Schematic Query Functions

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This section covers Schematic Query functions used by the Query System in Altium Designer.

Alignment Field

Returns all Note, Port, and Text Frame objects having an Alignment property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Alignment property is only defined for Note, Port, and Text Frame objects.
Alignment = Alignment_String
Alignment <> Alignment_String
Alignment_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Bottom' , 'Center' , 'Left' , 'Right' , 'Top'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Alignment_String are both mandatory.
Alignment = 'Center'
Returns all Note, Port, and Text Frame objects that have a 'Center' Alignment property.

Alignment <> 'Right'
Returns all objects except Note, Port, and Text Frame objects that have a 'Right' Alignment property. (Only Note, Port, and Text Frame objects have an Alignment property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Right' Alignment property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

Alignment <> '' && Alignment <> 'Right'
Alignment > '' && Alignment <> 'Right'
Returns all Note, Port, and Text Frame objects that do not have a 'Right' Alignment property.

Author Field

Returns all Note objects having an Author property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Author property is only defined for Note objects.
Author : String
Author = 'George'
Returns all Note objects that have an Author property of 'George'.

Author Like 'Ge*'
Returns all Note objects that have an Author property whose associated string starts with 'Ge'.

Author <> 'Robert'
Returns all objects except Note objects that have an Author property of 'Robert'. (Only Note objects have an Author property, so all remaining types of objects do not have an Author property of 'Robert', and are thus also returned by this Query.)

Author <> '' && Author <> 'Robert'
Author > '' && Author <> 'Robert'
IsNote && Author <> 'Robert'
Returns all Note objects that do not have an Author property of 'Robert'.

BorderWidth Field

Returns all Image, Pie, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects having a Border Width property that complies with the Query.
Note: The BorderWidth property is only defined for Image, Pie, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects.
BorderWidth = Width_String
BorderWidth <> Width_String
Width_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Medium' , 'Large' , 'Small' , 'Smallest'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Width_String are both mandatory.
BorderWidth = 'Medium'
Returns all Image, Pie, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a 'Medium' Border Width property.

BorderWidth <> 'Smallest'
Returns all objects except Image, Pie, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a 'Smallest' Border Width property. (Only Image, Pie, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects have a BorderWidth property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Smallest' BorderWidth property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

BorderWidth <> '' && BorderWidth <> 'Smallest'
BorderWidth > '' && BorderWidth <> 'Smallest'
Returns all Image, Pie, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that do not have a 'Smallest' Border Width property.

Collapsed Field

Returns all Note objects having a Collapsed property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Collapsed property is only defined for Note objects.
Collapsed : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Collapsed = 'True'
Returns all Note objects that have a 'True' Collapsed property.

Collapsed = 'False'
Returns all Note objects that have a 'False' Collapsed property.

Collapsed <> 'True'
Not (Collapsed = 'True')
Returns all objects except Note objects that have a 'True' Collapsed property.

Collapsed <> 'False'
Not (Collapsed = 'False')
Returns all objects except Note objects that have a 'False' Collapsed property.

Color Field (Schematic)

Returns all objects having a Color property that complies with the Query.
Color : Numeric_String
Color : Number {If all Part objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Color keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all Part and Probe objects (which do not have a Color property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Color <> ''
Color > ''
ObjectKind <> 'Part' && ObjectKind <> 'Probe'
Not IsPart && Not IsProbe
IsArc Or IsBezier
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.

The color corresponding to a particular number can be deduced from the following relationship:
65536 * Blue + 256 * Green + Red
where the Blue, Green, and Red components each have a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
When the Color keyword can be used in conjunction with a Number (as previously described), it is additionally possible to individually evaluate the values of each of the Color property's Blue, Green, and Red components, by using the following constructs:
Color Div 65536 {Blue component}
Color Div 256 Mod 256 {Green component}
Color Mod 256 {Red component}
The usage of these constructs is also demonstrated in the examples that follow.

Color = '0'
Color <> '' && Color = 0
Returns all objects that have a black Color property. (A Color property of 0, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

Color = '16711680'
Color > '' && Color = 16711680
Returns all objects that have a Color property of 16711680 (as defined above, which corresponds to values of Blue = 255, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

Color <> '16777215'
Returns all objects except those that have a (maximum intensity) white Color property. (A Color property of 16777215, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 255, Green = 255, and Red = 255).

ObjectKind <> 'Part' && ObjectKind <> 'Probe' && Color <> 16777215
Returns all objects that have a Color property, and whose Color property is not (maximum intensity) white.

Not IsPart && Not IsProbe && Color Div 65536 >= 96 && Color Div 256 Mod 256 Between 64 And 192 && Color Mod 256 <= 128
Returns all objects that have a Color property, and whose Blue component has a value which is greater than or equal to 96, and whose Green component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192, and whose Red component has a value which is less than or equal to 128.

IsPie && Color Div 65536 <= 192
Returns all Pie objects whose Color property's Blue component has a value which is less than or equal to 192.

IsArc Or IsBezier && Color Mod 256 Between 64 And 192
Returns all Arc and Bezier objects whose Color property's Red component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192.

ComponentType Field (Schematic)

Returns all Part objects having a Component Type property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ComponentType property is only defined for Part objects.
ComponentType = ComponentType_String
ComponentType <> ComponentType_String
ComponentType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Graphical' , 'Mechanical', 'Net Tie' , 'Net Tie (In BOM)' , 'Standard' , 'Standard (No BOM)'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ComponentType_String are both mandatory.

ComponentType = 'Graphical'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'Graphical' Component Type property.

ComponentType <> 'Standard'
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'Standard' Component Type property. (Only Part objects have a ComponentType property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Standard' ComponentType property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsPart && ComponentType <> 'Standard'
Returns all Part objects that do not have a 'Standard' Component Type property.

Configuration Field

Returns all Part objects having a Configuration property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Configuration property is only defined for Part objects.
Configuration : String
Configuration = 'PortSwitch_PCB'
Returns all Part objects that have a Configuration property of 'PortSwitch_PCB'.

CornerLocationX Field

Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects having a X2 property that complies with the Query.
Note: The CornerLocationX property is only defined for Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects.
Note: Line objects can be of either a Line or a Polyline nature; the former have just two vertices, and only exist in files which were created using earlier versions of Protel. The latter can have more than two vertices, and are always created whenever the 'Place Line' command is used in Altium Designer.
CornerLocationX : Numeric_String
CornerLocationX : Number {If all objects which do not have a X2 property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The CornerLocationX keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a X2 property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
CornerLocationX <> ''
CornerLocationX > ''
IsRectangle Or IsRoundRectangle
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.

CornerLocationX = '320'
CornerLocationX <> '' && CornerLocationX = 320
Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a X2 property which is equal to 320.

CornerLocationX > '' && CornerLocationX Between 150 And 430
Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a X2 property which is greater than or equal to 150 and less than or equal to 430.

IsRectangle Or IsRoundRectangle && CornerLocationX >= 250
Returns all Rectangle and Round Rectangle objects that have a X2 property which is greater than or equal to 250.

IsSheetSymbol && CornerLocationX < 350
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects that have a X2 property which is less than 350.

CornerLocationX <> '210'
Returns all objects except Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a X2 property which is equal to 210. (Only Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects have a CornerLocationX property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a CornerLocationX property of 210, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

CornerLocationX > '' && CornerLocationX <> 210
Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a X2 property which is not equal to 210.

CornerLocationY Field

Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects having a Y2 property that complies with the Query.
Note: The CornerLocationY property is only defined for Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects.
Note: Line objects can be of either a Line or a Polyline nature; the former have just two vertices, and only exist in files which were created using earlier versions of Protel. The latter can have more than two vertices, and are always created whenever the 'Place Line' command is used in Altium Designer.
CornerLocationY : Numeric_String
CornerLocationY : Number {If all objects which do not have a Y2 property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The CornerLocationY keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a Y2 property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
CornerLocationY <> ''
CornerLocationY > ''
IsRectangle Or IsRoundRectangle
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
CornerLocationY = '320'
CornerLocationY <> '' && CornerLocationY = 320
Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a Y2 property which is equal to 320.

CornerLocationY > '' && CornerLocationY Between 150 And 430
Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a Y2 property which is greater than or equal to 150 and less than or equal to 430.

IsRectangle Or IsRoundRectangle && CornerLocationY >= 250
Returns all Rectangle and Round Rectangle objects that have a Y2 property which is greater than or equal to 250.

IsSheetSymbol && CornerLocationY < 350
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects that have a Y2 property which is less than 350.

CornerLocationY <> '210'
Returns all objects except Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a Y2 property which is equal to 210. (Only Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects have a CornerLocationY property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a CornerLocationY property of 210, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

CornerLocationY > '' && CornerLocationY <> 210
Returns all Bus Entry, Image, (non-Polyline) Line, Note, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a Y2 property which is not equal to 210.

CurrentFootprint Field

Returns all Part objects having a Current Footprint property that complies with the Query.
Note: The CurrentFootprint property is only defined for Part objects.
CurrentFootprint : String
CurrentFootprint = 'DIP14'
Returns all Part objects that have a Current Footprint property of 'DIP14'.

CurrentFootprint Like 'SIP?*'
Returns all Part objects that have a Current Footprint property whose associated string starts with 'SIP', and which contains at least one more following character.

DatabaseTableName Field

Returns all components objects having a DatabaseTableName property that complies with the Query.
DatabaseTableName : String
DatabaseTableName = 'TableName'
Returns all objects that have a DatabaseTableName property of 'TableName'.

DatabaseTableName Like '*Table Name* '
Returns all objects that have a DatabaseTableName property whose associated string includes a substring of 'TableName'.

Description Field

Returns all Part and Pin objects having a Description property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Description property is only defined for Part and Pin objects.
Description : String
Description = 'TTL-RS232 DRIVER'
Returns all Part and Pin objects that have a Description property of 'TTL-RS232 DRIVER'.

Description Like 'RS485'
Returns all Part and Pin objects that have a Description property whose associated string includes a substring of 'RS485'.

DesignatorLocked Field

Returns all Part objects having a Lock Designator property that complies with the Query.
Note: The DesignatorLocked property is only defined for Part objects.
DesignatorLocked : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
DesignatorLocked = 'True'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'True' Lock Designator property.

DesignatorLocked = 'False'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'False' Lock Designator property.

DesignatorLocked <> 'True'
Not (DesignatorLocked = 'True')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'True' Lock Designator property.

DesignatorLocked <> 'False'
Not (DesignatorLocked = 'False')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'False' Lock Designator property.

EndAngle Field

Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects having a Stop Angle property that complies with the Query.
Note: The EndAngle property is only defined for Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects.
EndAngle : Numeric_String
EndAngle : Number {If all objects which do not have a Stop Angle property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The number returned specifies the Stop Angle in units of degrees.
The EndAngle keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a Stop Angle property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie
IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
EndAngle = '30'
IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && EndAngle = 30
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Stop Angle property which is equal to 30 degrees.

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && EndAngle >= 60
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Stop Angle property which is greater than or equal to 60 degrees.

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && EndAngle Between 30 And 150
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Stop Angle property which is greater than or equal to 30 degrees and less than or equal to 150 degrees.

IsPie && EndAngle < 45
Returns all Pie objects that have a Stop Angle property which is less than 45 degrees.

EndAngle <> '135'
Returns all objects except Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Stop Angle property which is equal to 135 degrees. (Only Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects have an EndAngle property, so all remaining types of objects do not have an EndAngle property of 135 degrees, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc && EndAngle <> 135
Returns all Arc and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Stop Angle property which is not equal to 135 degrees.

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && (EndAngle Between 315 And 360 || EndAngle Between 0 And 45)
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Stop Angle property which is greater than or equal to 315 degrees and less than or equal to 45 degrees.
See Also

FileName Field

Returns all Image, Part, and Sheet File Name objects having a File Name property that complies with the Query.
Note: The FileName property is only defined for Image, Part, and Sheet File Name objects.
FileName : String
FileName = '4 Port Serial Interface.SchDoc'
Returns all Image, Part, and Sheet File Name objects that have a File Name property of '4 Port Serial Interface.SchDoc'.

FileName Like 'Parallel'
Returns all Image, Part, and Sheet File Name objects that have a File Name property whose associated string includes a substring of 'Parallel'.

FillColor Field

Returns all Ellipse, Note, Pie, Polygon, Port, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Entry, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects having a Fill Color property that complies with the Query.
Note: The FillColor property is only defined for Ellipse, Note, Pie, Polygon, Port, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Entry, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects.
FillColor : Numeric_String
FillColor : Number {If all objects which do not have a Fill Color property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The FillColor keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a Fill Color property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
FillColor <> ''
FillColor > ''
IsEllipse Or IsPolygon
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.

The color corresponding to a particular number can be deduced from the following relationship:
65536 * Blue
+ 256 * Green
+ Red
where the Blue, Green, and Red components each have a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
When the FillColor keyword can be used in conjunction with a Number (as previously described), it is additionally possible to individually evaluate the values of each of the Fill Color property's Blue, Green, and Red components, by using the following constructs:
FillColor Div 65536 {Blue component}
FillColor Div 256 Mod 256 {Green component}
FillColor Mod 256 {Red component}
The usage of these constructs is also demonstrated in the examples that follow.
FillColor = '0'
FillColor <> '' && FillColor = 0
Returns all objects that have a black Fill Color property. (A Fill Color property of 0, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

FillColor = '11599871'
FillColor > '' && FillColor = 11599871
Returns all objects that have a Fill Color property of 11599871 (as defined above, which corresponds to values of Blue = 176, Green = 255, and Red = 255).

FillColor <> '16777215'
Returns all objects except those that have a (maximum intensity) white Fill Color property. (A Fill Color property of 16777215, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 255, Green = 255, and Red = 255).

FillColor > '' && FillColor <> 16777215
Returns all objects that have a Fill Color property, and whose Fill Color property is not (maximum intensity) white.

FillColor > '' && FillColor Div 65536 >= 96 && FillColor Div 256 Mod 256 Between 64 And 192 && FillColor Mod 256 <= 128
Returns all objects that have a Fill Color property, and whose Blue component has a value which is greater than or equal to 96, and whose Green component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192, and whose Red component has a value which is less than or equal to 128.

IsTextFrame && FillColor Div 65536 <= 192
Returns all Text Frame objects whose Fill Color property's Blue component has a value which is less than or equal to 192.

IsEllipse Or IsPolygon && FillColor Mod 256 Between 64 And 192
Returns all Ellipse and Polygon objects whose Fill Color property's Red component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192.

FontId Field

Returns all Designator, Net Label, Note, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, Text Frame, and Text String objects having a FontId property that complies with the Query.
Note: The FontId property is only defined for Designator, Net Label, Note, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, Text Frame, and Text String objects.
FontID : Numeric_String

HasError Field

Returns all objects which caused at least one violation to be reported during compilation.
HasError : Boolean
HasError = True
Returns all objects which caused at least one violation to be reported during compilation.

Not HasError
HasError = False
Returns all objects which caused no violations to be reported during compilation.

