Project Options - Connection Matrix

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The Connection Matrix tab of the Project Options dialog.


The Connection Matrix tab of the Project Options dialog enables you to define the reporting levels associated with electrical violations concerning pins, ports and sheet entries specifically, that can exist in source schematic documents when compiling the project.

The tab contains a matrix of possible electrical violations that can exist in the source documents of the project, specifically concerning pins, ports and sheet entries. The matrix is read in an across/down fashion and the color of the matrix element at the row-column intersection specifies how the Compiler will respond when testing for that particular condition. Set up the reporting levels for each of the violations as required. For each possible violation, the reporting level can be set to one of the following levels: No ReportWarningErrorFatal Error.


Click Connection Matrix tab in Printer Options dialog (Project » Project Options).


  • Image List Violations - This Connection Matrix section allows you to control the behaviour of the connection error conditions when compiling a project. For each violation type, you can set the mode to No Report, Warning, Error, or Fatal error. Any connection errors of schematics when compiling a project will appear in the Messages window and you can click on an error to investigate and rectify.

    To change a setting in the matrix, simply click on the required square. Click repeatedly to cycle through the range of report levels.

    Right-click anywhere within the main area of the tab to bring up a pop-up menu, from where you can quickly set all violation entries in the matrix to a particular reporting level, or restore the default settings.

    When the project is compiled, these violation settings will be used - in conjunction with the defined error reporting levels for other electrical and drafting violations - to test the source documents. Any violations that are found and have a report level of Warning, Error or Fatal Error, will be displayed as violation messages in the Messages panel.

  • Panel Matrix Buttons - This Connection Matrix allows you to control the behaviour of the error conditions when compiling a project (checking the electrical connections). Click on one of the squares to toggle the error level (Fatal Error, Error, Warning and No Report) for connections of pin types, ports and sheet entries. The electrical connection errors will then be captured by the compiler and appear in the Messages window and you can click on an error to investigate and rectify.
  • Set To Installation Defaults - Click this button to return the matrix to its default settings. The default matrix setting is generally appropriate, but can easily be adjusted to meet specific design requirements.


Use the Error Reporting tab of the Project Options dialog to specify reporting levels associated with further electrical and drafting violations.

There may be points in the design which you know will be flagged as electrical violations, which you do not want to be flagged. To suppress these, place a No ERC schematic design directive object at each point.

The process of compiling is integral to producing a valid netlist for a project. Carefully check and resolve all reported errors prior to netlist generation.


You are reporting an issue with the following selected text and/or image within the active document: