Schematic Processes
The following content has been imported from Legacy Help systems and is in the process of being checked for accuracy.
This section covers the Schematic processes and their parameters (if any).
Table of Schematic processes
AlignObjects process | LibraryDocumentDescription process | PlaceSheetEntry process |
UpdatePartDatabaseLinks process
UpdatePartFromLibraryEditor process
UpdatePartsFromLibraryList process
Zoom process |
AddComponentPart process
Adds a new component part to a component in the library.
Process: SCH:AddComponentPart
AlignObjects process
The AlignComponents process aligns selected objects on a Schematic document using specified parameters. There are different alignment parameters.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | Dialog,Left, Right, CenterHorizontal, SpaceEquallyHorizontal,Top, Bottom, CenterVertical, SpaceEquallyVertical,Grid | If no parameters supplied, the Align Components dialog appears. |
Process: SCH:AlignComponents
Parameters : Alignment = CenterHorizontal
AskForXYLocation process
Returns X and Y location values from a cursor click on a current schematic document. This is primarily used for scripts that need (X,Y) coordinates of the mouse click on the document in Altium Designer using Delphi Script for example.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer |
Location.Y | Integer |
Result | Integer |
Process: SCH:AskForXYLocation
Example 2
Function GetClickPosition; Var X,Y : Integer; Result1, Result2 : Integer; Begin ResetParameters; RunProcess('SCH:AskForXYLocation'); Result1 := GetIntegerParameter('Location.X',X); Result2 := GetIntegerParameter('Location.Y',Y); End;
BringObjectToFront process
Bring a selected object graphically to the front of all other objects on a schematic document.
Process: SCH:BringObjectToFront
BringObjectToFrontOf process
Bring an object to the front of another object on a schematic document.
Process: SCH:BringObjectToFrontOf
ChangeComponentName process
Change the name of the current component in the current library.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Name | String | Name of the component to change. |
Returns | True, False | Depending on whether the component name has changed or not. |
Process: SCH:ChangeComponentName
ChangeCurrentTemplate process
The ChangeCurrentTemplate process is used to change the current template of a sheet to a new template file name. A template is a special graphical entity that holds user-defined sheet size, border and title block descriptions.
Parameter | Value | Description |
FileName | String | Specifies the full path and file name of the template file. |
Process: SCH:ChangeCurrentTemplate
ChangeObject process
Select and use dialog to change objects on the schematic document if no parameters supplied. Otherwise you can change component parts to sheet symbols or to ports or break a polyline into segments if the Action parameter is specified.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | PartToSheetSymbol,, PartToPorts, BreakPolyline |
Process: SCH:ChangeObject
Parameters :
ChangeObjectGraphically process
The ChangeObjectGraphically process is used to graphically change or move an object. If the object already has the focus then this process interactively changes the object by physically moving the position of the objects handles.
ChangeObjectGraphicallyOrSetFocus process
The ChangeObjectGraphicallyOrSetFocus process is used to set the focus on an object. If the object already has the focus then this process interactively changes the object by physically moving the position of the objects handles.
Parameter | Value | Description |
ZoomOnFocusedObject | True, False | If True then the focussed object is zoomed into, resizing the whole object on the screen. |
Process: SCH:ChangeObjectGraphicallyOrSetFocus
Parameters : ZoomOnFocusedObject = True
ChangeSingleObject process
The ChangeSingleObject process is used to modify specific attributes of placed objects on the schematic or library document. This process is similar to the Change process, except that when an object has been edited you will not be prompted to select another object.
Parameter | Value | Description |
RunComponentDialog | True,False | Defaults to false. If true, Component Properties dialog appears. |
Clear process
Delete all selected objects from the current schematic document.
ClearLocationMark process
The ClearLocationMark process is used to clear a specific location marker. To set a new location use one of the SetLocationMark (1-10) processes. To move the cursor to a marked location use a Jump process with a specified LocationMark parameter.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LocationMark | 1..10 | To clear all location marks, leave the LocationMark parameter blank. |
Process: SCH:ClearLocationMark
Parameters : LocationMark = 1
ComponentRuleCheck process
The ComponentRuleCheck process searches the current active library in the Library Editor for user-specified errors such as duplicate pin numbers or missing footprints.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Show | True,False | If True, the report of pin errors are displayed. Defaults to True. |
DuplicateComponentNames | True,False | Checks for duplicate component names. Defaults to previous setting if none specified. |
DuplicatePins | True,False | Checks for duplicate pins. Defaults to previous setting if none specified. |
MissingDescription | True,False | Checks for empty description field. Defaults to previous setting if none specified. |
MissingFootPrint | True,False | Checks for empty foot print field. Defaults to previous setting if none specified. |
MissingDefaultDesignator | True,False | Checks for empty default designator field. Defaults to previous setting if none specified. |
MissingPinName | True,False | Checks for empty pin name field. Defaults to previous setting if none specified. |
MissingPinNumber | True,False | Checks for empty pin number field. Defaults to previous setting if none specified. |
Returns | True,False | 'Result=True' or 'Result=False' depending on whether the dialog or the parameters for this process has been processed or not. |
Process: SCH:ComponentRuleCheck
Parameters: DuplicateComponentNames=True | MissingPinName=False
Copy process
The Copy process is used to copy the objects that are currently selected in the schematic or library document to the clipboard. The Paste process can be used to place a copy of the selection back into any open the Schematic editor document window or into any application which supports the .WMF (Windows MetaFile) clipboard format.
Parameter | Value | Description |
ClipboardMode | ClipboardRing,'' | When you wish to do a general copy, assign ClipBoardMode to ClipboardRing. If you wish to copy as text, ClipboardMode=ClipboardRing|Action=CopyAsText |
Action | CopyAsText, '' | If you wish to copy as text, you will need to assign values to 2 parameters; ClipboardMode=ClipboardRing|Action=CopyAsText |
Process: SCH:Copy
Parameters : ClipBoardMode = ClipboardRing | Action = CopyAsText
CopyComponentToLibrary process
The CopyComponentToLibrary process is used in the Library Editor to copy a component from the current library file to another library file. This process is useful when creating customized libraries.
CreateComponent process
The CreateComponent process is used to create a new component within the current library document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Name | String | Name of the component to create. |
Process: SCH:CreateComponent
Parameters : Name = ExprCapacitor
CreateLibraryFromProject process
Creates a library document of symbols based on the components on a current schematic document.
CreateSheetFromFPGAPart process
Create a VHDL or Verilog file from a FPGA component.
Parameter | Value | Description |
DocumentKind | VHDL,Verilog | DocumentKind is set to one of the Hard Description Languages (VHDL or Verilog) based on which FPGA part. |
CreateSheetFromSheetSymbol process
Creates a new schematic document and adds ports for the sheet entries that are on the sheet symbol. Used in hierarchical designs. After creating a sheet symbol (if following a top down design methodology), automatically creates a new sheet with ports for all sheet entries present in the sheet symbol. Ports electrical characteristics and styles complement the sheet entries in the original sheet symbol.
Parameter | Value | Description |
DocumentKind | Schematic VHDL,Verilog, C | Specify the type of sheet when creating a new sheet. Defaults to a schematic sheet if no parameter supplied. |
Process: SCH:CreateSheetFromSheetSymbol
Parameters : Type = Schematic
See also
CreateSheetSymbolFromSheet process
CreateSheetSymbolFromSheet process
Create a sheet symbol that represents the current schematic document. Used in hierarchical designs, to speed creation of sheet symbols for a "child" sheet. After creating a sheet, this process will automatically generate a sheet symbol, labeled with its file name, including Sheet Entries for each Port in the sheet. Sheet Entry electrical characteristics and styles complement the ports in the original sheet.
See also
CreateSheetFromSheetSymbol process
CrossProbeChoose process
The ChooseCrossProbe process is defined to allow a user to cross-probe from the Schematic editor server into the other servers that are currently running within the Altium Designer environment
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | CrossSelect |
CrossReference process
The CrossReference process adds port references to a document or a project, or removes port references from a document or a project.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | AddToDocument, AddToProject, RemoveFromDocument, RemoveFromProject |
Process: SCH:CrossReference
Parameters : Action = AddToDocument
Cut process
The Cut process is used to clear the current selected objects from the document and copies it to the clipboard. The Paste process can be used to place the selection back into any open the Schematic document window or to another application that supports the Windows .WMF clipboard format.
Process: SCH:Cut
DeleteComponentFromLibrary process
The DeleteComponentFromLibrary process is used to remove components from the current Library document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Name | String | Name of component to delete from current library. |
Process: SCH: DeleteComponentFromLibrary
Parameters : Name = 74LS00
DeleteObjects process
The DeleteObjects process is used to delete objects from the schematic and library editor document windows.
DeSelect process
DeSelect objects inside/outside an area, all objects on a current schematic document or all open schematic documents
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | InsideArea,OutsideArea,All, AllOpenDocuments | DeSelect objects inside/outside an area, all objects on a current schematic document or all open schematic documents |
Process: SCH: DeSelect
Parameters : Action= All
See also
DeSelect process.
DocumentPreferences process
The DocumentPreferences process is used to define various document settings for either the schematic editor or library editor, such as sheet styles, size, orientation, background and border colors and other options that apply to the document. If no parameters are supplied, the Document Options dialog appears.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Tab | Sheet Options, Parameters, Units | If value is Sheet Options, the Sheet Options tab of the Document Options dialog appears. If Parameters, the Parameters tab appears allowing you to update existing Special String or add custom parameters. If Units, then the Units tab appears allowing you to choose which Unit System. |
Action | SetSnapGrid, SetVisibleGrid,SetElectricalGrid,EditProperties | A dialog appears allowing you to enter a value based on the current Unit System used by Schematic document depending on which grid you have specified. If Action is set to EditProperties, the Document Options dialog appears. |
Process: SCH: DocumentPreferences
Parameters : Tab = SheetOptions
DownHierarchy process
Go down the hierarchy of a project.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | OpenAllDocumentsInHierarchy | If no parameter supplied, you are prompted with a cross hair to click on a sheet symbol or port to go up or down from a master sheet to a child sheet and vice versa. |
Process: SCH: DownHierarchy
Parameters : Action = OpenAllDocumentsinHierarchy
Drag process
The DragObject process is used to move an object, selected objects or an object using focus rather than selection. If the object or group of objects has electrical characteristics such as a wire or part then connectivity will be maintained with other attached electrical objects.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | SingleObject, MultipleObjects, SelectedObjects | If Action is set to Single Object, the current object can be dragged. If MultipleObjects, then multiple objects can be dragged. if SelectedObjects then selected objects can be dragged. |
Process: SCH: Drag
Parameters : Action = SelectedObjects
ExportLibraryToDatabase process
Not Implemented.
ExportSchematicToDatabase process
Not implemented.
FilterSelect process
Use this FilterSelect process to perform one of the many filtering processes including displaying the Find Similar Objects dialog on a schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | FindSimilar,FindSimilarUnderCursor, ShowFavorites | To invoke the Find Similar Objects dialog, use Action=FIndSimilar. |
Clear | True, False | Set Clear to true to clear out the filter. Set it false to keep previous filter settings. |
ClearUnderlines | True, False | Set ClearUnderlines to true to remove the underlines. |
Expr | String | Expr is a valid expression string for the Filter. For example Expr = (ParameterName = ''Comment'') And (IsHidden = ''True'') looks for hidden parameters with comment names. |
Zoom | True, False | When Zoom is set to true, those Schematic design objects passing through the filter will be zoomed into as a whole. |
Mask | True, False | When Mask is set to true, those schematic design objects passing through the filter will not be masked. |
Select | True,False | When Select is set to True, those Schematic design objects passing through the filter will get selected. |
Process: SCH:FilterSelect
Parameters : Expr=IsPin And (PinElectrical = ''Power'') | Zoom=True | Mask = True | Select=True
Parameters : Expr=IsSchComponent And (PinsLocked = ''False'')
FindAndReplaceText process
The FindAndReplaceText process searches for and replace text strings on a schematic document. If no parameters supplied, the Find and Replace Text dialog appears.
Parameter | Value | Description |
SearchText | String | Specifies the text to search for on the schematic document. Need the ReplaceText parameter. |
ReplaceText | String | Specifies the text to replace with on the schematic document. Need the SearchText parameter. |
DocumentScope | 0..1 | Specifies the sheet scope to search in. 0 - All Document, 1 - Current Document. |
CaseSensitive | True, False | Depending on whether the search is case sensitive or not. |
PromptOnReplace | True, False | Depending on whether to prompt for confirmation before replacing text. |
RestrictToNet | True, False | Depending on whether to restrict search to net identifiers. |
SelectionCriteria | 0..2 | Specifies objects to search according to their selection state. 0 - Selected Objects, 1 - Deselected Objects, 2 - All Objects |
Process: SCH:FindAndReplaceText
FindNextText process
Search for and jump to the next matching text string which is the next occurence of the last text find that was specified using the FindText process.
FindText process
Search for and jump to a text string on a schematic document. If no parameters are supplied, the Find Text dialog appears prompting you to define the search criteria.
Parameter | Value | Description |
SearchText | String | Specifies the text to search for |
DocumentScope | 0..1 | Specifies the sheet scope to search in. 0 - All Document, 1 - Current Document. |
CaseSensitive | True, False | If true, search looks for case sensitive text only. Dog and DOG are different in this case. If false, search looks for text irrespective of case. Dog and DOG are same in this case. |
PromptOnReplace | True, False | If true, you are prompted before you proceed to replace found text. |
RestrictToNet | True, False | If true, you are restricted search to net identifiers. |
SelectionCriteria | 0..2 | Specifies objects to search according to their selection state. 0 - Selected Objects, 1 - Deselected Objects, 2 - All Objects. |
Process: SCH:FindText
FirstComponentLibraryEditor process
The FirstComponentLibraryEditor process is used to go to the first component in a current library document in the Library Editor.
Process: SCH:FirstComponentLibraryEditor
IncrementComponentPartNumber process
Increments the component part number for a multi-part component.
Jump process
This parameter can be used to do a variety of jump actions such as jumping to the next error marker, origin, or a new location etc.
Parameter | Value | Description |
NextErrorMarker | True, False | If true, jump to the next existing error marker. |
Origin | True, False | If true, jump to the origin of the schematic document |
NewLocation | True, False | If true, jump to a new location |
LocationMark | 1..10 | Jump to a location mark |
Process: SCH:Jump
Parameters : NewLocation = True
LastComponentLibraryEditor process
The LastComponentLibraryEditor process is used to go to the last component in a current library document.
LibraryDocumentDescription process
The AlignComponents process aligns selected objects on a PCB document using specified parameters. There are different alignment parameters.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Alignment | MoveComponentsToGrid, MoveRoomsToGrid, Bottom, Left, Right, Top, CenterHorizontal, CenterVertical, ExpandHorizontal, ExpandVertical, ContractHorizontal, ContractVertical, SpreadHorizontal, SpreadVertical | If no parameters supplied, the Align Components dialog appears. |
Process: Sch:AlignComponents
Parameters : Alignment = CenterHorizontal
ListAllSelectedPins process
The ListAllSelectedPins process is used to display a list of the part and pin designators currently selected on the worksheet. This process is useful to identify that your nets contain all the necessary pin information.
MoveComponentToLibrary process
The MoveComponentToLibrary process is used in the Library Editor to move a component from the current library file to another library file. This is similar to the CopyComponentToLibrary process, except that the component is physically removed from the current library and placed in the destination library. This process is useful when creating customized libraries.
MoveCursor process
Move the cursor across the screen by a specified unit.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Direction | Right, Left, Up, Down | Move cursor in the specific direction specified by the Direction parameter. |
BigSteps | True, False |
Process: SCH:MoveCursor
Parameters : Direction = Up | BigSteps = True
MoveObject process
The MoveObject process is used to interactively change the location of placed objects on the schematic and library editor documents.
See also
MoveSelectedObjects process
MoveObjectToFront process
MoveObjectToFront processs
The MoveObjectToFront process is used to interactively change the location of placed objects on the schematic and library documents. This process is similar to the MoveObject process, except that when an object has been moved and placed on the document it will be positioned in front of all the other stacked objects.
MoveSelectedObjects process
The MoveSelectedObjects process is used to reposition an individual selected object or a complex selection containing many objects as a single entity on a current schematic library/document.
MoveSingleObject process
The MoveSingleObject process is used to interactively change the location of placed objects on the schematic and library editor document windows. This process is similar to the MoveObject process, except that when an object has been moved you will not be prompted to select another object.
NextComponentLibraryEditor process
The NextComponentLibraryEditor process is used to go to the next component in a current library document in the Library Editor.
Process: SCH:NextComponentLibraryEditor
NextComponentPart process
The NextComponentPart process is used to show the next part of a multiple part component in the current library document.
Paste process
The Paste process is used to place the current clipboard contents into an open Schematic / Library document. However it can be configured as a rubber stamp, placing multiple copies of the same obejct on the schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | RubberStamp |
Process: SCH: Paste
Parameters: Action=RubberStamp
PlaceAnnotation process
Place a single line text on the current document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
S | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Example: specifies the special string for displaying the current date. |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500 |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500 |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
FontID | String | The font is specified by a description string. The string contains seven fields each separated by a space. "<Size> <Rotation> <Underline> <Italic> <Bold> <StrikeOut> <FontName>". Size is an integer; Rotation cannot be set, always 0; Underline, Italic, Bold and Strikeout are boolean flags 0=False, 1=True; FontName is the actual font name. Examples: FontID=8 0 0 0 1 0 Helv |
Selection | True, | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceAnnotation
PlaceArc process
Place graphical arcs on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500. Example: Location.X=100 |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500. Example: Location.Y=1500 |
Radius | Integer | Specified in units of .01 inch. Example: Radius=30 |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
StartAngle | Real | Start angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: StartAngle=33.333 |
EndAngle | Real | End angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: EndAngle=100 |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). Examples: Color=0 is black Color=255 is red Color=65280 is green Color=16711680 is blue Color=16777215 is white. |
Selection | True, | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceArc
PlaceArray process
Place an array with the last set array placement options.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units Example: Location.X=100 |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units Example: Location.Y=100 |
Process: SCH: PlaceArray
Parameters : Location.X = 5000 | Location.Y = 5000
PlaceBezier process
Place a bezier curve on the current document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Selection | True, | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceBezier
PlaceBus process
Place a bus on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Selection | True,False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceBus
PlaceBusEntry process
Place a bus entry on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Selection | True,False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceBusEntry
PlaceComponentFromLibraryEditor process
Places a component part from library editor into the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LibraryName | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Specifies the full path and file name of the schematic library document. |
PartType | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Specifies the component part name. |
Process: SCH: PlaceComponentFromLibraryEditor
PlaceEllipse process
Place an elliptical shape on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Radius | Integer | Specified in units Example: Radius=30 |
SecondaryRadius | Integer | Specified in units Example: SecondaryRadius=30 |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
Selection | True,False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Transparent | True,False |
Process: SCH: PlaceEllipse
PlaceEllipticalArc process
Place an elliptical arc on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Radius | Integer | Specified in units Example: Radius=30 |
SecondaryRadius | Integer | Specified in units Example: SecondaryRadius=30 |
StartAngle | Real | Start angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: StartAngle=33.333 |
EndAngle | Real | End angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: EndAngle=100 |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Selection | True,False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceEllipticalArc
PlaceGraphicImage process
Place a graphical image on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
FileName | String | The full path and file name of the image file to be opened. Example: FileName=C:\MyBitmap.bmp |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Radius | Integer | Specified in units Example: Radius=30 |
SecondaryRadius | Integer | Specified in units Example: SecondaryRadius=30 |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
Selection | True,False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
KeepAspect | True,False,Toggle | Set KeepAspect to true to maintain the aspect of the image. |
Process: SCH: PlaceGraphicImage
PlaceIEEESymbol process
Places an IEEE symbol on a library schematic sheet.
Symbol (Dot, RightLeftSignalFlow, CLock, ActiveLowInput, AnalogSignalIn, NotLogicConnection, PostponedOutput, OpenColelctor, Hiz, HighCurrent, Pulse, Delay, GroupLine, GroupBinary, ActiveLowOutput, PiSymbol, GreaterEqual, OpenCollectorPullup, OpenEmitter, OpenEmitterPullUp, DigitalSignalIn, Invertor, OrGate, InputOutput, AndGate, XorGate, ShiftLeft, LessEqual, Sigma, Schmitt, ShiftRight).
Process: SCH: PlaceIEEESymbol
Parameters : Symbol = Schmitt
PlaceIntegratedComponent process
The PlaceIntegratedComponent process places a component from the integrated library on a schematic sheet only.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
LibReference | String | Name of the part to be placed |
Library | String | Component library filename where the part exists. By default if no library is specified the component cache is used, if the part is still not found then all .lib files are searched in the current working directory. |
Designator | String | Specify the designator of the component. |
SourceLibraryName | String | Specify the Source library name of the component. |
PartID |
| Specifiy the part ID of the component. |
ParameterNameX | String | Specify the parameter name X for the component. Where X denotes the number of parameters for the component. This is used in conjunction with the ParameterValueX |
ParameterValueX | String | Specify the parameter value X for the component. Where X denotes the number of parameters for the component. This is used in conjunction with the ParameterName |
ModelType | String | Specify the model type for the component. |
ModelParameterNameX | String | Specify the model parameter name for this component's model. |
Process: SCH: PlaceIntegratedComponent
PlaceJunction process
Place a junction on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500. Example: Location.X=100 |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500. Example: Location.Y=1500 |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). Examples: Color=0 is black Color=255 is red Color=65280 is green Color=16711680 is blue Color=16777215 is white. |
Selection | True,False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Locked | True,False,Toggle | Set Locked to true to prevent this junction from being edited graphically. |
Process: SCH: PlaceJunction
PlaceLine process
Place a graphical line on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units. Example: Location.X=100 |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units. Example: Location.Y=1500 |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units. Example: Location.X=100 |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units. Example: Location.X=100 |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
StartAngle | Real | Start angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: StartAngle=33.333 |
EndAngle | Real | End angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: EndAngle=100 |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). Examples: Color=0 is black Color=255 is red Color=65280 is green Color=16711680 is blue Color=16777215 is white. |
Selection | True,False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceLine
PlaceNetLabel process
Place a net label on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
S | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Example: specifies the special string for displaying the current date. |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500 |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500 |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). Examples: Color=0 is black Color=255 is red Color=65280 is green Color=16711680 is blue Color=16777215 is white. |
FontID | String | The font is specified by a description string. The string contains seven fields each separated by a space. "<Size> <Rotation> <Underline> <Italic> <Bold> <StrikeOut> <FontName>". Size is an integer; Rotation cannot be set, always 0; Underline, Italic, Bold and Strikeout are boolean flags 0=False, 1=True; FontName is the actual font name. Examples: FontID=8 0 0 0 1 0 Helv |
Selection | True,False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible states, True=on, False=off and Toggle=switch state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceNetLabel
PlaceNoErc process
Place a NoErc to suppress no-connection error message for a net on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500 |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. Range is 0-6500 |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). Examples: Color=0 is black Color=255 is red Color=65280 is green Color=16711680 is blue Color=16777215 is white. |
FontID | String | The font is specified by a description string. The string contains seven fields each separated by a space. "<Size> <Rotation> <Underline> <Italic> <Bold> <StrikeOut> <FontName>". Size is an integer; Rotation cannot be set, always 0; Underline, Italic, Bold and Strikeout are boolean flags 0=False, 1=True; FontName is the actual font name. Examples: FontID=8 0 0 0 1 0 Helv |
Selection | True,False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceNoErc
PlaceNote process
The PlaceNote process places a memo like text container on the current schematic document. This note can be collapsed or in full view.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units. Example: Corner.X=200 |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units. Example: Corner.Y=500 |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
TextColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: TextColor=125 |
FontID | String | The font is specified by a description string. The string contains seven fields each separated by a space. "<Size> <Rotation> <Underline> <Italic> <Bold> <StrikeOut> <FontName>". Size is an integer; Rotation cannot be set, always 0; Underline, Italic, Bold and Strikeout are boolean flags 0=False, 1=True; FontName is the actual font name. Examples: FontID=8 0 0 0 1 0 Helv |
Selection | True,False, Toggle | This Selection parameter has three possible states, True=on, False=off and Toggle=switch state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
ShowBorder | True,False,Toggle | Set ShowBorder to true to show the border around the note object. |
Alignment | True,False,Toggle | Set Alignment to true to align the text inside and around the note object. |
WordWrap | True,False,Toggle | Set WordWrap to true to wrap text around if text exceeds the length of the note object. |
ClipToRect | True,False,Toggle | Set ClipToRect to true to clip the text if it exceeds the length of the note object. |
Collapsed | True, False, Toggle | Set Collapsed to true to collapse the note object as a small triangle on the schematic. |
Author | String | Contains the text contents of the memo container. |
Process: SCH: PlaceNote
PlaceOffSheetConnector process
Place a off sheet connector on a current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
OffSheetConnector | True, | Set the OffSheetConnector to true or false. |
Process: SCH: PlaceOffSheetConnector
PlaceParameterSet process
Places a parameter set object on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
ParameterSet | TestVectorIndex, Stimulus, PCBLayout | Set the ParameterSet to specify the parameter type. |
Process: SCH: PlaceParameterSet
PlacePart process
Place a component part on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
PinColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter |
OverideColors | True, | Set the OverrideColors to true to override the global color setting. |
Selection | True, | This parameter has three possible states, True=on, False=off and Toggle=switch state based on previous setting. |
CompDisplayMode | 0..254 | 255 possible graphical mode representations of the same part object. |
IsMirrored | True | If IsMirrored is set to true, the text string is flipped across the vertical axis. If IsMirrored is set to Toggle, the previous state is toggled, for example True to False or False to True. |
PartId | String | Specifies the component part number. |
ShowHiddenFields | True, | Set ShowHiddenFields to true to display hidden parameters for this component. |
ShowHiddenPins | True, | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
LibReference | String | Name of the part to be placed. |
Library | String | Component library filename where the part exists. By default if no library is specified the component cache is used, if the part is still not found then all .lib files are searched in the current working directory. |
FootPrint | String | Specify the Footprint name |
Designator | String | Specify the designator name |
PartType | String | Specify the part type |
Description1 Description16 | String | Specify Description 1 to 16 fields. Obsolete. Use Parameters instead. |
SheetPartFileName |
| Specifies the full path and file name of the schematic document. Example: SheetPartFileName=C:ChildSheet.SCH |
DisplayFieldNames | True, | Set DisplayFieldNames to true to display the field names. |
UseBrowser | True or False | By default this parameter is set to false if no value supplied. If UseBrowser = True, then a browse library dialog pops up allowing you to select a part to place on the schematic document. Otherwise a place part dialog appears instead with attributes fields to fill in. |
By default, a place part dialog appears with the previous component attributes automatically assigned.
Process: SCH: PlacePart
PlacePartFromLibrayEditor process
Place a part from the library editor onto the schematic document.
PlacePartFromSchEditor process
Place a part from the schematic editor panel onto the schematic document.
PlacePCBLayoutDirective process
Add a directive to schematic nets for the routing of the associated PCB document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
RoutingTrackWidth | Integer | Specifies routing track width passed to PCB layout. Example: RoutingTrackWidth=8 |
RoutingViaWidth | Integer | Specifies routing via width passed to PCB layout. Example: RoutingViaWidth=40 |
NetTopology | 0..6 | Seven topology settings, 0=X-bias .. 6=Star Point. Example: NetTopology=3 sets net topology to Daisy Chain. |
RoutingPriority | 0..4 | Five routing priorities, 0=Highest .. 4=Lowest. Example: RoutingPriority=2 sets priority to Medium. |
Layer | 0..21 | Twenty two layer settings, 0=Undefined .. 21=Power Plane 4. |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Selection | True,False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlacePCBLayoutDirective
PlacePieChart process
Place a pie shape on the current document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Radius | Integer | Specified in units of .01 inch. Example: Radius=30 |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
StartAngle | Real | Start angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: StartAngle=33.333 |
EndAngle | Real | End angle can be any degree from 0 to 360. Example: EndAngle=100 |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True,False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
Process: SCH: PlacePieChart
PlacePin process
Place an electrical pin on a current schematic or library document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Name | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Example: Name=Q1 |
Number | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Example: Number=10 |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). Examples: Color=0 is black Color=255 is red Color=65280 is green Color=16711680 is blue Color=16777215 is white. |
AreaColor | Integer | RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True,False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible states, True=on, False=off and Toggle=switch state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
Dot | True, False, Toggle | Sets Dot Symbol option. |
Clk | True, False, Toggle | Sets Clk Symbol option. |
Electrical | 0..7 | () Eight Electrical Types, 0=Input .. 7=Power. Example: Electrical=4 sets pin electrical type to Passive. |
IsHidden | True, False, Toggle | Set IsHidden to true to hide this pin. |
ShowName | True, False, Toggle | Set ShowName to true to display the name next to its associated pin. |
ShowNumber | True, False, Toggle | Set ShowNumber to true to display the number next to its associated number. |
PinLength | Integer | Specified in coordinate units of .01 inch. |
Process: SCH: PlacePin
PlacePolygon process
Place a graphical polygon shape on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True, False, Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
Location1.X..Location50.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location1.Y..Location50.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Process: SCH: PlacePolygon
PlacePort process
Place a port on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Name | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Example: Name=D1 |
Style | 0..3 | Four styles, 0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right, 3=Left & Right. Example: Style=1 sets style to Left. |
IOType | 0..3 | Four I/O types, 0=Unspecified, 1=Output, 2=Input, 3=Bidirectional. Example: IOType=3 sets I/O type to Bidirectional. |
Alignment | 0..2 | Three alignment settings, 0=Center, 1=Left, 2=Right. Example: Alignment=0 aligns text in the center of the port. |
Width | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
TextColor | Integer | RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True, False, Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Process: SCH: PlacePort
PlacePowerPort process
Place a specified power port on a schematic sheet.
Parameter | Value | Description |
S | String | Specifies the text for the power port object. |
Style | 0..6 | 0..6 = Circle, Arrow, Bar, Wave, Power Ground, Earth Ground, Earth respectively |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Orientation | 0..3 | Four orientation settings, 0=0 degrees, 1=90 degrees, 2=180 degrees 3=270 degrees. Example: Orientation=1 rotates annotation object vertically 90 degrees. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Repeat | True, False | If the Repeat parameter is assigned to true, every-time you place a power port, you have a floating power port ready to be placed again, like a rubber stamp. If the repeat parameter is not present, only one copy will be placed on the sheet. |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlacePowerPort
Parameters : Color=128|Orientation=3|S=GNDBUS..|Style=4
PlaceProbe process
The PlaceProbe process is used to place a simulation probe onto the current schematic document. A Probe is a special marker which is placed on the schematic document to identify nodes for digital simulation.
Parameter | Value | Description |
S | String | Specifies the text for the power port object. |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceProbe
PlaceRectangle process
Place a rectangle on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Process:SCH: PlaceRectangle
PlaceRoundRectangle process
Place a round rectangle on the current document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
CornerXRadius | Integer | Specified in coordinate units, the arc in X direction |
CornerYRadius | Integer | Specified in coordinate units, the arc in Y direction. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Process: SCH: PlaceRoundRectangle
Parameters : Location.X= 100 | Location.Y = 200 | CornerXRadius = 30 | CornerYRadius = 30 | Corner.X = 500 | Corner.Y = 500
PlaceSheetEntry process
The PlaceSheetEntry process is used to add a sheet entry to a sheet symbol. A sheet entry is used to direct signals to another sheet in a hierarchical design. There are four types of Sheet Entry symbols, Input, Output, Bi-directional and Unspecified.
Process: SCH: PlaceSheetEntry
PlaceSheetSymbol process
The PlaceSheetSymbol process is used to place a sheet symbol onto a schematic document. A sheet symbol represents another schematic document in a hierarchical design. Sheet symbols include sheet entry symbols, which provide a connection point for signals between the parent and child sheets.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
XSize | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
YSize | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
IsSolid | True,False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
ShowHiddenFields | True,False,Toggle | Set ShowHiddenFields to true to show the hidden fields for this sheet symbol. |
SheetFileName | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Specifies the full path and file name of the schematic document. Example: FileName=C:Child.SCH |
SheetName | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length |
Process: SCH: PlaceSheetSymbol
Parameters : Location.X=100|Location.Y=100|XSize = 200|YSize=300|IsSolid=True|ShowHiddenFields=True|Color=8092|AreaColor=1100|LineWidth = 2
PlaceStimulus process
The PlaceStimulus process is used to place a stimulus directive onto the schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
S | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Example: S=BaudClk |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceStimulus
PlaceTestVectorIndex process
The PlaceTestVectorIndex process is used to place a Test Vector directive onto the schematic document. Test Vectors are special symbols used to identify a node with a simulation test vector. The test vectors are referred to by a column number, which indicates the column of the test vector file to use when the simulation is run.
Parameter | Value | Description |
S | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Example: S=BaudClk |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceTestVectorIndex
Parameters : Location.X = 200 | Location = Y | S = Test Vector Index | Color = 65280
PlaceTextFrame process
The PlaceTextFrame process is used to place detailed notes or descriptive text onto the schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LongString | String | Text up to 64000 characters in length. |
Location.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Location.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.X | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
Corner.Y | Integer | Specified in coordinate units |
CornerXRadius | Integer | Specified in coordinate units, the arc in X direction |
CornerYRadius | Integer | Specified in coordinate units, the arc in Y direction. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
AreaColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: AreaColor=8224125 |
TextColor | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexadecimal number. See Color parameter. Example: TextColor=125 |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
FontID | String | The font is specified by a description string. The string contains seven fields each separated by a space. "<Size> <Rotation> <Underline> <Italic> <Bold> <StrikeOut> <FontName>". Size is an integer; Rotation cannot be set, always 0; Underline, Italic, Bold and Strikeout are boolean flags 0=False, 1=True; FontName is the actual font name. Examples: FontID=8 0 0 0 1 0 Helv |
IsSolid | True, False,Toggle | Set IsSolid to true to fill the background of this object with the area color. |
ShowBorder | True,False,Toggle | Set ShowBorder to true to show the border around the text frame object. |
Alignment | True,False,Toggle | Set Alignment to true to align the text inside and around the text frame object. |
WordWrap | True,False,Toggle | Set WordWrap to true to wrap text around if text exceeds the length of the text frame object. |
ClipToRect | True,False,Toggle | Set ClipToRect to true to clip the text if it exceeds the length of the text frame object. |
Selection | True, False,Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceTextFrame
Parameters : Location.X=500 | Location.Y = 500
PlaceWire process
Place an electrical wire on the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LineWidth | 0..3 | Four line widths, 0=Smallest, 1=Small, 2=Medium, 3=Large. Example: LineWidth=2 sets line width to medium. |
Color | Integer | Specifies RGB value converted from 6 digit hexidecimal number. For example the color blue would be RGB:0,0,255 and Hex:FF0000 therefore the converted decimal value would be 16711680. The following formula may be used to calculate the required value, R+256*(G+(256*B)). |
Repeat | True, False | If the Repeat parameter is assigned to true, every-time you place a wire object, you have another floating wire ready to be placed again, like a rubber stamp. If the repeat parameter is not present, only one copy will be placed on the sheet. |
Selection | True, False, Toggle | This parameter has three possible selection states for the object. True=Selected, False= Not selected and Toggle=switch selection state based on previous setting. |
Process: SCH: PlaceWire
Parameters: LineWidth = 3 | Color = 255 |
PreviousComponentLibraryEditor process
The PreviousComponentLibraryEditor process is used to go to the previous component in a current library document.
PreviousComponentPart process
The PreviousComponentPart process is used to show the previous part of a multiple part component in the current library document.
PrintDocument process
Redo process
Redoes the previous operation.
Process: SCH:Redo
RemoveComponentPart process
The RemoveComponentPart process is used to delete a part from a component within a current library document.
The RemoveDuplicateComponentNames process is used to remove/delete duplicate components from the current library. The first component name in the library is saved and all other components with the same name are removed.
Process: SCH:RemoveDuplicateComponentNames
RemoveTemplate process
Remove any template information from the current schematic document.
Process: SCH:RemoveTemplate
RenameObjectText process
Changes the text field associated with an object from the Browser such as the designator of the current part.
Process: SCH:RenameObjectText
ReportComponent processs
The ReportComponent process is used to retrieve general information about the current component in the schematic library.
Parameter | Value | Description |
FileName | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Specifies the full path and file name of the report document. |
Show | True,False | Load and display report in text editor if True. Defaults to True |
Process: SCH:ReportComponent
Parameters : Filename = Report | Show = True
ReportComponentLibrary process
The ReportComponentLibrary process is used to retrieve general information about the current schematic library.
Parameter | Value | Description |
FileName | String | Text string up to 255 characters in length. Specifies the full path and file name of the report document. |
Show | True,False | Load and display report in text editor if True. Defaults to True |
Process: SCH:ReportComponentLibrary
Parameters : Filename = ReportLibrary.Txt | Show = True
ResetUniqueIds process
The ResetUniqueIds process resets the Unique Ids of all components on the schematic document.
Process: SCH:ResetUniqueIds
Select process
Select objects inside/outside an area, all objects or a connection on a current schematic sheet.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | (InsideArea,OutsideArea,All, Connection | Set Action to the scope required. |
Process: SCH:Select
Parameters : Action= All
See also
DeSelect process.
SelectionMemory process
Perform one of the many selection memory processes including displaying the Selection Memory dialog.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | ShowDialog, Store, Recall, StorePlus, RecallPlus, Clear, Apply | Set Action to the required action. |
Index | 1..n | Set Index to one of the selection memories. |
There are up to 9 Store and Recall memory states for the Selection Memory dialog.
Process: SCH : SelectionMemory
Parameters : Action = ShowDialog | Index = 1
SendObjectToBack process
The SendObjectToBack process is used to send objects on the schematic document to the back of all other objects.
SendObjectToBackOf process
The SendObjectToBackOf process is used to move an object on the schematic document behind another object. This process is similar to the SendObjectToBack process, except that you will be prompted to select the object that the original object will be placed behind.