HasModel Membership Check

Returns each Part object that is linked to a Model whose properties match those specified by the Query.
Each Part can be linked to Models of Footprint, Simulation, PCB3D, and Signal Integrity types. It is possible to link a Part to more than one Model of the same type, but only one Model of each type can be selected as a Part's Current Model.
The HasModel keyword permits users to specify the Type and Name properties of a linked Model, and optionally whether that Model is (also) a Current Model of each Part.
HasModel(ModelType : String , ModelName : String , CurrentModelOnly : Boolean) : Boolean
The ModelType string specifies the Type property of a linked Model, and must be one of the strings from the following list:
'PCB3DLIB' , 'PCBLIB' , 'SI' , 'SIM'
Those strings respectively select linked Models having Type properties of PCB3D, Footprint, Signal Integrity, and Simulation.
The ModelName string specifies the Name property of a linked Model.
The CurrentModelOnly parameter specifies whether or not a linked Model (also) has to be a Current Model of each Part. When this is False, a linked Model does not have to be a Current Model (but it still can be); when this is True, a linked Model does have to be a Current Model.
HasModel('PCBLIB','SOIC14',False) = True
Returns all Part objects that are linked to a Footprint Model which has a Name property of 'SOIC14'; that Model does not have to be each Part's Current Footprint Model (but it can be).

HasModel('PCBLIB','DIP14',True) = True
Returns all Part objects that are linked to a Footprint Model which has a Name property of 'DIP14'; for each Part returned, that Model also has to be its Current Footprint Model.

HasModel('SI','RES1',False) = True
Returns all Part objects that are linked to a Signal Integrity Model which has a Name property of 'RES1'; that Model does not have to be each Part's Current Signal Integrity Model (but it can be).

HasModel('SIM','RESISTOR',True) = True
Returns all Part objects that are linked to a Simulation Model which has a Name property of 'RESISTOR'; for each Part returned, that Model also has to be its Current Simulation Model.

HasModelParameter Membership Check

Returns each Part object that is linked to a Model which contains a Parameter whose properties match those specified by the Query.
The HasModelParameter keyword permits users to specify the Name and Value properties of a Parameter which is contained within a linked Model, and optionally whether that Model is a Current Model of each Part. (Each Part can be linked to Models of Footprint, Simulation, PCB3D, and Signal Integrity types. It is possible to link a Part to more than one Model of the same type, but only one Model of each type can be selected as a Part's Current Model.)
HasModelParameter(ParameterName : String , ParameterValue : String , CurrentModelOnly : Boolean) : Boolean
The ParameterName string specifies the Parameter Name property of the Parameter contained in the linked Model.
The ParameterValue string specifies the (Parameter) Value property of the Parameter contained in the linked Model.
The CurrentModelOnly parameter specifies whether or not the linked Model (which contains a compliant Parameter) has to be a Current Model of each Part. When this is False, the linked Model does not have to be a Current Model (but it still can be); when this is True, the linked Model does have to be a Current Model.
HasModelParameter('Inductance A','1mH',False)
HasModelParameter('Inductance A','1mH',False) = True
Returns all Part objects that are linked to a Model which contains a Parameter that has a Parameter Name property of 'Inductance A' and a (Parameter) Value property of '1mH'; that Model does not have to be a Current Model of each Part (but it can be).

HasModelParameter('Coupling Factor','0.999',True)
HasModelParameter('Coupling Factor','0.999',True) = True
Returns all Part objects that are linked to a Model which contains a Parameter that has a Parameter Name property of 'Coupling Factor' and a (Parameter) Value property of '0.999', when that Model is also a Current Model of the Part.

HasParameter Membership Check

Returns all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Parameter object having a Parameter Name property and (Parameter) Value property that complies with the Query.
HasParameter(ParameterName : String , ParameterValue : String) : Boolean
The ParameterName string specifies the Parameter Name property of the Parameter.
The ParameterValue string specifies the (Parameter) Value property of the Parameter.
HasParameter('Comment','1k') = True
Returns all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Parameter object that has a Parameter Name property of 'Comment' and a (Parameter) Value property of '1k'.

HasParameter('Text Field1','CAPACITOR')
HasParameter('Text Field1','CAPACITOR') = True
Returns all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Parameter object that has a Parameter Name property of 'Text Field1' and a (Parameter) Value property of 'CAPACITOR'.

HasPin Membership Check

Returns all Part objects incorporating a Pin object having a Pin Designator property and Name property that complies with the Query.
HasPin(Pin Designator : String , Name : String) : Boolean
HasPin('7','GND') = True
Returns all Part objects that contain a Pin object which has a Pin Designator property of '7' and a Name property of 'GND'.

HasPin('?','IN*') = True
Returns all Part objects that contain a Pin object which has a Pin Designator property whose associated string consists of one character, and a Name property whose associated string commences with 'IN'.

HasSheetEntry Membership Check

Returns all Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Sheet Entry object having a Name property that complies with the Query.
HasSheetEntry(Sheet Entry Name : String) : Boolean
HasSheetEntry('BUS[0..7]') = True
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects that contain a Sheet Entry object which has a Name property of 'BUS0..7'.

HorizontalJustification Field

Returns all Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects having a Horizontal Justification property that complies with the Query.
Note: The HorizontalJustification property is only defined for Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects.
HorizontalJustification = HorizontalJustification_String
HorizontalJustification <> HorizontalJustification_String
HorizontalJustification_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Center' , 'Left' , 'Right'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each HorizontalJustification_String are both mandatory.
HorizontalJustification = 'Right'
Returns all Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a 'Right' Horizontal Justification property.

HorizontalJustification <> 'Left'
Returns all objects except Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a 'Left' Horizontal Justification property. (Only Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects have a HorizontalJustification property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Left' HorizontalJustification property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

HorizontalJustification = 'Center' || HorizontalJustification = 'Right'
HorizontalJustification <> '' && HorizontalJustification <> 'Left'
HorizontalJustification > '' && HorizontalJustification <> 'Left'
Returns all Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that do not have a 'Left' Horizontal Justification property.

IeeeSymbol Field

Returns all IEEE Symbol objects having a Symbol property that complies with the Query.
Note: The IeeeSymbol property is only defined for IEEE Symbol objects.
IeeeSymbol = IeeeSymbol_String
IeeeSymbol <> IeeeSymbol_String
IeeeSymbol_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Active Low Input' , 'Active Low Output' , 'Analog Signal In' , 'And' , 'Bidirectional Signal Flow' , 'Clock' , 'Delay' , 'Digital Signal In' , 'Dot' , 'GreaterThan/Equal' , 'Group Bin' , 'Group Line' , 'High Current' , 'Hiz' , 'Input/Output' , 'Invertor' , 'Left Right Signal Flow' , 'Less Than/Equal' , 'No Symbol' , 'Not Logic Connection' , 'Open Collector' , 'Open Collector Pull Up' , 'Open Emitter' , 'Open Emitter Pull Up' , 'Open Output' , 'Or' , 'PiSymbol' , 'Postponed Output' , 'Pulse' , 'Right Left Signal Flow' , 'Schmitt' , 'Shift Left' , 'Shift Right' , 'Sigma' , 'Xor'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbol_String are both mandatory.
IeeeSymbol = 'Group Bin'
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects that have a 'Group Bin' Symbol property.

IeeeSymbol <> 'Open Output'
Returns all objects except IEEE Symbol objects that have an 'Open Output' Symbol property. (Only IEEE Symbol objects have an IeeeSymbol property, so all remaining types of objects do not have an 'Open Output' IeeeSymbol property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IeeeSymbol <> '' && IeeeSymbol <> 'Open Output'
IeeeSymbol > '' && IeeeSymbol <> 'Open Output'
IsSymbol && IeeeSymbol <> 'Open Output'
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects that do not have an 'Open Output' Symbol property.

ImageEmbedded Field

Returns all Image objects having an Embedded property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ImageEmbedded property is only defined for Image objects.
ImageEmbedded : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ImageEmbedded = 'True'
Returns all Image objects that have a 'True' Embedded property.

ImageEmbedded = 'False'
Returns all Image objects that have a 'False' Embedded property.

ImageEmbedded <> 'True'
Not (ImageEmbedded = 'True')
Returns all objects except Image objects that have a 'True' Embedded property.

ImageEmbedded <> 'False'
Not (ImageEmbedded = 'False')
Returns all objects except Image objects that have a 'False' Embedded property.

ImageKeepAspect Field

Returns all Image objects having a XY Ratio 1:1 property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ImageKeepAspect property is only defined for Image objects.
ImageKeepAspect : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ImageKeepAspect = 'True'
Returns all Image objects that have a 'True' XY Ratio 1:1 property.

ImageKeepAspect = 'False'
Returns all Image objects that have a 'False' XY Ratio 1:1 property.

ImageKeepAspect <> 'True'
Not (ImageKeepAspect = 'True')
Returns all objects except Image objects that have a 'True' XY Ratio 1:1 property.

ImageKeepAspect <> 'False'
Not (ImageKeepAspect = 'False')
Returns all objects except Image objects that have a 'False' XY Ratio 1:1 property.

InComponent Membership Check (Schematic)

Returns each Part object having a Component Designator property matching that specified by the Query; all of the child objects of each such Part object are also returned.
This is an alias for InPart (Membership Check).
InComponent(Component Designator : String) : Boolean
InComponent(Component Designator : String , Component Designator : String) : Boolean
InComponent(Component Designator : String , Component Designator : String , Component Designator : String) : Boolean
InComponent('U4') = True
Returns any Part that has a Component Designator property of 'U4', along with all of the child objects of each such Part object.

InComponent('R19','R42','J1') = True
Returns any Part that has a Component Designator property of 'R19' or 'R42' or 'J1', along with all of the child objects of each such Part object.

InPart Membership Check

Returns each Part object having a Component Designator property matching that specified by the Query; all of the child objects of each such Part object are also returned.
This is an alias for InComponent (Membership Check).
InPart(Component Designator : String) : Boolean
InPart(Component Designator : String , Component Designator : String) : Boolean
InPart(Component Designator : String , Component Designator : String , Component Designator : String) : Boolean
InPart('U4') = True
Returns any Part that has a Component Designator property of 'U4', along with all of the child objects of each such Part object.

InPart('R19','R42','J1') = True
Returns any Part that has a Component Designator property of 'R19' or 'R42' or 'J1', along with all of the child objects of each such Part object.

InSheetSymbol Membership Check

Returns the Sheet Symbol object having a Sheet Name property matching that specified by the Query; all of its child objects are also returned.
InSheetSymbol(Sheet Name : String) : Boolean
InSheetSymbol('LCD Processor')
InSheetSymbol('LCD Processor') = True
Returns any Sheet Symbol object that has a Sheet Name property of 'LCD Processor', along with all of the child objects of each such Sheet Symbol object.

IsArc Object Type Check (Schematic)

Returns Arc objects only.
IsArc : Boolean
IsArc = True
Returns all Arc objects.

Not IsArc
IsArc = False
Returns all objects except Arc objects.

IsBezier Object Type Check

Returns Bezier objects only.
IsBezier : Boolean
IsBezier = True
Returns all Bezier objects.

Not IsBezier
IsBezier = False
Returns all objects except Bezier objects.

IsBus Object Type Check

Returns Bus objects only.
IsBus : Boolean
IsBus = True
Returns all Bus objects.

Not IsBus
IsBus = False
Returns all objects except Bus objects.

IsBusEntry Object Type Check

Returns Bus Entry objects only.
IsBusEntry : Boolean
IsBusEntry = True
Returns all Bus Entry objects.

Not IsBusEntry
IsBusEntry = False
Returns all objects except Bus Entry objects.

IsComment Object Type Check (Schematic)

Returns Parameter objects which are child objects of Part objects and which have a 'Comment' Parameter Name property; these display the Part Comment property of their parent objects.
IsComment : Boolean
IsComment = True
Returns all Parameter objects which are child objects of Part objects and which have a 'Comment' Parameter Name property.

Not IsComment
IsComment = False
Returns all objects except Parameter objects which are child objects of Part objects and which have a 'Comment' Parameter Name property.

IsDesignator Object Type Check (Schematic)

Returns Designator objects; these are child objects of Part objects, and display the Component Designator property of their parent objects.
IsDesignator : Boolean
IsDesignator = True
Returns all Designator objects.

Not IsDesignator
IsDesignator = False
Returns all objects except Designator objects.

IsEllipse Object Type Check

Returns Ellipse objects only.
IsEllipse : Boolean
IsEllipse = True
Returns all Ellipse objects.

Not IsEllipse
IsEllipse = False
Returns all objects except Ellipse objects.

IsEllipticalArc Object Type Check

Returns Elliptical Arc objects only.
IsEllipticalArc : Boolean
IsEllipticalArc = True
Returns all Elliptical Arc objects.

Not IsEllipticalArc
IsElliptical Arc = False
Returns all objects except Elliptical Arc objects.

IsErrorMarker Object Type Check

Returns Error Marker objects only.
IsErrorMarker : Boolean
IsErrorMarker = True
Returns all Error Marker objects.

Not IsErrorMarker
IsErrorMarker = False
Returns all objects except Error Marker objects.

IsHidden Field

Returns all Parameter, Pin, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects having a Hide property that complies with the Query.
Note: The IsHidden property is only defined for Parameter, Pin, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects.
IsHidden : Boolean
IsHidden = True
Returns all Parameter, Pin, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects that have a True Hide property.

Not IsHidden
IsHidden = False
Returns all objects except Parameter, Pin, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects that have a True Hide property.

IsImage Object Type Check

Returns Image objects only.
IsImage : Boolean
IsImage = True
Returns all Image objects.

Not IsImage
IsImage = False
Returns all objects except Image objects.

IsJunction Object Type Check

Returns Junction objects only.
IsJunction : Boolean
IsJunction = True
Returns all Junction objects.

Not IsJunction
IsJunction = False
Returns all objects except Junction objects.

IsLabel Object Type Check

Returns Text String objects.
IsLabel : Boolean
IsLabel = True
Returns all Text String objects.

Not IsLabel
IsLabel = False
Returns all objects except Text String objects.

IsLine Object Type Check

Returns Line objects that are of a Line nature.
(Line objects can be of either a Line nature or a Polyline nature; the former have just two vertices, and only exist in files which were created using earlier versions of Protel. The latter can have more than two vertices, and are always created whenever the 'Place Line' command is used in Altium Designer.)
IsLine : Boolean
IsLine = True
Returns all Line objects that are of a Line nature.

Not IsLine
IsLine = False
Returns all objects except Line objects that are of a Line nature.

IsMirrored Field

Returns all IEEE Symbol, Part, and Text String objects having a Mirrored property that complies with the Query.
Note: The IsMirrored property is only defined for IEEE Symbol, Part, and Text String objects.
IsMirrored : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
IsMirrored = 'True'
Returns all IEEE Symbol, Part, and Text String objects that have a 'True' Mirrored property.

IsMirrored = 'False'
Returns all IEEE Symbol, Part, and Text String objects that have a 'False' Mirrored property.

IsMirrored <> 'True'
Not (IsMirrored = 'True')
Returns all objects except IEEE Symbol, Part, and Text String objects that have a 'True' Mirrored property.

IsMirrored <> 'False'
Not (IsMirrored = 'False')
Returns all objects except IEEE Symbol, Part, and Text String objects that have a 'False' Mirrored property.

IsNetLabel Object Type Check

Returns Net Label objects.
IsNetLabel : Boolean
IsNetLabel = True
Returns all Net Label objects.

Not IsNetLabel
IsNetLabel = False
Returns all objects except Net Label objects.

IsNoERC Object Type Check

Returns No ERC objects.
IsNoERC : Boolean
IsNoERC = True
Returns all No ERC objects.

IsNoERC = False
Returns all objects except No ERC objects.

IsNote Object Type Check

Returns Note objects.
IsNote : Boolean
IsNote = True
Returns all Note objects.

Not IsNote
IsNote = False
Returns all objects except Note objects.

IsOffSheetConnector Object Type Check

Returns Off Sheet Connector objects.
IsOffSheetConnector : Boolean
IsOffSheetConnector = True
Returns all Off Sheet Connector objects.

Not IsOffSheetConnector
IsOffSheetConnector = False
Returns all objects except Off Sheet Connector objects.

IsParameter Object Type Check

Returns Parameter objects.
IsParameter : Boolean
IsParameter = True
Returns all Parameter objects.

Not IsParameter
IsParameter = False
Returns all objects except Parameter objects.

IsParameterSet Object Type Check

Returns Parameter Set objects.
Note, a parameter set is is a group of parameters as a design parameter set directive for a wire or a net on the schematic document that can be transferred to its corresponding PCB document.
IsParameterSet : Boolean
IsParameterSet = True
Returns all Parameter Set objects.

Not IsParameterSet
IsParameterSet = False
Returns all objects except Parameter Set objects.

IsPart Object Type Check

Returns Part objects.
Note: This is an alias for IsSchComponent (Object Type Check).
IsPart : Boolean
IsPart = True
Returns all Part objects.

Not IsPart
IsPart = False
Returns all objects except Part objects.

IsPie Object Type Check

Returns Pie objects.
IsPie : Boolean
IsPie = True
Returns all Pie objects.

Not IsPie
IsPie = False
Returns all objects except Pie objects.

IsPin Object Type Check

Returns Pin objects.
IsPin : Boolean
IsPin = True
Returns all Pin objects.

Not IsPin
IsPin = False
Returns all objects except Pin objects.

IsPolygon Object Type Check (Schematic)

Returns Polygon objects.
IsPolygon : Boolean
IsPolygon = True
Returns all Polygon objects.

Not IsPolygon
IsPolygon = False
Returns all objects except Polygon objects.

IsPolyline Object Type Check

Returns Line objects that are of a Polyline nature.
(Line objects can be of either a Line nature or a Polyline nature; the former have just two vertices, and only exist in files which were created using earlier versions of Protel. The latter can have more than two vertices, and are always created whenever the 'Place Line' command is used in Altium Designer.)
IsPolyline : Boolean
IsPolyline = True
Returns all Line objects that are of a Polyline nature.

Not IsPolyline
IsPolyline = False
Returns all objects except Line objects that are of a Polyline nature.

IsPort Object Type Check

Returns Port objects.
IsPort : Boolean
IsPort = True
Returns all Port objects.

Not IsPort
IsPort = False
Returns all objects except Port objects.

IsPowerObject Object Type Check

Returns Power Object objects.
IsPowerObject : Boolean
IsPowerObject = True
Returns all Power Object objects.

Not IsPowerObject
IsPowerObject = False
Returns all objects except Power Object objects.

IsProbe Object Type Check

Returns Probe objects.
IsProbe : Boolean
IsProbe = True
Returns all Probe objects.

Not IsProbe
IsProbe = False
Returns all objects except Probe objects.

IsRectangle Object Type Check

Returns Rectangle objects.
IsRectangle : Boolean
IsRectangle = True
Returns all Rectangle objects.

Not IsRectangle
IsRectangle = False
Returns all objects except Rectangle objects.

IsRoundRectangle Object Type Check

Returns Round Rectangle objects.
IsRoundRectangle : Boolean
IsRoundRectangle = True
Returns all Round Rectangle objects.

Not IsRoundRectangle
IsRoundRectangle = False
Returns all objects except Round Rectangle objects.

IsSchComponent Object Type Check

Returns Part objects.
Note: This is an alias for IsPart (Object Type Check).
IsSchComponent : Boolean
IsSchComponent = True
Returns all Part objects.

Not IsSchComponent
IsSchComponent = False
Returns all objects except Part objects.

IsSelected Object Type Check (Schematic)

Returns objects that are currently in a selected state. This permits the user to control specifically which objects are returned, as the user is always able to control (from the List Workspace Panel) which objects are currently selected.
IsSelected : Boolean
IsSelected = True
Returns all objects that are currently in a selected state.

Not IsSelected
IsSelected = False
Returns all objects except those that are currently in a selected state.

IsSheetEntry Object Type Check

Returns Sheet Entry objects.
IsSheetEntry : Boolean
IsSheetEntry = True
Returns all Sheet Entry objects.

Not IsSheetEntry
IsSheetEntry = False
Returns all objects except Sheet Entry objects.

IsSheetFileName Object Type Check

Returns Sheet File Name objects.
IsSheetFileName : Boolean
IsSheetFileName = True
Returns all Sheet File Name objects.

Not IsSheetFileName
IsSheetFileName = False
Returns all objects except Sheet File Name objects.

IsSheetName Object Type Check

Returns Sheet Name objects.
IsSheetName : Boolean
IsSheetName = True
Returns all Sheet Name objects.

Not IsSheetName
IsSheetName = False
Returns all objects except Sheet Name objects.

IsSheetSymbol Object Type Check

Returns Sheet Symbol objects.
IsSheetSymbol : Boolean
IsSheetSymbol = True
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects.

Not IsSheetSymbol
IsSheetSymbol = False
Returns all objects except Sheet Symbol objects.

IsSymbol Object Type Check

Returns IEEE Symbol objects.
IsSymbol : Boolean
IsSymbol = True
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects.

Not IsSymbol
IsSymbol = False
Returns all objects except IEEE Symbol objects.

IsTaskHolder Object Type Check

Returns Process Container objects.
IsTaskHolder : Boolean
IsTaskHolder = True
Returns all Process Container objects.

Not IsTaskHolder
IsTaskHolder = False
Returns all objects except Process Container objects.

IsTextFrame Object Type Check

Returns Text Frame objects.
IsTextFrame : Boolean
IsTextFrame = True
Returns all Text Frame objects.

Not IsTextFrame
IsTextFrame = False
Returns all objects except Text Frame objects.

IsWire Object Type Check (Schematic)

Returns Wire objects.
IsWire : Boolean
IsWire = True
Returns all Wire objects.

Not IsWire
IsWire = False
Returns all objects except Wire objects.

JunctionSize Field

Returns all Junction objects having a Size property that complies with the Query. Note: The JunctionSize property is only defined for Junction objects.
JunctionSize = Width_String
JunctionSize <> Width_String
Width_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Medium' , 'Large' , 'Small' , 'Smallest'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Width_String are both mandatory.
JunctionSize = 'Large'
Returns all Junction objects that have a 'Large' Size property.

JunctionSize <> 'Medium'
Returns all objects except Junction objects that have a 'Medium' Size property. (Only Junction objects have a JunctionSize property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Medium' JunctionSize property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsJunction && JunctionSize <> 'Medium'
Returns all Junction objects that do not have a 'Medium' Size property.

LineStyle Field

Returns all Line objects having a Line Style property that complies with the Query. Note: The LineStyle property is only defined for Line objects.
LineStyle = LineStyle_String
LineStyle <> LineStyle_String
LineStyle_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Dashed' , 'Dotted' , 'Solid'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each LineStyle_String are both mandatory.
LineStyle = 'Dotted'
Returns all Line objects that have a 'Dotted' Line Style property.

LineStyle <> 'Dashed'
Returns all objects except Line objects that have a 'Dashed' Line Style property. (Only Line objects have a LineStyle property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Dashed' LineStyle property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

ObjectKind = 'Line' && LineStyle <> 'Dashed'
IsLine Or IsPolyLine && LineStyle <> 'Dashed'
LineStyle = 'Dotted' || LineStyle = 'Solid'
Returns all Line objects that do not have a 'Dashed' Line Style property.

LineWidth Field

Returns all Arc, Bezier, Bus, Bus Entry, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, IEEE Symbol, Line, Polygon, and Wire objects having a Line Width property that complies with the Query.
Note: The LineWidth property is only defined for Arc, Bezier, Bus, Bus Entry, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, IEEE Symbol, Line, Polygon, and Wire objects.
LineWidth = Width_String
LineWidth <> Width_String
Width_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Medium' , 'Large' , 'Small' , 'Smallest'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Width_String are both mandatory.
LineWidth = 'Large'
Returns all Arc, Bezier, Bus, Bus Entry, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, IEEE Symbol, Line, Polygon, and Wire objects that have a 'Large' Line Width property.

LineWidth <> 'Medium'
Returns all objects except Arc, Bezier, Bus, Bus Entry, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, IEEE Symbol, Line, Polygon, and Wire objects that have a 'Medium' Line Width property. (Only Arc, Bezier, Bus, Bus Entry, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, IEEE Symbol, Line, Polygon, and Wire objects have a LineWidth property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Medium' LineWidth property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

LineWidth <> '' && LineWidth <> 'Medium'
LineWidth > '' && LineWidth <> 'Medium'
Returns all Arc, Bezier, Bus, Bus Entry, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, IEEE Symbol, Line, Polygon, and Wire objects that do not have a 'Medium' Size property.

LocationX Field

Returns all objects having a X1 property that complies with the Query.
LocationX : Numeric_String
LocationX : Number {If all Sheet Entry objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The LocationX keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all Sheet Entry objects (which do not have a X1 property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
LocationX <> ''
LocationX > ''
ObjectKind <> 'Sheet Entry'
Not IsSheetEntry
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
LocationX = '320'
LocationX <> '' && LocationX = 320
Returns all objects that have a X1 property which is equal to 320.

LocationX > '' && LocationX Between '150' And '430'
Returns all objects that have a X1 property which is greater than or equal to 150 and less than or equal to 430.

ObjectKind <> 'Sheet Entry' && LocationX >= '250'
Returns all objects that have a X1 property which is greater than or equal to 250.

Not IsSheetEntry && LocationX < 350
Returns all objects that have a X1 property which is less than 350.

LocationX <> '210'
Returns all objects that have a X1 property that is not equal to 210, and all Sheet Entry objects. (Sheet Entry objects do not have a LocationX property, so do not have a LocationX property of 210, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

LocationX > '' && LocationX <> '210'
Returns all objects that have a X1 property which is not equal to 210.

LocationY Field

Returns all objects having a Y1 property that complies with the Query.
LocationY : Numeric_String
LocationY : Number {If all Sheet Entry objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The LocationY keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all Sheet Entry objects (which do not have a Y1 property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
LocationY <> ''
LocationY > ''
ObjectKind <> 'Sheet Entry'
Not IsSheetEntry
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
LocationY = '320'
LocationY <> '' && LocationY = 320
Returns all objects that have a Y1 property which is equal to 320.

LocationY > '' && LocationY Between 150 And 430
Returns all objects that have a Y1 property which is greater than or equal to 150 and less than or equal to 430.

ObjectKind <> 'Sheet Entry' && LocationY >= 250
Returns all objects that have a Y1 property which is greater than or equal to 250.

Not IsSheetEntry && LocationY < 350
Returns all objects that have a Y1 property which is less than 350.

LocationY <> '210'
Returns all objects that have a Y1 property that is not equal to 210, and all Sheet Entry objects. (Sheet Entry objects do not have a LocationY property, so do not have a LocationY property of 210, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

LocationY > '' && LocationY <> 210
Returns all objects that have a Y1 property which is not equal to 210.

Locked Field (Schematic)

Returns all Junction objects having a Locked property that complies with the Query. Note: The Locked property is only defined for Junction objects.
Locked : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Locked = 'True'
Returns all Junction objects that have a 'True' Locked property.

Locked = 'False'
Returns all Junction objects that have a 'False' Locked property.

Locked <> 'True'
Not (Locked = 'True')
Returns all objects except Junction objects that have a 'True' Locked property.

Locked <> 'False'
Not (Locked = 'False')
Returns all objects except Junction objects that have a 'False' Locked property.

LongStringText Field

Returns all Note and Text Frame objects having a Long Text property that complies with the Query.
Note: The LongStringText property is only defined for Note and Text Frame objects.
LongStringText : String
LongStringText = 'NOTE: Fit battery after all other components.'
Returns all Note and Text Frame objects that have a Long Text property of 'NOTE: Fit battery after all other components.'.

LongStringText Like 'NOTE:*'
Returns all Note and Text Frame objects that have a Long Text property whose associated string starts with 'NOTE:'.

Name Field (Schematic)

Returns all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Entry objects having a Name property that complies with the Query. Note: The Name property is only defined for Parameter Set, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Entry objects.
Name : String
Name = 'W\R\'
Returns all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Entry objects that have a Name property of 'W\R\'.

Name Like 'INT?'
Returns all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Entry objects that have a Name property whose associated string commences with 'INT' and which contains one more following character; 'INTA' and 'INTB' are examples of thus compliant strings.

Object_AreaColor Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Port and Sheet Symbol objects having a Fill Color property that complies with the Query.
Object_AreaColor(Parent) : Numeric_String
Object_AreaColor(Parent) : Number {If all parent objects which do not have a Fill Color property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Object_AreaColor keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all parent objects which do not have a Fill Color property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Object_AreaColor(Parent) <> ''
Object_AreaColor(Parent) > ''
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Sheet Symbol'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.

The color corresponding to a particular number can be deduced from the following relationship:
65536 * Blue
+ 256 * Green
+ Red
where the Blue, Green, and Red components each have a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
When the Object_AreaColor keyword can be used in conjunction with a Number (as previously described), it is additionally possible to individually evaluate the values of each of the Fill Color property's Blue, Green, and Red components, by using the following constructs:
Object_AreaColor(Parent) Div 65536 {Blue component}
Object_AreaColor(Parent) Div 256 Mod 256 {Green component}
Object_AreaColor(Parent) Mod 256 {Red component}
The usage of these constructs is also demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Object_AreaColor(Parent) = '0'
Object_AreaColor(Parent) <> '' && Object_AreaColor(Parent) = 0
Returns all child objects of all Port and Sheet Symbol objects that have a black Fill Color property. (A Fill Color property of 0, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

Object_AreaColor(Parent) = '8454016'
Object_AreaColor(Parent) > '' && Object_AreaColor(Parent) = 8454016
Returns all child objects of all Port and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Fill Color property of 8454016 (as defined above, which corresponds to values of Blue = 128, Green = 255, and Red = 128).

Object_AreaColor(Parent) <> '16777215'
Returns all objects except child objects of Port and Sheet Symbol objects that have a (maximum intensity) white Fill Color property. (A Fill Color property of 16777215, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 255, Green = 255, and Red = 255).

Object_AreaColor(Parent) > '' && Object_AreaColor(Parent) <> 16777215
Returns all child objects of all Port and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Fill Color property which is not (maximum intensity) white.

Object_AreaColor(Parent) > '' && Object_AreaColor(Parent) Div 65536 >= 96 && Object_AreaColor(Parent) Div 256 Mod 256 Between 64 And 192 && Object_AreaColor(Parent) Mod 256 <= 128
Returns all child objects of all Port and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Fill Color property whose Blue component has a value which is greater than or equal to 96, and whose Green component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192, and whose Red component has a value which is less than or equal to 128.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port' && Object_AreaColor(Parent) Div 65536 <= 192
Returns all child objects of all Port objects whose Fill Color property's Blue component has a value which is less than or equal to 192.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Sheet Symbol' && Object_AreaColor(Parent) Mod 256 Between 64 And 192
Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects whose Fill Color property's Red component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192.

Object_ArrowStyle Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Port objects having a Port Style property that complies with the Query.
Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) = PortStyle_String
Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) <> PortStyle_String
PortStyle_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Bottom' , 'Left' , 'Left & Right' , 'None (Horizontal)' , 'None (Vertical)' , 'Right' , 'Top' , 'Top & Bottom'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each PortStyle_String are both mandatory.
Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) = 'Left'
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that have a 'Left' Port Style property.

Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) <> 'Bottom'
Returns all objects except child objects of Port objects that have a 'Bottom' Port Style property.

Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) <> '' && Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) <> 'Bottom'
Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) > '' && Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) <> 'Bottom'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port' && Object_ArrowStyle(Parent) <> 'Bottom'
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that do not have a 'Bottom' Port Style property.

Object_Color Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, and Sheet Symbol objects having a Color property that complies with the Query.
Object_Color(Parent) : Numeric_String
Object_Color(Parent) : Number {If all parent objects which do not have a Color property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Object_Color keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all parent objects which do not have a Color property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Object_Color(Parent) <> ''
Object_Color(Parent) > ''
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Parameter Set'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.

The color corresponding to a particular number can be deduced from the following relationship:
65536 * Blue + 256 * Green + Red
where the Blue, Green, and Red components each have a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).

When the Object_Color keyword can be used in conjunction with a Number (as previously described), it is additionally possible to individually evaluate the values of each of the Color property's Blue, Green, and Red components, by using the following constructs:

Object_Color(Parent) Div 65536 {Blue component}
Object_Color(Parent) Div 256 Mod 256 {Green component}
Object_Color(Parent) Mod 256 {Red component}

The usage of these constructs is also demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Object_Color(Parent) = '0'
Object_Color(Parent) <> '' && Object_Color(Parent) = 0
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a black Color property. (A Color property of 0, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

Object_Color(Parent) = '8388608'
Object_Color(Parent) > '' && Object_Color(Parent) = 8388608
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Color property of 8388608 (as defined above, which corresponds to values of Blue = 128, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

Object_Color(Parent) <> '16777215'
Returns all objects except child objects of Parameter Set, Pin, Port, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a (maximum intensity) white Color property. (A Color property of 16777215, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 255, Green = 255, and Red = 255).

Object_Color(Parent) > '' && Object_Color(Parent) <> 16777215
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Color property which is not (maximum intensity) white.

Object_Color(Parent) > '' && Object_Color(Parent) Div 65536 >= 96 && Object_Color(Parent) Div 256 Mod 256 Between 64 And 192 && Object_Color(Parent) Mod 256 <= 128
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Color property whose Blue component has a value which is greater than or equal to 96, and whose Green component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192, and whose Red component has a value which is less than or equal to 128.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Parameter Set' && Object_Color(Parent) Div 65536 <= 192
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set objects whose Color property's Blue component has a value which is less than or equal to 192.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port' && Object_Color(Parent) Mod 256 Between 64 And 192
Returns all child objects of all Port objects whose Color property's Red component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192.

Object_Comment Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Part Comment property that complies with the Query.
Object_Comment(Parent) : String
Object_Comment(Parent) = '1488'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Part Comment property of '1488'.

Object_ComponentType Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Component Type property that complies with the Query.
Object_ComponentType(Parent) = ComponentType_String
Object_ComponentType(Parent) <> ComponentType_String
ComponentType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Graphical' , 'Mechanical', 'Net Tie' , 'Net Tie (In BOM)' , 'Standard' , 'Standard (No BOM)'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ComponentType_String are both mandatory.
Object_ComponentType(Parent) = 'Net Tie (In BOM)'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'Net Tie (In BOM)' Component Type property.

Object_ComponentType(Parent) <> 'Standard'
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'Standard' Component Type property.

Object_ComponentType(Parent) <> '' && Object_ComponentType(Parent) <> 'Standard'
Object_ComponentType(Parent) > '' && Object_ComponentType(Parent) <> 'Standard'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Part' && Object_ComponentType(Parent) <> 'Standard'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that do not have a 'Standard' Component Type property.

Object_CurrentFootprint Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Current Footprint property that complies with the Query.
Object_CurrentFootprint(Parent) : String
Object_CurrentFootprint(Parent) = 'DIP14'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Current Footprint property of 'DIP14'.

Object_CurrentFootprint(Parent) Like 'SIP?*'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Current Footprint property whose associated string starts with 'SIP', and which contains at least one more following character.

Object_Designator Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Component Designator property that complies with the Query.
Object_Designator(Parent) : String
Object_Designator(Parent) = 'U4'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Component Designator property of 'U4'.

Object_Designator(Parent) Like 'R*'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Component Designator property whose associated string starts with 'R'; compliant examples are 'R1', 'R2', 'RA1', 'RV12', etc.

Object_DesignatorLocked Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Lock Designator property that complies with the Query.
Object_DesignatorLocked(Parent) : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Object_DesignatorLocked(Parent) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'True' Lock Designator property.

Object_DesignatorLocked(Parent) = 'False'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'False' Lock Designator property.

Object_DesignatorLocked(Parent) <> 'True'
Not (Object_DesignatorLocked(Parent) = 'True')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'True' Lock Designator property.

Object_DesignatorLocked(Parent) <> 'False'
Not (Object_DesignatorLocked(Parent) = 'False')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'False' Lock Designator property.

Object_ElectricalType Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having an Electrical Type property that complies with the Query.
Object_ElectricalType(Parent) = ElectricalType_String
Object_ElectricalType(Parent) <> ElectricalType_String
ElectricalType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Emitter' , 'HiZ' , 'Input' , 'IO' , 'OpenCollector' , 'Output' , 'Passive' , 'Power' , 'VHDL-Buffer' , 'VHDL-Port'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ElectricalType_String are both mandatory.
Object_ElectricalType(Parent) = 'Power'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'Power' Electrical Type property.

Object_ElectricalType(Parent) <> 'HiZ'
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'HiZ' Electrical Type property.

Object_ElectricalType(Parent) <> '' && Object_ElectricalType(Parent) <> 'HiZ'
Object_ElectricalType(Parent) > '' && Object_ElectricalType(Parent) <> 'HiZ'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin' && Object_ElectricalType(Parent) <> 'HiZ'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that do not have a 'HiZ' Electrical Type property.

Object_FileName Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a File Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_FileName(Parent) : String
Object_FileName(Parent) = 'Address Decoder.pld'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a File Name property of 'Address Decoder.pld'.

Object_HasModel Membership Check

Returns all child objects of each Part object that is linked to a Model whose properties match those specified by the Query.
Each Part can be linked to Models of Footprint, Simulation, PCB3D, and Signal Integrity types. It is possible to link a Part to more than one Model of the same type, but only one Model of each type can be selected as a Part's Current Model.
The Object_HasModel keyword permits users to specify the Type and Name properties of a linked Model, and optionally whether that Model is (also) a Current Model of each Part.
Object_HasModel(Parent , ModelType : String , ModelName : String , CurrentModelOnly : Boolean) : Boolean
The ModelType string specifies the Type property of a linked Model, and must be one of the strings from the following list:
'PCB3DLIB' , 'PCBLIB' , 'SI' , 'SIM'
Those strings respectively select linked Models having Type properties of PCB3D, Footprint, Signal Integrity, and Simulation.
The ModelName string specifies the Name property of a linked Model.
The CurrentModelOnly parameter specifies whether or not a linked Model (also) has to be a Current Model of each Part. When this is False, a linked Model does not have to be a Current Model (but it still can be); when this is True, a linked Model does have to be a Current Model.
Object_HasModel(Parent,'PCBLIB','SOIC14',False) = True
Returns all child objects of Part objects that are linked to a Footprint Model which has a Name property of 'SOIC14'; that Model does not have to be each Part's Current Footprint Model (but it can be).

Object_HasModel(Parent,'PCBLIB','DIP14',True) = True
Returns all child objects of Part objects that are linked to a Footprint Model which has a Name property of 'DIP14', when that Model is also the Current Footprint Model of the Part.

Object_HasModel(Parent,'SI','RES1',False) = True
Returns all child objects of Part objects that are linked to a Signal Integrity Model which has a Name property of 'RES1'; that Model does not have to be each Part's Current Signal Integrity Model (but it can be).

Object_HasModel(Parent,'SIM','RESISTOR',True) = True
Returns all child objects of Part objects that are linked to a Simulation Model which has a Name property of 'RESISTOR', when that Model is also the Current Simulation Model of the Part.

Object_HasModelParameter Membership Check

Returns all child objects of each Part object that is linked to a Model which contains a Parameter whose properties match those specified by the Query.
The Object_HasModelParameter keyword permits users to specify the Name and Value properties of a Parameter which is contained within a linked Model, and optionally whether that Model is a Current Model of each Part. (Each Part can be linked to Models of Footprint, Simulation, PCB3D, and Signal Integrity types. It is possible to link a Part to more than one Model of the same type, but only one Model of each type can be selected as a Part's Current Model.)
Object_HasModelParameter(Parent , ParameterName : String , ParameterValue : String , CurrentModelOnly : Boolean) : Boolean
The ParameterName string specifies the Parameter Name property of the Parameter contained in the linked Model.
The ParameterValue string specifies the (Parameter) Value property of the Parameter contained in the linked Model.
The CurrentModelOnly parameter specifies whether or not the linked Model (which contains a compliant Parameter) has to be a Current Model of each Part. When this is False, the linked Model does not have to be a Current Model (but it still can be); when this is True, the linked Model does have to be a Current Model.
Object_HasModelParameter(Parent,'Inductance A','1mH',False)
Object_HasModelParameter(Parent,'Inductance A','1mH',False) = True
Returns all child objects of Part objects that are linked to a Model which contains a Parameter that has a Parameter Name property of 'Inductance A' and a (Parameter) Value property of '1mH'; that Model does not have to be a Current Model of each Part (but it can be).

Object_HasModelParameter(Parent,'Coupling Factor','0.999',True)
Object_HasModelParameter(Parent,'Coupling Factor','0.999',True) = True
Returns all child objects of Part objects that are linked to a Model which contains a Parameter that has a Parameter Name property of 'Coupling Factor' and a (Parameter) Value property of '0.999', when that Model is also a Current Model of the Part.

Object_HasParameter Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Parameter object having a Parameter Name property and (Parameter) Value property that complies with the Query.
Object_HasParameter(Parent , ParameterName : String , ParameterValue : String) : Boolean
The ParameterName string specifies the Parameter Name property of the Parameter.
The ParameterValue string specifies the (Parameter) Value property of the Parameter.
Object_HasParameter(Parent,'Comment','1k') = True
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Parameter object that has a Parameter Name property of 'Comment' and a (Parameter) Value property of '1k'.

Object_HasParameter(Parent,'Text Field1','CAPACITOR')
Object_HasParameter(Parent,'Text Field1','CAPACITOR') = True
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Parameter object that has a Parameter Name property of 'Text Field1' and a (Parameter) Value property of 'CAPACITOR'.

Object_HasPin Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects incorporating a Pin object having a Pin Designator property and Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_HasPin(Parent , Pin Designator : String , Name : String) : Boolean
Object_HasPin(Parent,'7','GND') = True
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that contain a Pin object which has a Pin Designator property of '7' and a Name property of 'GND'.

Object_HasSheetEntry Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects incorporating a Sheet Entry object having a Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_HasSheetEntry(Parent , Sheet Entry Name : String) : Boolean
Object_HasSheetEntry(Parent,'BUS[0..7]') = True
Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects that contain a Sheet Entry object which has a Name property of 'BUS0..7'.

Object_IeeeSymbolInner Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Inside property that complies with the Query.
Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) = IeeeSymbolInnerType_String
Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) <> IeeeSymbolInnerType_String
IeeeSymbolInnerType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'High Current' , 'Hiz' , 'No Symbol' , 'Open Collector' , 'Open Collector Pullup' , 'Open Emitter' , 'Open Emitter Pullup' , 'Open Output' , 'Postponed Output' , 'Pulse' , 'Schmitt' , 'Shift Left'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolInnerType_String are both mandatory.
Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) = 'Schmitt'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'Schmitt' Ieee Symbol Inside property.

Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) <> 'Pulse'
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'Pulse' Ieee Symbol Inside property.

Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) <> '' && Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) <> 'Pulse'
Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) > '' && Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) <> 'Pulse'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin' && Object_IeeeSymbolInner(Parent) <> 'Pulse'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that do not have a 'Pulse' Ieee Symbol Inside property.

Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Inside Edge property that complies with the Query.
Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) = IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String
Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) <> IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String
IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Clock' , 'No Symbol'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String are both mandatory.
Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) = 'Clock'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'Clock' Ieee Symbol Inside Edge property.

Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) <> 'No Symbol'
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'No Symbol' Ieee Symbol Inside Edge property.

Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) <> '' && Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) <> 'No Symbol'
Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) > '' && Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) <> 'No Symbol'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin' && Object_IeeeSymbolInnerEdge(Parent) <> 'No Symbol'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that do not have a 'No Symbol' Ieee Symbol Inside Edge property.

Object_IeeeSymbolOuter Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Outside property that complies with the Query.
Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) = IeeeSymbolOuterType_String
Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) <> IeeeSymbolOuterType_String
IeeeSymbolOuterType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Analog Signal In' , 'Bidirectional Signal Flow' , 'Digital Signal In' , 'Left Right Signal Flow' , 'No Symbol' , 'Not Logic Connection' , 'Right Left Signal Flow'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolOuterType_String are both mandatory.
Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) = 'Bidirectional Signal Flow'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'Bidirectional Signal Flow' Ieee Symbol Outside property.

Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) <> 'Right Left Signal Flow'
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'Right Left Signal Flow' Ieee Symbol Outside property.

Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) <> '' && Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) <> 'Right Left Signal Flow'
Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) > '' && Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) <> 'Right Left Signal Flow'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin' && Object_IeeeSymbolOuter(Parent) <> 'Right Left Signal Flow'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that do not have a 'Right Left Signal Flow' Ieee Symbol Outside property.

Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Outside Edge property that complies with the Query.
Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) = IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String
Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) <> IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String
IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Active Low Input' , 'Active Low Output' , 'Dot' , 'No Symbol'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String are both mandatory.
Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) = 'Dot'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'Dot' Ieee Symbol Outside Edge property.

Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) <> 'Active Low Output'
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have an 'Active Low Output' Ieee Symbol Outside Edge property.

Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) <> '' && Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) <> 'Active Low Output'
Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) > '' && Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) <> 'Active Low Output'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin' && Object_IeeeSymbolOuterEdge(Parent) <> 'Active Low Output'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that do not have an 'Active Low Output' Ieee Symbol Outside Edge property.

