Identifier Case Mismatch Between Code Symbol and Source File

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This compiler hint appears when the case of the parameter name for a C Code Entry differs from that of the corresponding parameter in the exported C function. The message is displayed in the Messages panel in the following format:

Parameter name EntryName in Code Symbol SymbolDesignator and FunctionParameterName in source file FileName should match case,


EntryName is the Parameter Name that is being used by the offending C Code Entry

SymbolDesignator is the designator of the C Code Symbol to which the offending C Code Entry is associated

FunctionParameterName is the name of the parameter in the exported C function

FileName is the name of the C source file (including extension) referenced by the C Code Symbol using its Filename field.

Default Report Mode



Compare the naming used for both the C Code Entry and the function parameter and change the case of one (typically the C Code Entry) to match the other.

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