SetLocationMark process
The SetLocationMark (1..10) processes are used to tag or mark specific locations on the schematic worksheet. The JumpLocationMark (1..10) processes are used to move the cursor to this set location.
Parameter | Value | Description |
LocationMark | 1..10 | Set location mark to one of one the 10 location marks on the schematic. |
CurrentLocation | True, False | If CurrentLocation is false, the location mark is set at where you click on the schematic document. |
SetupArrayPlacement process
The SetupArrayPlacement process is used to define a multiple placement of the clipboard contents onto the current schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
ItemCount | Integer | Specifies the item count value. |
TextIncrement | Integer | Specifies the text increment value. |
HorizontalSpace | Integer | Specifies the horizontal spacing value. |
VerticalSpace | Integer | Specifies the vertical spacing value. |
Process: SCH:SetupArrayPlacement
Parameters : ItemCount = 4 | TextIncrement = 10 | HorizontalSpace = 10 | VerticalSpace = 10
SetupPreferences process
The SetupPreferences process is used to define various Schematic and Library Editor settings, such as cursor shape, default template file, grid display type, selection color, auto-junction, and other options that apply to all Schematic and Library Editor documents.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Tab | Schematic, Graphical Editing, Compiler, AutoFocus, Break Wire, Default Primitives, Orcad (Tm) Options | If none supplied, the Preferences dialog with Schematic Tab is shown. Otherwise if Value is specified for the particular tab, then Preferences dialog will be displayed with that tab active. Take note of white space between characters. |
SelectionColor | Integer | The SelectionColor value is composed of three Red, Green and Blue values according to this formula: RedVal |
ResizeColor | Integer | The ResizeColor value is composed of three Red, Green and Blue values according to this formula: RedVal |
TranslateRotateColor | Integer | The TranslateRotateColor value is composed of three Red, Green and Blue values according to this formula: RedVal |
DocumentScope | 0,1 | 0 = Current Document. 1= Open Documents. |
LibraryScope | 0,1 | 0 = Current Library. 1 = Open libraries. |
ConfirmSelectionMemoryClear | Integer | 0 False, 1 True. If true, you are prompted before you can clear the selection memory. |
SnapToCenter | True,False,Toggle | Set SnapToCenter to true and when the object is being moved or dragged by its center (for objects which do not have a reference point such as a rectangle). Set it to false and the reference point is used for dragging or moving objects (such as library components or ports). |
UseOrcadPorthWidth | True,False,Toggle | Use True if you wish to have existing port widths be recalculated based on the number of characters in their name and they cannot be graphically resized. Use False to use the default port width. |
SelectionReference | True,False,Toggle | Set SelectionReference to true and then, when you select Edit » Copy or Edit » Cut from the menu, you will be asked to select a reference point. This is useful when copying a section of circuit which is to be pasted back into a schematic sheet. This reference point will be the point where the section of circuit will be held when pasting. |
UndoRedoStackSize | Integer | The UndoRedoStackSize parameter specifies the number of actions held in the Undo Buffer. The default value is 50. Enter a value for this parameter to set the Undo Buffer size. There is no limit to the size of the Undo Buffer, however, the larger the size, the more main memory is used to store undo information. |
ConvertSpecialStrings | True,False,Toggle | Set ConvertSpecialStrings to true to see the contents of the special strings on the schematic document, as they appear on a printout. |
MaintainOrthogonal | True,False,Toggle | Set MaintainOrthogonal to True and when you drag components, any wiring that is dragged with the component is kept orthogonal (i.e. corners at 90 degrees). Set it to False and wiring dragged with a component will be repositioned obliquely. |
DisplayPrinterFonts | True,False,Toggle | Not all fonts are supported on all output devices (and Windows will automatically substitute). To see what the text is going to look like on the printout, Set the DisplayPrinterFonts to true.. |
HotSpotGridDistance | Integer | Set HotSpotGridDistance to setup the electrical hot spot grid. |
SnapToHotspot | True,False,Toggle | Set SnapToHotspot to true and when the object is being moved or dragged it is snapped to by the nearest electrical hot spot (eg, the end of a pin). |
AutoZoom | True,False,Toggle | Set AutoZoom to true and the schematic sheet is automatically zoomed when jumping to a component. Set it to false and the Zoom level remains as it was. |
AutoJunction | True,False,Toggle | Set AutoJunction to True and the system-generated junctions are displayed for bus objects on a schematic document. |
OptimizePolylines | True,False,Toggle | Set OptimizePolylines to True to prevent extra wires, poly-lines or buses overlapping on top of each other and the overlapping wires, poly-lines or busses are removed automatically. |
ComponentsCutWires | True,False,Toggle | Set ComponentsCutWires to True so you can drop a component onto a schematic wire and then the wire is cut into two segments and the segments are terminated onto any two hot pins of this component automatically. You need to have the OptimizePolylines value set to true as well. |
AddTemplateToClipboard | True,False,Toggle | Set AddTemplateToClipboard to true, so the current sheet template is also copied to the clipboard when you copy or cut from the current schematic sheet. |
DefaultTemplateFilename | String | Enter the filename to set the default user template file that will be used to create new schematic sheets. Enter the full path and file name of a schematic template file. |
AutoPanJumpDistance | Integer | Set the AutoPanJumpDistance to set the size of each auto-panning step. The step size determines how fast the document pans when auto-panning is enabled. The smaller the value, the slower or finer the auto-panning movement. |
AutoPanShiftJumpDistance | Integer | Set the AutoPanShiftJumpDistance to set the size of each step when the SHIFT key is held during auto-panning. The shift step size determines how fast the document pans when auto-panning is enabled and the SHIFT key is pressed. The smaller the value, the slower or finer the auto-panning movement. |
PinNameMargin | Integer | Normally, component pin names are displayed inside the body of the component, adjacent to the corresponding pin. This value controls the placement of component pin names. It specifies the distance (in hundredths of an inch) from the component outline to the start of the pin name text. The default is 5. |
PinNumberMargin | Integer | Normally, component pin numbers are displayed outside the body of the component, directly above the corresponding pin line. This value controls the placement of the pin numbers. It specifies the distance (in hundredths of an inch) from the component outline to the start of the pin number text. The default is 8. |
ShowPinDirection | True,False,Toggle | Set the ShowPinDirection to True to display the direction of pins of components on a schematic document. The pin direction is indicated by the orientation of a triangle symbol. |
