This issue typically arises when the size and orientation of the sheet is changed after object placement. Consider the following to resolve the problem:

  • Change the sheet orientation.
  • Choose a larger sheet size.
  • Move the offending objects back within the sheet boundary.

The first two options are carried out from the Sheet Options page of the Document Options dialog (Design » Document Options). Changing sheet size is the simplest way to resolve the issue. Moving objects manually may require layout changes to the circuit to provide enough space to accommodate the offending objects.

You are reporting an issue with the following selected text and/or image within the active document: