System - Navigation

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Parent page: WorkspaceManager Preferences

The System - Navigation page of the Preferences dialog.


The System – Navigation page of the Preferences dialog provides controls relating to navigation actions in Navigation panel.


The System – Navigation page is part of the main Preferences dialog (DXP >> Preferences) and is accessed by clicking the Navigation entry under the System folder, in the left hand pane of the dialog.


Highlight Methods

After compiling a project, the Navigation panel can be used to highlight elements of your project. You can elect to

  • Zooming -  Enable this option to zoom in/out to always display your item of interest.
  • Selecting - Enable this option to select your item of interest.
  • Masking - Enable this option to dim the display of all other objects except your item of interest.
  • Connective Graph - Enable this option to show how your item is connected.
  • Include Power Parts - Enable this option to show the connectivity through to the power parts as well in the connectivity graph.

Zoom Precision

The zoom precision option controls the zoom level when highlighting. The closer you choose, the larger the magnification.

Objects To Display

Select the set of objects you would like to highlight, when viewing differences between documents, and when highlighting compiler messages. The objects include: Pins, Ports, Sheet ConnectorsGraphical Lines, Net Labels, Sheet Entries, Sheet Symbols.

Cross Select Zoom Options

Choose here the options used to zoom on graphical objects in Cross Select Mode. The options include: No Zoom, Zoom to Last Selected, Zoom to All Selected.


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