Messages Clear All

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Parent process: WorkspaceManager:Configure

Applied parameters: ObjectKind=MessageView|Action=ClearAll


This command is used to clear all messages that are currently displayed in the Messages panel. After launching the command, all messages in the Messages panel will be cleared.


In Messages Panel,right click any message line, and run command Clear All from the popup menu.


Clearing messages does not necessarily mean the messages have been resolved. The same unresolved messages will be listed after performing the same command that led to the messages being generated initially. Message clearance is more of a visual aid when resolving errors in the design, allowing you to manually remove messages as you feel they have been resolved. The instigating command must be launched again to obtain an up-to-date picture of any violations that still exist.

Clearing all messages is particularly useful when you don't want any previous messages from any other sources to confuse warnings and errors that have been generated from the last command.

You are reporting an issue with the following selected text and/or image within the active document: