Constraint Board Not Found in Configuration

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This compiler hint appears when there is a mismatch detected between the constraint record declaring a board instance (NanoBoard, Daughter Board, Peripheral Board) and the constraint record in the board-level constraint file targeting that instance. The message is displayed in the Messages panel in the following format:

Unable to create board instance from constraint: ConstraintRecord,


ConstraintRecord is the specific record relating to the offending board declaration.

Default Report Mode



Use the Compile Errors dialog to quickly cross probe to the constraint file containing the record that declares the board. This record is typically contained within a separate constraint file that declares not only the boards used, but also the connector mappings - how the Daughter Board and/or Peripheral Board(s) are plugged into the NanoBoard. This is referred to as the Mapping constraint file, and is generated for you when using the auto-configuration feature. The record, which is also displayed as part of the violation message, appears in the form:

Record=Constraint | TargetKind=PCBInstance | TargetId=IDEntry | PCB=InstanceName

In the underlying board-level constraint file (for the NanoBoard, Daughter Board, or Peripheral Board), the following record is used to 'point to' the declared board instance:

Record=Constraint | TargetKind=PCB | TargetId=InstanceName

To resolve this violation, ensure that the InstanceName entry for both of these constraint file records is identical.


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