Object_IOType Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Port objects having an IO Type property that complies with the Query.
Object_IOType(Parent) = IOType_String
Object_IOType(Parent) <> IOType_String
IOType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Bidirectional' , 'Input' , 'Output' , 'Unspecified'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IOType_String are both mandatory.
Object_IOType(Parent) = 'Input'
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that have an 'Input' IO Type property.

Object_IOType(Parent) <> 'Output'
Returns all objects except child objects of Port objects that have an 'Output' IO Type property.

Object_IOType(Parent) <> '' && Object_IOType(Parent) <> 'Output'
Object_IOType(Parent) > '' && Object_IOType(Parent) <> 'Output'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port' && Object_IOType(Parent) <> 'Output'
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that do not have an 'Output' IO Type property.

Object_IsHidden Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having a Hide property that complies with the Query.
Object_IsHidden(Parent) : Boolean
Object_IsHidden(Parent) = True
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a True Hide property.

Not Object_IsHidden(Parent)
Object_IsHidden(Parent) = False
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a True Hide property.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin' && Not Object_IsHidden(Parent)
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a False Hide property.

Object_IsMirrored Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Mirrored property that complies with the Query.
Object_IsMirrored(Parent) : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Object_IsMirrored(Parent) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'True' Mirrored property.

Object_IsMirrored(Parent) = 'False'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'False' Mirrored property.

Object_IsMirrored(Parent) <> 'True'
Not (Object_IsMirrored(Parent) = 'True')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'True' Mirrored property.

Object_IsMirrored(Parent) <> 'False'
Not (Object_IsMirrored(Parent) = 'False')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'False' Mirrored property.

Object_Length Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having a Length property that complies with the Query.
Object_Length(Parent) : Numeric_String
Object_Length(Parent) : Number {If all parent objects which do not have a Length property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Object_Length keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all parent objects which do not have a Length property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Object_Length(Parent) <> ''
Object_Length(Parent) > ''
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Object_Length(Parent) = '30'
Object_Length(Parent) <> '' && Object_Length(Parent) = 30
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a Length property which is equal to 30.

Object_Length(Parent) > '' && Object_Length(Parent) Between 20 And 40
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a Length property which is greater than or equal to 20 and less than or equal to 40.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Pin' && Object_Length(Parent) >= 10
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a Length property which is greater than or equal to 10.

Object_Length(Parent) > '' && Object_Length(Parent) < 30
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a Length property which is less than 30.

Object_Length(Parent) <> '40'
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a Length property which is equal to 40.

Object_Length(Parent) > '' && Object_Length(Parent) <> 40
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a Length property which is not equal to 40.

Object_LibraryName Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Library Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_LibraryName(Parent) : String
Object_LibraryName(Parent) = 'Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Library Name property of 'Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib'.

Object_LibReference Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Library Reference property that complies with the Query.
Object_LibReference(Parent) : String
Object_LibReference(Parent) = '1488_1'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Library Reference property of '1488_1'.

Object_LocationX Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects having a X1 property that complies with the Query.
Object_LocationX(Parent) : Numeric_String
Object_LocationX(Parent) : Number {If all parent objects which do not have a X1 property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Object_LocationX keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all parent objects which do not have a X1 property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Object_LocationX(Parent) <> ''
Object_LocationX(Parent) > ''
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) <> 'Sheet Entry'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Part'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Object_LocationX(Parent) = '320'
Object_LocationX(Parent) <> '' && Object_LocationX(Parent) = 320
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a X1 property which is equal to 320.

Object_LocationX(Parent) > '' && Object_LocationX(Parent) Between 150 And 430
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a X1 property which is greater than or equal to 150 and less than or equal to 430.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) <> 'Sheet Entry' && Object_LocationX(Parent) >= 250
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a X1 property which is greater than or equal to 250.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Part' && Object_LocationX(Parent) < 350
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a X1 property which is less than 350.

Object_LocationX(Parent) <> '210'
Returns all objects except child objects of Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a X1 property which is equal to 210.

Object_LocationX(Parent) > '' && Object_LocationX(Parent) <> 210
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a X1 property which is not equal to 210.

Object_LocationY Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects having a Y1 property that complies with the Query.
Object_LocationYParent) : Numeric_String
Object_LocationY(Parent) : Number {If all parent objects which do not have a Y1 property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Object_LocationY keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all parent objects which do not have a Y1 property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Object_LocationY(Parent) <> ''
Object_LocationY(Parent) > ''
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) <> 'Sheet Entry'
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Part'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Object_LocationY(Parent) = '320'
Object_LocationY(Parent) <> '' && Object_LocationY(Parent) = 320
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Y1 property which is equal to 320.

Object_LocationY(Parent) > '' && Object_LocationY(Parent) Between 150 And 430
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Y1 property which is greater than or equal to 150 and less than or equal to 430.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) <> 'Sheet Entry' && Object_LocationY(Parent) >= 250
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Y1 property which is greater than or equal to 250.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Part' && Object_LocationY(Parent) < 350
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a Y1 property which is less than 350.

Object_LocationY(Parent) <> '210'
Returns all objects except child objects of Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Y1 property which is equal to 210.

Object_LocationY(Parent) > '' && Object_LocationY(Parent) <> 210
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Y1 property which is not equal to 210.

Object_ObjectKind Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all objects having an Object Kind property matching that specified by the Query.
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = ObjectKind_String
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) <> ObjectKind_String
ObjectKind_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Parameter Set' , 'Part' , 'Pin' , 'Port' , 'Probe' , 'Sheet Symbol' , ''
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ObjectKind_String are both mandatory; the last string listed is a "null" string, with no intermediate characters between the (opening and closing) single quote characters.
(To return any objects, the type of object specified needs to be one that can have child objects; if a "null" string is specified, all objects which do not have a parent object are returned.)
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Sheet Symbol'
Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = ''
Returns all objects which do not have a parent object; those objects include (but are not confined to) Document Parameters.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) <> 'Port'
Returns all objects except child objects of Port objects.

Object_Orientation Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, and Probe objects having an Orientation property that complies with the Query.
Object_Orientation(Parent) = Orientation_String
Object_Orientation(Parent) <> Orientation_String
Orientation_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'0 Degrees' , '90 Degrees' , '180 Degrees' , '270 Degrees'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Orientation_String are both mandatory.
Object_Orientation(Parent) = '90 Degrees'
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, and Probe objects that have a '90 Degrees' Orientation property.

Object_Orientation(Parent) <> '180 Degrees'
Returns all objects except child objects of Parameter Set, Part, Pin, and Probe objects that have a '180 Degrees' Orientation property.

Object_Orientation(Parent) <> '' && Object_Orientation(Parent) <> '180 Degrees'
Object_Orientation(Parent) > '' && Object_Orientation(Parent) <> '180 Degrees'
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Part, Pin, and Probe objects that do not have a '180 Degrees' Orientation property.

Object_PartId Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all (multiple-part) Part objects having a Current Part property that complies with the Query.
Note: Part objects are either of a "single-part" or "multiple-part" nature. The Current Part property is only defined for Part objects of a multiple-part nature, and is not defined for Part objects of a single-part nature.
Object_PartId(Parent) : String
Object_PartId(Parent) = 'A'
Returns all child objects of all (multiple-part) Part objects that have a Current Part property of 'A'.

Object_PartId(Parent) <> 'B'
Returns all objects except child objects of (multiple-part) Part objects that have a Current Part property of 'B'.

Object_PartId(Parent) <> '' && Object_PartId(Parent) <> 'B'
Returns all child objects of all multiple-part Part objects that do not have a Current Part property of 'B'.

Object_PartId(Parent) <> ''
Object_PartId(Parent) Like '?*'
Returns all child objects of all multiple-part Part objects. (Such Part objects do not have a Current Part property of ''.)

Object_PinDefaultValue Membership Check

Returns all Pin objects having a Pin Default Value property that complies with the Query.
Object_PinDefaultValue = Value_String
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Alignment_String are both mandatory.
Object_PinDefaultValue = Value_String
Returns all Pin objects that have a Pin Default Value property.

Object_PinShowDesignator Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having a Show Designator property that complies with the Query.
Object_PinShowDesignator(Parent) : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Object_PinShowDesignator(Parent) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Designator property.

Object_PinShowDesignator(Parent) = 'False'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Designator property.

Object_PinShowDesignator(Parent) <> 'True'
Not (Object_PinShowDesignator(Parent) = 'True')
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Designator property.

Object_PinShowDesignator(Parent) <> 'False'
Not (Object_PinShowDesignator(Parent) = 'False')
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Designator property.

Object_PinsLocked Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Pins Locked property that complies with the Query.
Object_PinsLocked(Parent) : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Object_PinsLocked(Parent) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'True' Pins Locked property.

Object_PinsLocked(Parent) = 'False'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'False' Pins Locked property.

Object_PinsLocked(Parent) <> 'True'
Not (Object_PinsLocked(Parent) = 'True')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'True' Pins Locked property.

Object_PinsLocked(Parent) <> 'False'
Not (Object_PinsLocked(Parent) = 'False')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'False' Pins Locked property.

Object_SheetFileName Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects having a Sheet File Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_SheetFileName(Parent) : String
Object_SheetFileName(Parent) = 'Screen Controller Interface.SchDoc'
Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects that have a Sheet File Name property of 'Screen Controller Interface.SchDoc'.

Object_SheetName Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects having a Sheet Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_SheetName(Parent) : String
Object_SheetName(Parent) = 'Screen Controller Interface'
Returns all child objects of all Sheet Symbol objects that have a Sheet Name property of 'Screen Controller Interface'.

Object_ShowHiddenPins Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Part objects having a Show Hidden Pins property that complies with the Query.
Object_ShowHiddenPins(Parent) : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Object_ShowHiddenPins(Parent) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'True' Show Hidden Pins property.

Object_ShowHiddenPins(Parent) = 'False'
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that have a 'False' Show Hidden Pins property.

Object_ShowHiddenPins(Parent) <> 'True'
Not (Object_ShowHiddenPins(Parent) = 'True')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'True' Show Hidden Pins property.

Object_ShowHiddenPins(Parent) <> 'False'
Not (Object_ShowHiddenPins(Parent) = 'False')
Returns all objects except child objects of Part objects that have a 'False' Show Hidden Pins property.

Object_ShowName Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Pin objects having a Show Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_ShowName(Parent) : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Object_ShowName(Parent) = 'True'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Name property.

Object_ShowName(Parent) = 'False'
Returns all child objects of all Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Name property.

Object_ShowName(Parent) <> 'True'
Not (Object_ShowName(Parent) = 'True')
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Name property.

Object_ShowName(Parent) <> 'False'
Not (Object_ShowName(Parent) = 'False')
Returns all objects except child objects of Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Name property.

Object_TargetFileName Membership Check

Returns all component objects having a Target File Name property that complies with the Query.
Object_TargetFileName(Parent) : String
Object_TargetFileName(Parent) = '8051'
Returns all component objects that have a Target File Name property of '8051'.

Object_TextColor Membership Check

Returns all child objects of all Port objects having a Text Color property that complies with the Query.
Object_TextColor(Parent) : Numeric_String
Object_TextColor(Parent) : Number {If all parent objects which do not have a Text Color property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Object_TextColor keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all parent objects which do not have a Text Color property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Object_TextColor(Parent) <> ''
Object_TextColor(Parent) > ''
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.

The color corresponding to a particular number can be deduced from the following relationship:
65536 * Blue + 256 * Green + Red
where the Blue, Green, and Red components each have a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
When the Object_TextColor keyword can be used in conjunction with a Number (as previously described), it is additionally possible to individually evaluate the values of each of the Text Color property's Blue, Green, and Red components, by using the following constructs:
Object_TextColor(Parent) Div 65536 {Blue component}
Object_TextColor(Parent) Div 256 Mod 256 {Green component}
Object_TextColor(Parent) Mod 256 {Red component}
The usage of these constructs is also demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Object_TextColor(Parent) = '0'
Object_TextColor(Parent) <> '' && Object_TextColor(Parent) = 0
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that have a black Text Color property. (A Text Color property of 0, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

Object_TextColor(Parent) = '128'
Object_TextColor(Parent) > '' && Object_TextColor(Parent) = 128
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that have a Text Color property of 128 (as defined above, which corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 0, and Red = 128).

Object_TextColor(Parent) <> '16777215'
Returns all objects except child objects of Port objects that have a (maximum intensity) white Text Color property. (A Text Color property of 16777215, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 255, Green = 255, and Red = 255).

Object_TextColor(Parent) > '' && Object_TextColor(Parent) <> 16777215
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that have a Text Color property which is not (maximum intensity) white.

Object_TextColor(Parent) > '' && Object_TextColor(Parent) Div 65536 >= 96 && Object_TextColor(Parent) Div 256 Mod 256 Between 64 And 192 && Object_TextColor(Parent) Mod 256 <= 128
Returns all child objects of all Port objects that have a Text Color property whose Blue component has a value which is greater than or equal to 96, and whose Green component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192, and whose Red component has a value which is less than or equal to 128.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port' && Object_TextColor(Parent) Div 65536 <= 192
Returns all child objects of all Port objects whose Text Color property's Blue component has a value which is less than or equal to 192.

Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Port' && Object_TextColor(Parent) Mod 256 Between 64 And 192
Returns all child objects of all Port objects whose Text Color property's Red component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192.

ObjectKind Field (Schematic)

Returns all objects having an Object Kind property matching that specified by the Query.
ObjectKind = ObjectKind_String
ObjectKind <> ObjectKind_String
ObjectKind_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Arc' , 'Bezier' , 'Bus' , 'Bus Entry' , 'Designator' , 'Ellipse' , 'Elliptical Arc' , 'Error Marker' , 'IEEE Symbol' , 'Image' , 'Junction' , 'Line' , 'Net Label' , 'No ERC' , 'Note' , 'Off Sheet Connector' , 'Parameter' , 'Parameter Set' , 'Part' , 'Pie' , 'Pin' , 'Polygon' , 'Port' , 'Power Object' , 'Probe' , 'Process Container' , 'Rectangle' , 'Round Rectangle' , 'Sheet Entry' , 'Sheet File Name' , 'Sheet Name' , 'Sheet Symbol' , 'Text Frame' , 'Text String' , 'Wire'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ObjectKind_String are both mandatory.
ObjectKind = 'Bus'
Returns all Bus objects.

ObjectKind <> 'Pie'
Returns all objects except for Pies.

ObjectKind = 'Line'
Returns all Line objects, of both a Line nature and a Polyline nature.
(Line objects can be of either a Line nature or a Polyline nature; the former have just two vertices, and only exist in files which were created using earlier versions of Protel. The latter can have more than two vertices, and are always created whenever the 'Place Line' command is used in Altium Designer.)

OffSheetStyle Field

Returns all Off Sheet Connector objects having an Off Sheet Style property that complies with the Query.
Note: The OffSheetStyle property is only defined for Off Sheet Connector objects.
OffSheetStyle = OffSheetStyle_String
OffSheetStyle <> OffSheetStyle_String
OffSheetStyle_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Left' , 'Right'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each OffSheetStyle_String are both mandatory.
OffSheetStyle = 'Right'
Returns all Off Sheet Connector objects that have a 'Right' Off Sheet Style property.

