ODB Setup

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The OBD++ Setup Dialog.


The ODB++ Setup dialog provides you with tools to completely configure your ODB++ file output options. ODB++ is a CAD-to-CAM data exchange format used in the design and manufacture of printed circuit boards. The format was originally developed by Valor Computerized Systems, Ltd, as an open database that could provide a more information-rich data exchange between PCB design software and Valor CAD-CAM software used by PCB fabricators.


The ODB++ Setup dialog can be accessed by clicking File » Fabrication Outputs » ODB++  in PCB editor.


Layer To Plot

Check the box next to each layer to enable the specific layers that you wish to plot as part of the generated output.

Mechanical Layers to Add to All ODB++ plots

In a similar fashion to ODB++ file generation, you can also nominate which mechanical layer(s) are to be added to all ODB++ layer plots.

Miscellaneous Options

  • Include unconnected mid layer pads - Check this option to allow unconnected pads in mid-layer on ODB++ plots.
  • Generate DRC Rules export file(.RUL) - .RUL file contains all design rules defined for the source PCB document from which the ODB++ data is being generated. This file is generated provided that the Generate DRC Rules export file (.RUL) option is enabled.
  • Export only the objects inside the board outline - Allows you to specify the source that is to be used to create the ODB++ Profile layer. The Profile layer contains the enclosing boundary of the board. By default, this field is set to Board Outline . Also referred to as the board shape, this is a closed polygonal shape that defines the boundary, or extents, of the PCB. Created with each new PCB, this is perhaps the best source for creation of the Profile layer. If your design has no associated board shape, you can choose which source PCB layer has been used to define the closed polygon representing the boundary of the board (e.g. the KeepOut layer or a specific Mechanical layer). The Export only objects inside the board outline option becomes accessible only when the source PCB document contains an embedded board array object. As its name suggests, it provides control over the extent of objects exported. Note that if an object (e.g. text) is outside of, but touching the board outline, and this option is enabled, that object will still be exported.

Plot Layers

  • All On - Select this option to check all boxes in Plot column, which means ODB++ data will be created for all listed layers.
  • All Off -  Select this option to clear all boxes in Plot column, which means NO ODB++ data plots will be created.
  • Used On - Select this option to check all the used layers in Plot column.


Generated ODB++ Files

The ODB++ format uses a standard file system structure. A job in ODB++ is represented by a self standing directory tree, which means the complete job tree can be transferred between computer systems without loss of data. All files in ODB++ are readable ASCII files. An example is shown below.

An ODB++ database job is a single folder (odb), composed of the following sub-folders: Fonts, Input, Matrix, Misc, Steps, Symbols and User (these folders can also include a range of sub-folders):

  • Steps - contains various sub-folders including the folder layers, which contains output for each layer enabled for plotting in the ODB++ Setup dialog, as well as drill information and component information.
  • Symbols - has single layer graphic entities which can be referenced from within any graphical layer in a step.
  • Matrix - has definitions of the physical order of the layers and the relation of drill layers (through, blind, buried etc).
  • User - will contain the generated DRC Rules file (*.drc), if the option to generate this file was enabled in the ODB++ Setup dialog.

When generating ODB++ output from the PCB design, all objects on all layers enabled for plotting will be exported. If you only want to export design objects residing within the board outline, ensure that all additional layers containing objects outside of this boundary are disabled for plotting.

Generating from an Embedded Board Array

When generating ODB++ output from a PCB design that contains an embedded board array, keep the following points in mind:

  • The design is analyzed automatically for layer stackup violations.
  • Embedded boards that are flipped will display their layer stacks as flipped.
  • Mid signal layers and internal planes that are different can still appear on the same mid layer panel.
  • Mid signal layers and internal planes can be flipped against each other.

Location of Generated Files

The output path for generated files depends on how the output was generated:

  • From an OutputJob file - the generated files are stored in a folder within the project folder, the naming and folder structure is defined in the Output Container that the ODB++ output is targeting.
  • Directly from the PCB -the output path is specified in the Options tab of the Options for Project dialog. By default, the output path is set to a sub-folder under the folder that contains the Project file and has the name: Project Outputs for ProjectName. The output path can be changed as required. If the option to use a separate folder for each output type has been enabled in the Options tab, then the ODB++ files will be written to a further sub-folder, named: ODB++ Output.

Automatically Opening the Generated Output

When generating ODB++ output, you can specify that the output be opened automatically in a new CAM document. The way in which this is accomplished depends on how you are generating the output:

  • From an OutputJob file - enable the ODB++ Output auto-load option in the Output Job Options dialog (Tools » Output Job Options from the OutputJob Editor).
  • Directly from the PCB - ensure that the Open outputs after compile option is enabled on the Options tab of the Options For Project dialog (Project » Project Options).


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