Missing Exported Function in Source File

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This compiler hint appears when the exported function specified in a C Code Symbol is not found in the underlying C source file referenced by that symbol. The message is displayed in the Messages panel in the following format:

Missing exported function "FunctionName" in source file FileName of Code Symbol SymbolDesignator,


FunctionName is the value currently entered into the Function Name field, on the Signature tab of the C Code Symbol dialog.

FileName is the name of the C source file (including extension) referenced by the C Code Symbol using its Filename field.

SymbolDesignator is the designator of the C Code Symbol to which this error applies.

Default Report Mode



Compare the entry for the Function Name field on the Signature tab of the symbol's properties dialog, with the name of the function in the C source file and modify accordingly. The two must be identical in both name and case.

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