OffSheetStyle <> 'Left'
Returns all objects except Off Sheet Connector objects that have a 'Left' Off Sheet Style property. (Only Off Sheet Connector objects have an OffSheetStyle property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Left' OffSheetStyle property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

Orientation Field

Returns all Designator, IEEE Symbol, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Parameter, Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Power Object, Probe, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects having an Orientation property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Orientation property is only defined for Designator, IEEE Symbol, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Parameter, Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Power Object, Probe, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects.
Orientation = Orientation_String
Orientation <> Orientation_String
Orientation_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'0 Degrees' , '90 Degrees' , '180 Degrees' , '270 Degrees'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Orientation_String are both mandatory.
Orientation = '90 Degrees'
Returns all Designator, IEEE Symbol, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Parameter, Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Power Object, Probe, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a '90 Degrees' Orientation property.

Orientation <> '180 Degrees'
Returns all objects except Designator, IEEE Symbol, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Parameter, Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Power Object, Probe, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a '180 Degrees' Orientation property. (Only Designator, IEEE Symbol, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Parameter, Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Power Object, Probe, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects have an Orientation property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a '180 Degrees' Orientation property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

Orientation <> '' && Orientation <> '180 Degrees'
Orientation > '' && Orientation <> '180 Degrees'
Returns all Designator, IEEE Symbol, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Parameter, Parameter Set, Part, Pin, Power Object, Probe, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that do not have a '180 Degrees' Orientation property.

OwnerDocument Field

Returns all objects which are contained in the file (the Owner Document) that is specified by the Query.
OwnerDocument : String
OwnerDocument = 'Screen Memory.SchDoc'
Returns all objects which are contained in the file that has a name of 'Screen Memory.SchDoc'.

OwnerName Field

Returns all Designator, Parameter, Pin, Sheet Entry, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects having an Owner property that complies with the Query.
Note: The OwnerName property is only defined for Designator, Parameter, Pin, Sheet Entry, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects.
OwnerName : String
OwnerName = 'U3'
Returns all Designator, Parameter, Pin, Sheet Entry, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects that have an Owner property of 'U3'.

OwnerName Like 'U?*'
Returns all Designator, Parameter, Pin, Sheet Entry, Sheet File Name, and Sheet Name objects that have an Owner property whose associated string starts with 'U', and which also contains at least one more following character.

OwnerPartDisplayMode Field

Returns all objects having an OwnerPartDisplayMode property that compiles with the Query. Components have up to 255 display modes and the mode 0 is the normal mode and the rest are alternative display modes.
OwnerPartDisplayMode = Mode_String
Where Mode_String is a string enclosed with single quotes.
OwnerPartDisplayMode = 'Normal'
Fetches only those components that are in Normal mode.

OwnerPartDisplayMode ='Alternate 4'
Fetches only those components that are in the Alternate 4 mode.

OwnerPartId Field

Returns all objects having an OwnerPartId property that complies with the Query.
OwnerPartId = Id_String
Where Id_String is a numerical string enclosed with single quotes. For example '3'.
OwnerPartId = '3'
Fetches only those multi-part components that have the Part Id of 3.

ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize Field

Returns all Parameter objects having an Allow Database Synchronize property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize property is only defined for Parameter objects.
ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize = 'True'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a 'True' Allow Database Synchronize property.

ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize = 'False'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a 'False' Allow Database Synchronize property.

ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize <> 'True'
Not (ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize = 'True')
Returns all objects except Parameter objects that have a 'True' Allow Database Synchronize property.

ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize <> 'False'
Not (ParameterAllowDatabaseSynchronize = 'False')
Returns all objects except Parameter objects that have a 'False' Allow Database Synchronize property.

ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize Field

Returns all Parameter objects having an Allow Library Synchronize property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize property is only defined for Parameter objects.
ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize = 'True'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a 'True' Allow Library Synchronize property.

ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize = 'False'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a 'False' Allow Library Synchronize property.

ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize <> 'True'
Not (ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize = 'True')
Returns all objects except Parameter objects that have a 'True' Allow Library Synchronize property.

ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize <> 'False'
Not (ParameterAllowLibrarySynchronize = 'False')
Returns all objects except Parameter objects that have a 'False' Allow Library Synchronize property.

ParameterAutoposition Field

Returns all Parameter objects having an Autoposition property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParameterAutoposition property is only defined for Parameter objects.
ParameterAutoposition : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ParameterAutoposition = 'True'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a 'True' Autoposition property.

ParameterAutoposition = 'False'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a 'False' Autoposition property.

ParameterAutoposition <> 'True'
Not (ParameterAutoposition = 'True')
Returns all objects except Parameter objects that have a 'True' Autoposition property.

ParameterAutoposition <> 'False'
Not (ParameterAutoposition = 'False')
Returns all objects except Parameter objects that have a 'False' Autoposition property.

ParameterName Field

Returns all Parameter objects having a Parameter Name property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParameterName property is only defined for Parameter objects.
ParameterName : String
ParameterName = 'Comment'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a Parameter Name property of 'Comment'.

ParameterName = 'DefaultNet'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a Parameter Name property of 'DefaultNet'.

ParameterReadOnlyState Field

Returns all Parameter objects having a ParameterReadOnlyState property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParameterReadOnlyState property is only defined for Parameter objects.
This is not implemented.

ParametersList Field

Returns all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects having a Parameters List property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParametersList property is only defined for Parameter Set, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects.
ParametersList : String
ParametersList = 'Manufacturer=Motorola, Supplier=Dick Smith Electronics'
Returns all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, Probe, and Sheet Symbol objects that have two parameters, when the first parameter has a Name property of 'Manufacturer' and a Value property of 'Motorola', and the second parameter has a Name property of 'Supplier' and a Value property of 'Dick Smith Electronics'.

ParameterType Field

Returns all Parameter objects having a Type property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParameterType property is only defined for Parameter objects.
ParameterType = ParameterType_String
ParameterType <> ParameterType_String
ParameterType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ParameterType_String are both mandatory.
ParameterType = 'STRING'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a 'STRING' Type property.

ParameterType <> 'FLOAT'
Returns all objects except Parameter objects that have a 'FLOAT' Type property. (Only Parameter objects have a ParameterType property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'FLOAT' ParameterType property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

ParameterValue Field

Returns all Parameter objects having a Value property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ParameterValue property is only defined for Parameter objects.
ParameterValue : String
ParameterValue = '100nF'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a Value property of '100nF'.

ParameterValue Like '*nF'
Returns all Parameter objects that have a Value property whose associated string concludes with 'nF'; '22nF' and '100nF' are examples of thus compliant strings.

Parent Field

This keyword is used in conjunction with the majority of the "Membership Check" keywords; it then signifies that each object which is returned by the associated Query is returned because of a property which is held by its parent object.
This depends upon which "Membership Check" keyword that the Parent keyword is used in conjunction with, but it is always the first (and often the only) parameter to be specified for the "Membership Check" keyword concerned.
Object_ObjectKind(Parent) = 'Part' && Object_PartId(Parent) = ''
Returns all child objects of all single-part Part objects. (All such Part objects have a Current Part property of ''.)

Object_HasModel(Parent,'PCBLIB','DIP14',False) && Object_HasPin(Parent,'14','VCC')
Returns all child objects of all Part objects that are linked to a Footprint Model which has a Name property of 'DIP14', when the Part object also contains a Pin object which has a Pin Designator property of '14' and a Name property of 'VCC'.

Object_Color(Parent) > '' && Object_Color(Parent) Div 65536 >= 96 && Object_Color(Parent) Div 256 Mod 256 Between 64 And 192 && Object_Color(Parent) Mod 256 <= 128
Returns all child objects of all Parameter Set, Pin, Port, and Sheet Symbol objects that have a Color property whose Blue component has a value which is greater than or equal to 96, and whose Green component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192, and whose Red component has a value which is less than or equal to 128.

PartComment Field

Returns all Part objects having a Part Comment property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PartComment property is only defined for Part objects.
PartComment : String
PartComment = '1488'
Returns all Part objects that have a Part Comment property of '1488'.

PartDesignator Field

Returns all Part objects having a Component Designator property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PartDesignator property is only defined for Part objects.
PartDesignator : String
PartDesignator = 'U4'
Returns all Part objects that have a Component Designator property of 'U4'.

PartDisplayMode Field

Returns all Part objects having a Display Mode property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PartDisplayMode property is only defined for Part objects.
PartDisplayMode : PartDisplayMode_String
PartDisplayMode_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Normal' , 'Alternate 1' , 'Alternate 2' , ... , 'Alternate 255'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each PartDisplayMode_String are both mandatory.
PartDisplayMode = 'Normal'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'Normal' Display Mode property.

PartDisplayMode = 'Alternate 1'
Returns all Part objects that have an 'Alternate 1' Display Mode property.

PartDisplayMode Like 'Alternate* '
Returns all Part objects that do not have a 'Normal' Display Mode property.

PartDisplayMode <> 'Alternate 2'
Returns all objects except Part objects that have an 'Alternate 2' Display Mode property. (Only Part objects have a PartDisplayMode property, so all remaining types of objects do not have an 'Alternate 2' PartDisplayMode property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PartId Field

Returns all Part objects having a Current Part property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PartId property is only defined for Part objects.
PartId : String
PartId = 'A'
Returns all Part objects that have a Current Part property of 'A'.

PartIDLocked Field

Returns all Part objects having a Lock Part ID property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PartIDLocked property is only defined for Part objects.
PartIDLocked : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
PartIDLocked = 'True'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'True' Lock Part ID property.

PartIDLocked = 'False'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'False' Lock Part ID property.

PartIDLocked <> 'True'
Not (PartIDLocked = 'True')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'True' Lock Part ID property.

PartIDLocked <> 'False'
Not (PartIDLocked = 'False')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'False' Lock Part ID property.

PartLibrary Field

Returns all Part objects having a Library property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PartLibrary property is only defined for Part objects.
PartLibrary : String
PartLibrary = 'Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib'
Returns all Part objects that have a Library property of 'Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib'.

PartLibrary Like 'Motorola* .IntLib'
Returns all Part objects that have a Library property whose associated string starts with 'Motorola ' and which ends with '.IntLib'.

PartLibReference Field

Returns all Part objects having a Library Reference property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PartLibReference property is only defined for Part objects.
PartLibReference : String
PartLibReference = 'LM833'
Returns all Part objects that have a Library Reference property of 'LM833'.

PinDefaultValue Field

Returns all Pin objects having a PinDefaultValue property that complies with the Query.
PinDefaultValue = String
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of the String are both mandatory.
PinDefaultValue = '1'
Returns all Pin objects that have a PinDefaultValue property which is equal to 1.

PinDefaultValue <> '1'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a PinDefaultValue property which is equal to 1. (Only Pin objects have a PinDefaultValue property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a PinDefaultValue property of 1, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PinDesignator Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Pin Designator property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinDesignator property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinDesignator : String
PinDesignator = '1'
Returns all Pin objects that have a Pin Designator property of '1'.

PinDesignator = 'AA'
Returns all Pin objects that have a Pin Designator property of 'AA'.

PinDesignator Like 'Z?'
Returns all Pin objects that have a Pin Designator property whose associated string consists of two characters, with the first of those characters being 'Z'.

PinElectrical Field

Returns all Pin objects having an Electrical Type property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinElectrical property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinElectrical = ElectricalType_String
PinElectrical <> ElectricalType_String
ElectricalType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Emitter' , 'HiZ' , 'Input' , 'IO' , 'OpenCollector' , 'Output' , 'Passive' , 'Power' , 'VHDL-Buffer' , 'VHDL-Port'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ElectricalType_String are both mandatory.
PinElectrical = 'Passive'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'Passive' Electrical Type property.

PinElectrical <> 'HiZ'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a 'HiZ' Electrical Type property. (Only Pin objects have a PinElectrical property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'HiZ' PinElectrical property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PinFormalType Field

Returns all Pin objects having a PinFormalType property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinFormalType property is only defined for Pin objects that possess VHDL parameters.
Formal_String = FormalType_String
Formal_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Unitialized' , 'ForcingUnknown' , 'Forcing0' , 'Forcing1' , 'HiZ', 'WeakUnknown', 'Weak0','Weak1', 'DontCare'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each Formal_String are both mandatory.
PinFormalType = 'Forcing0'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'Forcing0' PinFormalType property.

PinFormalType <> 'ForcingUnknown'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a 'ForcingUnknown' PinFormalType property. (Only Pin objects have a PinFormalType property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'ForcingUnknown' PinFormalType property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PinFormalType <> '' && PinFormalType <> 'ForcingUnknown'
PinFormalType > '' && PinFormalType <> 'ForcingUnknown'
Returns all Pin objects that do not have a 'ForcingUnknown' PinFormalType property.

PinHiddenNetName Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Hidden Net Name property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinHiddenNetName property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinHiddenNetName : String
PinHiddenNetName = 'GND'
Returns all Pin objects that have a Hidden Net Name property of 'GND'.

PinHiddenNetName Like '???'
Returns all Pin objects that have a Hidden Net Name property whose associated string consists of any three characters; 'GND' and 'Vcc' are examples of thus compliant strings.

PinIeeeSymbolInner Field

Returns all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Inside property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinIeeeSymbolInner property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinIeeeSymbolInner = IeeeSymbolInnerType_String
PinIeeeSymbolInner <> IeeeSymbolInnerType_String
IeeeSymbolInnerType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'High Current' , 'Hiz' , 'No Symbol' , 'Open Collector' , 'Open Collector Pullup' , 'Open Emitter' , 'Open Emitter Pullup' , 'Open Output' , 'Postponed Output' , 'Pulse' , 'Schmitt' , 'Shift Left'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolInnerType_String are both mandatory.
PinIeeeSymbolInner = 'Schmitt'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'Schmitt' Ieee Symbol Inside property.

PinIeeeSymbolInner <> 'Pulse'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a 'Pulse' Ieee Symbol Inside property. (Only Pin objects have a PinIeeeSymbolInner property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Pulse' PinIeeeSymbolInner property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge Field

Returns all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Inside Edge property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge = IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String
PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge <> IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String
IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Clock' , 'No Symbol'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolInnerEdgeType_String are both mandatory.
PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge = 'Clock'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'Clock' Ieee Symbol Inside Edge property.

PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge <> 'No Symbol'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a 'No Symbol' Ieee Symbol Inside Edge property. (Only Pin objects have a PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'No Symbol' PinIeeeSymbolInnerEdge property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PinIeeeSymbolOuter Field

Returns all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Outside property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinIeeeSymbolOuter property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinIeeeSymbolOuter = IeeeSymbolOuterType_String
PinIeeeSymbolOuter <> IeeeSymbolOuterType_String
IeeeSymbolOuterType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Analog Signal In' , 'Bidirectional Signal Flow' , 'Digital Signal In' , 'Left Right Signal Flow' , 'No Symbol' , 'Not Logic Connection' , 'Right Left Signal Flow'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolOuterType_String are both mandatory.
PinIeeeSymbolOuter = 'Bidirectional Signal Flow'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'Bidirectional Signal Flow' Ieee Symbol Outside property.

PinIeeeSymbolOuter <> 'Right Left Signal Flow'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a 'Right Left Signal Flow' Ieee Symbol Outside property. (Only Pin objects have a PinIeeeSymbolOuter property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Right Left Signal Flow' PinIeeeSymbolOuter property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge Field

Returns all Pin objects having an Ieee Symbol Outside Edge property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge = IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String
PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge <> IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String
IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Active Low Input' , 'Active Low Output' , 'Dot' , 'No Symbol'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IeeeSymbolOuterEdgeType_String are both mandatory.
PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge = 'Dot'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'Dot' Ieee Symbol Outside Edge property.

PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge <> 'Active Low Output'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have an 'Active Low Output' Ieee Symbol Outside Edge property. (Only Pin objects have a PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge property, so all remaining types of objects do not have an 'Active Low Output' PinIeeeSymbolOuterEdge property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PinLength Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Length property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinLength property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinLength : Numeric_String
PinLength : Number {If all non-Pin objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The PinLength keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all non-Pin objects (which do not have a Length property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
PinLength <> ''
PinLength > ''
ObjectKind = 'Pin'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
PinLength = '30'
PinLength <> '' && PinLength = 30
Returns all Pin objects that have a Length property which is equal to 30.

PinLength > '' && PinLength Between 20 And 40
Returns all Pin objects that have a Length property which is greater than or equal to 20 and less than or equal to 40.

ObjectKind = 'Pin' && PinLength >= 10
Returns all Pin objects that have a Length property which is greater than or equal to 10.

IsPin && PinLength < 30
Returns all Pin objects that have a Length property which is less than 30.

PinLength <> '40'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a Length property which is equal to 40. (Only Pin objects have a PinLength property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a PinLength property of 40, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsPin && PinLength <> 40
Returns all Pin objects that have a Length property which is not equal to 40.

PinShowDesignator Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Show Designator property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinShowDesignator property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinShowDesignator : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
PinShowDesignator = 'True'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Designator property.

PinShowDesignator = 'False'
Returns all Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Designator property.

PinShowDesignator <> 'True'
Not (PinShowDesignator = 'True')
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Designator property.

PinShowDesignator <> 'False'
Not (PinShowDesignator = 'False')
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Designator property.

PinsLocked Field

Returns all Part objects having a Pins Locked property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinsLocked property is only defined for Part objects.
PinsLocked : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
PinsLocked = 'True'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'True' Pins Locked property.

PinsLocked = 'False'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'False' Pins Locked property.

PinsLocked <> 'True'
Not (PinsLocked = 'True')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'True' Pins Locked property.

PinsLocked <> 'False'
Not (PinsLocked = 'False')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'False' Pins Locked property.

PinSwapId_Part Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Part Swap Group property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinSwapId_Part property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinSwapId_Part : Numeric_String
PinSwapId_Part : Number {If all non-Pin objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The PinSwapId_Part keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all non-Pin objects (which do not have a Part Swap Group property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
PinSwapId_Part <> ''
PinSwapId_Part > ''
ObjectKind = 'Pin'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
PinSwapId_Part = '4'
PinSwapId_Part <> '' && PinSwapId_Part = 4
Returns all Pin objects that have a Part Swap Group property which is equal to 4.

PinSwapId_Part > '' && PinSwapId_Part Between 1 And 5
Returns all Pin objects that have a Part Swap Group property which is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 5.

ObjectKind = 'Pin' && PinSwapId_Part >= 2
Returns all Pin objects that have a Part Swap Group property which is greater than or equal to 2.

IsPin && PinSwapId_Part < 3
Returns all Pin objects that have a Part Swap Group property which is less than 3.

PinSwapId_Part <> '5'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a Part Swap Group property which is equal to 5. (Only Pin objects have a PinSwapId_Part property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a PinSwapId_Part property of 5, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsPin && PinSwapId_Part <> 5
Returns all Pin objects that have a Part Swap Group property which is not equal to 5.

PinSwapId_PartPin Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Pin Equivalent Across Parts property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinSwapId_PartPin property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinSwapId_PartPin : String
PinSwapId_PartPin = ''
Returns all Pin objects that have a Pin Equivalent Across Parts property of ''.

PinSwapId_Pin Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Pin Swap Group property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinSwapId_Pin property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinSwapId_Pin : String
PinSwapId_Pin = 'A1'
Returns all Pin objects that have a Pin Swap Group property of 'A1'.

PinSwapId_Pin Like 'D?'
Returns all Pin objects that have a Pin Swap Group property whose associated string consists of two characters, with the first of those characters being 'D'.

PinWidth Field

Returns all Pin objects having a Width property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PinWidth property is only defined for Pin objects.
PinWidth : Numeric_String
PinWidth = '30'
PinWidth <> '' && PinWidth = 30
Returns all Pin objects that have a Length property which is equal to 30.

PinWidth > '' && PinWidth Between 20 And 40
Returns all Pin objects that have a Width property which is greater than or equal to 20 and less than or equal to 40.

ObjectKind = 'Pin' && PinWidth >= 10
Returns all Pin objects that have a Width property which is greater than or equal to 10.

IsPin && PinLength < 30
Returns all Pin objects that have a Length property which is less than 30.

PinWidth <> '40'
Returns all objects except Pin objects that have a Width property which is equal to 40. (Only Pin objects have a PinWidth property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a PinWidth property of 40, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsPin && PinLength <> 40
Returns all Pin objects that have a Width property which is not equal to 40.

PortArrowStyle Field

Returns all Port and Sheet Entry objects having a Port Style property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PortArrowStyle property is only defined for Port and Sheet Entry objects.
PortArrowStyle = PortStyle_String
PortArrowStyle <> PortStyle_String
PortStyle_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Bottom' , 'Left' , 'Left & Right' , 'None (Horizontal)' , 'None (Vertical)' , 'Right' , 'Top' , 'Top & Bottom'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each PortStyle_String are both mandatory.
PortArrowStyle = 'Top'
Returns all Port and Sheet Entry objects that have a 'Top' Port Style property.

PortArrowStyle <> 'Right'
Returns all objects except Port and Sheet Entry objects that have a 'Right' Port Style property. (Only Port and Sheet Entry objects have a PortArrowStyle property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Right' PortArrowStyle property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PortIOType Field

Returns all Port and Sheet Entry objects having an IO Type property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PortIOType property is only defined for Port and Sheet Entry objects.
PortIOType = IOType_String
PortIOType <> IOType_String
IOType_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Bidirectional' , 'Input' , 'Output' , 'Unspecified'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each IOType_String are both mandatory.
PortIOType = 'Bidirectional'
Returns all Port and Sheet Entry objects that have a 'Bidirectional' IO Type property.

PortIOType <> 'Output'
Returns all objects except Port and Sheet Entry objects that have an 'Output' IO Type property. (Only Port and Sheet Entry objects have a PortIOType property, so all remaining types of objects do not have an 'Output' PortIOType property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PowerObjectStyle Field

Returns all Power Object objects having a Power Object Style property that complies with the Query.
Note: The PowerObjectStyle property is only defined for Power Object objects.
PowerObjectStyle = PowerObjectStyle_String
PowerObjectStyle <> PowerObjectStyle_String
PowerObjectStyle_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Arrow' , 'Bar' , 'Circle' , 'Earth' , 'Power Ground' , 'Signal Ground' , 'Wave'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each PowerObjectStyle_String are both mandatory.
PowerObjectStyle = 'Circle'
Returns all Power Object objects that have a 'Circle' Power Object Style property.

PowerObjectStyle <> 'Wave'
Returns all objects except Power Object objects that have a 'Wave' Power Object Style property. (Only Power Object objects have a PowerObjectStyle property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Wave' PowerObjectStyle property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

PowerObjectStyle <> '' && PowerObjectStyle <> 'Wave'
PowerObjectStyle > '' && PowerObjectStyle <> 'Wave'
IsPowerObject && PowerObjectStyle <> 'Wave'
Returns all Power Object objects that do not have a 'Wave' Power Object Style property.

Radius Field

Returns all Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects having a Radius property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Radius property is only defined for Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects.
Radius : Numeric_String
Radius : Number {If all objects which do not have a Radius property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Radius keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a Radius property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Radius <> ''
Radius > ''
IsArc Or IsEllipse Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie
IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Radius = '20'
Radius <> '' && Radius = 20
Returns all Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Radius property which is equal to 20.

Radius > '' && Radius Between 10 And 40
Returns all Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Radius property which is greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 40.

IsArc Or IsEllipse Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && Radius >= 30
Returns all Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Radius property which is greater than or equal to 30.

Radius > '' && Radius < 50
Returns all Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Radius property which is less than 50.

Radius <> '15'
Returns all objects except Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Radius property which is equal to 15. (Only Arc, Ellipse, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects have a Radius property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a Radius property of 15, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsPie && Radius <> 15
Returns all Pie objects that have a Radius property which is not equal to 15.

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc && Radius <= 35
Returns all Arc and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Radius property which is less than or equal to 35.

RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX Field

Returns all Round Rectangle objects having a X Radius property that complies with the Query.
Note: The RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX property is only defined for Round Rectangle objects.
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX : Numeric_String
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX : Number {If all non-Round Rectangle objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all non-Round Rectangle objects (which do not have a X Radius property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX <> ''
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX > ''
ObjectKind = 'Round Rectangle'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX = '20'
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX <> '' && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX = 20
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a X Radius property which is equal to 20.

RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX > '' && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX Between 10 And 25
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a X Radius property which is greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 25.

ObjectKind = 'Round Rectangle' && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX >= 15
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a X Radius property which is greater than or equal to 15.

IsRoundRectangle && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX < 20
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a X Radius property which is less than 20.

RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX <> '30'
Returns all objects except Round Rectangle objects that have a X Radius property which is equal to 30. (Only Round Rectangle objects have a RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX property of 30, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsRoundRectangle && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusX <> 30
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a X Radius property which is not equal to 30.

RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY Field

Returns all Round Rectangle objects having a Y Radius property that complies with the Query.
Note: The RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY property is only defined for Round Rectangle objects.
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY : Numeric_String
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY : Number {If all non-Round Rectangle objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all non-Round Rectangle objects (which do not have a Y Radius property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY <> ''
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY > ''
ObjectKind = 'Round Rectangle'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY = '20'
RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY <> '' && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY = 20
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a Y Radius property which is equal to 20.

RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY > '' && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY Between 10 And 25
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a Y Radius property which is greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 25.

ObjectKind = 'Round Rectangle' && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY >= 15
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a Y Radius property which is greater than or equal to 15.

IsRoundRectangle && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY < 20
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a Y Radius property which is less than 20.

RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY <> '30'
Returns all objects except Round Rectangle objects that have a Y Radius property which is equal to 30. (Only Round Rectangle objects have a RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY property of 30, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsRoundRectangle && RoundRectangleCornerRadiusY <> 30
Returns all Round Rectangle objects that have a Y Radius property which is not equal to 30.

SecondaryRadius Field

Returns all Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects having a Secondary Radius property that complies with the Query.
Note: The SecondaryRadius property is only defined for Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects.
SecondaryRadius : Numeric_String
SecondaryRadius : Number {If all objects which do not have a Secondary Radius property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The SecondaryRadius keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a Secondary Radius property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
SecondaryRadius <> ''
SecondaryRadius > ''
IsEllipse Or IsEllipticalArc
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
SecondaryRadius = '20'
SecondaryRadius <> '' && SecondaryRadius = 20
Returns all Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Secondary Radius property which is equal to 20.

SecondaryRadius > '' && SecondaryRadius Between 10 And 40
Returns all Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Secondary Radius property which is greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 40.

IsEllipse Or IsEllipticalArc && SecondaryRadius >= 30
Returns all Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Secondary Radius property which is greater than or equal to 30.

IsEllipse && SecondaryRadius < 50
Returns all Ellipse objects that have a Secondary Radius property which is less than 50.

SecondaryRadius <> '25'
Returns all objects except Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Secondary Radius property which is equal to 25. (Only Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects have a SecondaryRadius property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a SecondaryRadius property of 25, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsEllipse Or IsEllipticalArc && SecondaryRadius <> 25
Returns all Ellipse and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Secondary Radius property which is not equal to 25.

SelectedVertex_Y Field

Returns all polygon based objects (such as buses and polygons) having a selected vertex that complies with the Query.
SelectedVertex_Y : String
Where string is a numerical string enclosed by single quotes.
SelectedVertex_Y = '220'
Returns all objects that have a selected first vertex at Y coordinate with a value of 220 units.

SelectedVertex_X Field

Returns all polygon based objects (such as buses and polygons) having a selected vertex that complies with the Query.
SelectedVertex_X : String
Where string is a numerical string enclosed by single quotes.
SelectedVertex_X = '220'
Returns all objects that have a selected first vertex at X coordinate with a value of 220 units.

SelectedVertex2_X Field

Returns all polygon based objects (such as buses and polygons) having a selected vertex that complies with the Query.
SelectedVertex2_X : String
Where string is a numerical string enclosed by single quotes.
SelectedVertex2_X = '220'
Returns all objects that have a selected second vertex at X coordinate with a value of 220 units.

SelectedVertex2_Y Field

Returns all polygon based objects (such as buses and polygons) having a selected vertex that complies with the Query.
SelectedVertex2_Y : String
Where string is a numerical string enclosed by single quotes.
SelectedVertex2_Y = '220'
Returns all objects that have a selected second vertex at Y coordinate with a value of 220 units.

SheetEntryDistanceFromTop Field

Returns all Sheet Entry objects having a Position property that complies with the Query.
Note: The SheetEntryDistanceFromTop property is only defined for Sheet Entry objects.
SheetEntryDistanceFromTop : Numeric_String
SheetEntryDistanceFromTop : Number {If all non-Sheet Entry objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The SheetEntryDistanceFromTop keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all non-Sheet Entry objects (which do not have a Position property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
SheetEntryDistanceFromTop <> ''
SheetEntryDistanceFromTop > ''
ObjectKind = 'Sheet Entry'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
SheetEntryDistanceFromTop = '4'
SheetEntryDistanceFromTop <> '' && SheetEntryDistanceFromTop = 4
Returns all Sheet Entry objects that have a Position property which is equal to 4.

SheetEntryDistanceFromTop > '' && SheetEntryDistanceFromTop Between 2 And 5
Returns all Sheet Entry objects that have a Position property which is greater than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 5.

ObjectKind = 'Sheet Entry' && SheetEntryDistanceFromTop >= 3
Returns all Sheet Entry objects that have a Position property which is greater than or equal to 3.

IsSheetEntry && SheetEntryDistanceFromTop < 6
Returns all Sheet Entry objects that have a Position property which is less than 6.

SheetEntryDistanceFromTop <> '1'
Returns all objects except Sheet Entry objects that have a Position property which is equal to 1. (Only Sheet Entry objects have a SheetEntryDistanceFromTop property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a SheetEntryDistanceFromTop property of 1, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsSheetEntry && SheetEntryDistanceFromTop <> 1
Returns all Sheet Entry objects that have a Position property which is not equal to 1.

SheetEntrySide Field

Returns all Sheet Entry objects having a Side property that complies with the Query.
Note: The SheetEntrySide property is only defined for Sheet Entry objects.
SheetEntrySide = SheetSide_String
SheetEntrySide <> SheetSide_String
SheetSide_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Bottom' , 'Left' , 'Right' , 'Top'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each SheetSide_String are both mandatory.
SheetEntrySide = 'Right'
Returns all Sheet Entry objects that have a 'Right' Side property.

SheetEntrySide <> 'Bottom'
Returns all objects except Sheet Entry objects that have a 'Bottom' Side property. (Only Sheet Entry objects have a SheetEntrySide property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Bottom' SheetEntrySide property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

SheetEntrySide <> '' && SheetEntrySide <> 'Bottom'
SheetEntrySide > '' && SheetEntrySide <> 'Bottom'
IsSheetEntry && SheetEntrySide <> 'Bottom'
Returns all Sheet Entry objects that do not have a 'Bottom' Side property.

SheetFileName Field

Returns all Sheet Symbol objects having a Sheet File Name property that complies with the Query.
Note: The SheetFileName property is only defined for Sheet Symbol objects.
SheetFileName : String
SheetFileName = 'ISA Bus and Address Decoding.SchDoc'
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects that have a Sheet File Name property of 'ISA Bus and Address Decoding.SchDoc'.

SheetName Field

Returns all Sheet Symbol objects having a Sheet Name property that complies with the Query.
Note: The SheetName property is only defined for Sheet Symbol objects.
SheetName : String
SheetName = 'ISA Bus and Address Decoding'
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects that have a Sheet Name property of 'ISA Bus and Address Decoding'.

ShowDesignator Field

Returns all Part objects having a Show Designator property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ShowDesignator property is only defined for Part objects.
ShowDesignator : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ShowDesignator = 'True'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'True' Show Designator property.

ShowDesignator = 'False'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'False' Show Designator property.

ShowDesignator <> 'True'
Not (ShowDesignator = 'True')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'True' Show Designator property.

ShowDesignator <> 'False'
Not (ShowDesignator = 'False')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'False' Show Designator property.

ShowHiddenFields Field

Returns all Sheet Symbol objects having a Show Hidden Fields property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ShowHiddenFields property is only defined for Sheet Symbol objects.
ShowHiddenFields : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ShowHiddenFields = 'True'
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects that have a 'True' Show Hidden Fields property.

ShowHiddenFields = 'False'
Returns all Sheet Symbol objects that have a 'False' Show Hidden Fields property.

ShowHiddenFields <> 'True'
Not (ShowHiddenFields = 'True')
Returns all objects except Sheet Symbol objects that have a 'True' Show Hidden Fields property.

ShowHiddenFields <> 'False'
Not (ShowHiddenFields = 'False')
Returns all objects except Sheet Symbol objects that have a 'False' Show Hidden Fields property.

ShowHiddenPins Field

Returns all Part objects having a Show Hidden Pins property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ShowHiddenPins property is only defined for Part objects.
ShowHiddenPins : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ShowHiddenPins = 'True'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'True' Show Hidden Pins property.

ShowHiddenPins = 'False'
Returns all Part objects that have a 'False' Show Hidden Pins property.

ShowHiddenPins <> 'True'
Not (ShowHiddenPins = 'True')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'True' Show Hidden Pins property.

ShowHiddenPins <> 'False'
Not (ShowHiddenPins = 'False')
Returns all objects except Part objects that have a 'False' Show Hidden Pins property.

ShowName Field (Schematic)

Returns all Parameter and Pin objects having a Show Name property that complies with the Query.
Note: The ShowName property is only defined for Parameter and Pin objects.
ShowName : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
ShowName = 'True'
Returns all Parameter and Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Name property.

ShowName = 'False'
Returns all Parameter and Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Name property.

ShowName <> 'True'
Not (ShowName = 'True')
Returns all objects except Parameter and Pin objects that have a 'True' Show Name property.

ShowName <> 'False'
Not (ShowName = 'False')
Returns all objects except Parameter and Pin objects that have a 'False' Show Name property.

Solid Field

Returns all Ellipse, Pie, Polygon, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects having a Solid property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Solid property is only defined for Ellipse, Pie, Polygon, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects.
Solid : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Solid = 'True'
Returns all Ellipse, Pie, Polygon, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Solid property.

Solid = 'False'
Returns all Ellipse, Pie, Polygon, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a 'False' Solid property.

Solid <> 'True'
Not (Solid = 'True')
Returns all objects except Ellipse, Pie, Polygon, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Solid property.

Solid <> 'False'
Not (Solid = 'False')
Returns all objects except Ellipse, Pie, Polygon, Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Sheet Symbol, and Text Frame objects that have a 'False' Solid property.

StartAngle Field

Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects having a Start Angle property that complies with the Query.
Note: The StartAngle property is only defined for Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects.
StartAngle : Numeric_String
StartAngle : Number {If all objects which do not have a Start Angle property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The number returned specifies the Start Angle in units of degrees.
The StartAngle keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a Start Angle property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie
IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
StartAngle = '30'
IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && StartAngle = 30
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Start Angle property which is equal to 30 degrees.

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && StartAngle >= 60
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Start Angle property which is greater than or equal to 60 degrees.

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && StartAngle Between 30 And 150
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Start Angle property which is greater than or equal to 30 degrees and less than or equal to 150 degrees.

IsPie && StartAngle < 45
Returns all Pie objects that have a Start Angle property which is less than 45 degrees.

StartAngle <> '135'
Returns all objects except Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Start Angle property which is equal to 135 degrees. (Only Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects have a StartAngle property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a StartAngle property of 135 degrees, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc && StartAngle <> 135
Returns all Arc and Elliptical Arc objects that have a Start Angle property which is not equal to 135 degrees.

IsArc Or IsEllipticalArc Or IsPie && (StartAngle Between 315 And 360 || StartAngle Between 0 And 45)
Returns all Arc, Elliptical Arc, and Pie objects that have a Start Angle property which is greater than or equal to 315 degrees and less than or equal to 45 degrees.
See Also

StringText Field (Schematic)

Returns all Designator, Error Marker, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Power Object, Sheet Name, and Text String objects having a Text property that complies with the Query.
Note: The StringText property is only defined for Designator, Error Marker, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Power Object, Sheet Name, and Text String objects.
StringText : String
StringText = 'GND'
Returns all Designator, Error Marker, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Power Object, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a Text property of 'GND'.

StringText Like '???'
Returns all Designator, Error Marker, Net Label, Off Sheet Connector, Power Object, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a Text property whose associated string consists of exactly three characters; 'GND' and 'Vcc' are examples of thus compliant strings.

SymbolScaleFactor Field

Returns all IEEE Symbol objects having a Scale property that complies with the Query.
Note: The SymbolScaleFactor property is only defined for IEEE Symbol objects.
SymbolScaleFactor : Numeric_String
SymbolScaleFactor : Number {If all non-IEEE Symbol objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The SymbolScaleFactor keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all non-IEEE Symbol objects (which do not have a Scale property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
SymbolScaleFactor <> ''
SymbolScaleFactor > ''
ObjectKind = 'IEEE Symbol'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
SymbolScaleFactor = '10'
SymbolScaleFactor <> '' && SymbolScaleFactor = 10
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects that have a Scale property which is equal to 10.

SymbolScaleFactor > '' && SymbolScaleFactor Between 8 And 12
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects that have a Scale property which is greater than or equal to 8 and less than or equal to 12.

Objectkind = 'IEEE Symbol' && SymbolScaleFactor >= 9
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects that have a Scale property which is greater than or equal to 9.

IsSymbol && SymbolScaleFactor < 11
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects that have a Scale property which is less than 11.

SymbolScaleFactor <> '10'
Returns all objects except IEEE Symbol objects that have a Scale property which is equal to 10. (Only IEEE Symbol objects have a SymbolScaleFactor property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a SymbolScaleFactor property of 10, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsSymbol && SymbolScaleFactor <> 10
Returns all IEEE Symbol objects that have a Scale property which is not equal to 10.

TaskHolderConfiguration Field

Not Implemented
Not Implemented

TaskHolderInstanceName Field

Not Implemented
Not Implemented

TaskHolderProcess FieldDescription

Not Implemented
Not Implemented

TextColor Field

Returns all Note, Port, Sheet Entry, and Text Frame objects having a Text Color property that complies with the Query.
Note: The TextColor property is only defined for Note, Port, Sheet Entry, and Text Frame objects.
TextColor : Numeric_String
TextColor : Number {If all objects which do not have a Text Color property are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The TextColor keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all objects which do not have a Text Color property have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
TextColor <> ''
TextColor > ''
IsNote Or IsPort Or IsSheetEntry Or IsTextFrame
IsPort Or IsSheetEntry
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.

The color corresponding to a particular number can be deduced from the following relationship:
65536 * Blue
+ 256 * Green
+ Red
where the Blue, Green, and Red components each have a value between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
When the TextColor keyword can be used in conjunction with a Number (as previously described), it is additionally possible to individually evaluate the values of each of the Text Color property's Blue, Green, and Red components, by using the following constructs:
TextColor Div 65536 {Blue component}
TextColor Div 256 Mod 256 {Green component}
TextColor Mod 256 {Red component}
The usage of these constructs is also demonstrated in the examples that follow.
TextColor = '0'
TextColor <> '' && TextColor = 0
Returns all objects that have a black Text Color property. (A Text Color property of 0, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 0, and Red = 0).

TextColor = '32896'
TextColor > '' && TextColor = 32896
Returns all objects that have a Text Color property of 32896 (as defined above, which corresponds to values of Blue = 0, Green = 128, and Red = 128).

TextColor <> '16777215'
Returns all objects except those that have a (maximum intensity) white Text Color property. (A Text Color property of 16777215, as defined above, corresponds to values of Blue = 255, Green = 255, and Red = 255).

IsNote Or IsPort Or IsSheetEntry Or IsTextFrame && TextColor <> 16777215
Returns all objects that have a Text Color property, and whose Text Color property is not (maximum intensity) white.

TextColor > '' && TextColor Div 65536 >= 96 && TextColor Div 256 Mod 256 Between 64 And 192 && TextColor Mod 256 <= 128
Returns all objects that have a Text Color property, and whose Blue component has a value which is greater than or equal to 96, and whose Green component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192, and whose Red component has a value which is less than or equal to 128.

IsTextFrame && TextColor Div 65536 <= 192
Returns all Text Frame objects whose Text Color property's Blue component has a value which is less than or equal to 192.

IsPort Or IsSheetEntry && TextColor Mod 256 Between 64 And 192
Returns all Port and Sheet Entry objects whose Text Color property's Red component has a value which is greater than or equal to 64 and less than or equal to 192.

TextFrameClipToRect Field

Returns all Note and Text Frame objects having a Clip To Area property that complies with the Query.
Note: The TextFrameClipToRect property is only defined for Note and Text Frame objects.
TextFrameClipToRect : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
TextFrameClipToRect = 'True'
Returns all Note and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Clip To Area property.

TextFrameClipToRect <> 'True'
Not (TextFrameClipToRect = 'True')
Returns all objects except Note and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Clip To Area property.

TextFrameClipToRect <> 'False'
Not (TextFrameClipToRect = 'False')
Returns all objects except Note and Text Frame objects that have a 'False' Clip To Area property.

TextFrameShowBorder Field

Returns all Image and Text Frame objects having a Show Border property that complies with the Query.
Note: The TextFrameShowBorder property is only defined for Image and Text Frame objects.
TextFrameShowBorder : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
TextFrameShowBorder = 'True'
Returns all Image and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Show Border property.

TextFrameShowBorder <> 'True'
Not (TextFrameShowBorder = 'True')
Returns all objects except Image and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Show Border property.

TextFrameShowBorder <> 'False'
Not (TextFrameShowBorder = 'False')
Returns all objects except Image and Text Frame objects that have a 'False' Show Border property.

TextFrameWordWrap Field

Returns all Note and Text Frame objects having a Word Wrap property that complies with the Query.
Note: The TextFrameWordWrap property is only defined for Note and Text Frame objects.
TextFrameWordWrap : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
TextFrameWordWrap = 'True'
Returns all Note and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Word Wrap property.

TextFrameWordWrap = 'False'
Returns all Note and Text Frame objects that have a 'False' Word Wrap property.

TextFrameWordWrap <> 'True'
Not (TextFrameWordWrap = 'True')
Returns all objects except Note and Text Frame objects that have a 'True' Word Wrap property.

TextFrameWordWrap <> 'False'
Not (TextFrameWordWrap = 'False')
Returns all objects except Note and Text Frame objects that have a 'False' Word Wrap property.

Transparent Field

Returns all Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle objects having a Transparent property that complies with the Query.
Note: The Transparent property is only defined for Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle objects.
Transparent : Boolean_String
Boolean_String must be either 'True' or 'False'.
Transparent = 'True'
Returns all Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle objects that have a 'True' Transparent property.

Transparent = 'False'
Returns all Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle objects that have a 'False' Transparent property.

Transparent <> 'True'
Not (Transparent = 'True')
Returns all objects except Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle objects that have a 'True' Transparent property.

Transparent <> 'False'
Not (Transparent = 'False')
Returns all objects except Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle objects that have a 'False' Transparent property.

VerticalJustification Field

Returns all Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects having a Vertical Justification property that complies with the Query.
Note: The VerticalJustification property is only defined for Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects.
VerticalJustification = VerticalJustification_String
VerticalJustification <> VerticalJustification_String
VerticalJustification_String must be one of the strings from the following list:
'Bottom' , 'Center' , 'Top'
Note: The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each VerticalJustification_String are both mandatory.
VerticalJustification = 'Center'
Returns all Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a 'Center' Vertical Justification property.

VerticalJustification <> 'Bottom'
Returns all objects except Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that have a 'Bottom' Vertical Justification property. (Only Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects have a VerticalJustification property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a 'Bottom' VerticalJustification property, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

VerticalJustification = 'Center' || VerticalJustification = 'Top'
VerticalJustification <> '' && VerticalJustification <> 'Bottom'
VerticalJustification > '' && VerticalJustification <> 'Bottom'
Returns all Designator, Parameter, Sheet File Name, Sheet Name, and Text String objects that do not have a 'Bottom' Vertical Justification property.

Width Field (Schematic)

Returns all Port objects having a Width property that complies with the Query. Note: The Width property is only defined for Port objects.
Width : Numeric_String
Width : Number {If all non-Port objects are totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query.}
The Width keyword can always be used in conjunction with a Numeric_String; it can alternatively be used in conjunction with a Number, but only when all non-Port objects (which do not have a Width property) have been totally excluded by one or more preceding tokens within the Query. Examples of thus-compliant tokens are as follows:
Width <> ''
Width > ''
ObjectKind = 'Port'
The usage of such tokens is demonstrated in the examples that follow.
Width = '60'
Width <> '' && Width = 60
Returns all Port objects that have a Width property which is equal to 60.

Width > '' && Width Between 40 And 80
Returns all Port objects that have a Width property which is greater than or equal to 40 and less than or equal to 80.

Objectkind = 'Port' && Width >= 50
Returns all Port objects that have a Width property which is greater than or equal to 50.

IsPort && Width < 70
Returns all Port objects that have a Width property which is less than 70.

Width <> '40'
Returns all objects except Port objects that have a Width property which is equal to 40. (Only Port objects have a Width property, so all remaining types of objects do not have a Width property of 40, and are thus also returned by this Query.)

IsPort && Width <> 40
Returns all Port objects that have a Width property which is not equal to 40.

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