ShowPortDirection | True,False,Toggle | Set the ShowPortDirection to True and ports' style can be determined by the I/O type attribute of corresponding ports. |
UnconnectedLeft2Right | True,False,Toggle | Set the UnconnectedLeft2Right value to True and those unconnected ports on a schematic document is displayed in a Left To Right direction (as a Right style). |
ShowSheetEntryDirection | True,False,Toggle | Set the ShowSheetEntryDirection to True and the sheet entries' style can be determined by the I/O type attribute of corresponding sheet entries. |
DefaultPrimsPermanent | True,False,Toggle | Set the DefaultPrimsPermanent value to true and the default values for all primitives are locked and cannot be changed when you are placing primitives on the schematic. |
IgnoreSelection | True,False,Toggle | By default, selecting an object or a group of objects is considered an action which may be undone. Complex selections can quickly fill the Undo Buffer's Stack Size . Set IgnoreSelection to True to stop each selection action from going to the Undo Buffer, thus reducing the demands on the computer system's memory. |
ClickClearsSelection | True,False,Toggle | Set ClickClearsSelection to True if you want to deselect all design objects by clicking any where on the schematic workspace. |
DoubleClickRunsInspector | True,False,Toggle | Set DoubleClickRunsInspector to True to bring up the Inspector dialog instead of the design object's properties dialog when you double click on a design object. |
Sensitivity | Integer | Set Sensitivity to set the auto panning speed. If 0, the slowest or finest the auto-panning movement or 100 fastest or coarsest the movement. |
SingleSlashNegation | True,False,Toggle | Set SingleSlashNegation to true and a net name can be negated by typing a backslash character before the first letter in the net name. This applies to ports, net labels and sheet entries. |
RunInPlaceEditing | True,False,Toggle | Set RunInPlaceEditing to True, then the focused text field may be directly edited within the Schematic Editor, rather than in a dialog box. After focusing the field you wish to modify, clicking upon it again or pressing the F2 shortcut key will open the field for editing. |
DefaultPowerGndName | String | When placing a Power Ground style power port in a schematic, its net name will default to this value. |
DefaultSignalGndName | String | Set the DefaultSignalGndName with a name and when placing a Signal Ground style power port in a schematic, its net name will default to this value. |
DefaultEarthName | String | Set the DefaultEarthName with a name and when placing an Earth power port in a schematic, its net name will default to this value. |
StringIncA | String | Set StringIncA a value to auto-increment on pin designators of a component when you are placing pins for a component. This is used for building components in the Library editor. Normally you would use a positive increment value for pin designators and negative increment value for pin names. Eg 1, 2,3 for pin designators and D8, D7, D6 for pin names. Thus StringIncA ( Primary) = 1 and StringIncB ( Secondary) = -1 and set Display Name to D8 and Designator to 1 in the Pin Properties dialog before you place the first pin. |
StringIncB | String | Set StringIncB a value to auto-increment on pin names of a component when you are placing pins for a component. This can be used for building components in the Library editor. Normally you would use a positive increment value for pin designators and negative increment value for pin names. Eg 1, 2,3 for pin designators and D8, D7, D6 for pin names. Thus StringIncA ( Primary) = 1 and StringIncB ( Secondary) = -1 and set Display Name to D8 and Designator to 1 in the Pin Properties dialog before you place the first pin. |
MarkManualParameters | True,False,Toggle | Set the MarkManualParaemters to true and Parameters are displayed with a dot which denotes that auto-positioning has been turned off and that parameters are moved or rotated with its parent object (component for example). To hide the dots, Set this MarkManualParameters to False. |
CtrlDbleClickGoesDown | True,False,Toggle | Set CtrlDbleClickGoesDown to True to open the sub-sheet of its associated sheet symbol by double clicking on this sheet symbol. |
CutterGridSizeMultiple | 2-10 | Set the CutterGridSizeMultiple value to snap to a section of the polyline that is the same size as the specified Snap Grid Size Multiple option from the Preferences page prior to cutting the polyline. Multiplicity range from 2 to 10. |
CutterFixedLength | Integer | Set the CutterFixedLength value so that a fixed length of the section of a polyline can be snapped prior to cutting this polyline. |
MultiPartNamingMethod | Integer | If 0, alpha suffix is used for naming of components. if 1, numeric suffix is used for naming of componentsl |
BufferedPainting | True,False,Toggle | Set BufferedPainting to True to buffer the redraw process so the graphical display looks less jerky when you zoom in or out or drag the workspace. This option increases the demands on the computer system. |
Metafile_NoERCMarkers | True,False,Toggle | Set Metafile_NoERCMarkers to True to include No ERC Marker design objects when copying to the clipboard or when printing. |
Metafile_ParameterSets | True,False,Toggle | Set Metafile_ParameterSets to True to include Parameter Sets design objects when copying to the clipboard or when printing. |
MustHoldShiftToSelect | True,False,Toggle | Set MustHoldShiftToSelect to True if you wish to use the SHIFT key to select specific primitives as specified by the Primitives list. This list is accessed by clicking the Primitives button. Disable this option and you can select a primitive normally. |
VisibleGridStyle | 0,1 | 0 = Dot Grid, 1 = Line Grid |
GraphicsCursorStyle | 0,1,2 | 0 = Large Cursor 90, 1= Small Cursor 90, 2 = Small Cursor 45 |
OrcadFootPrint | 0..8 | 0 ..7 = Part Fields 1.. 8, 8 Ignore |
AutoPanStyle | 0,1,2 | AutoPan Off, Auto Pan Fixed Jump, AutoPan Recenter |
PolylineCutterMode | 0,1,2 | 0 = Cutter Snap to Segment, 1 = Grid Size, 2 = Fixed Length |
ShowCutterBoxMode | 0,1,2 | 0 = Never, 1 = Always, 2 = On Polyline |
ShowCutterMarksMode | 0,1,2 | 0 = Never, 1 = Always, 2 = On Polyline |
AF_PlacementDim | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_PlacementDim to true if you want to have the ability to dim unconnected objects on the schematic object when you are editing this connected object. |
AF_PlacementZoom | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_PlacementZoom to true if you want to have the ability to zoom in the connected object that is being edited. |
AF_PlacementThicken | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_PlacementThicken to true if you want to have the ability to thicken the surrounding connected objects when you are moving a object connected to a network of connected objects on the schematic sheet. |
AF_EditLocationDim | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditLocationDim to true if you want to have the ability to dim all unconnected objects when you are moving a object connected to a network of connected objects on the schematic sheet. |
AF_EditLocationZoom | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditLocationZoom to true if you want to have the ability to zoom in the surrounding connected objects when you are moving a object connected to a network of these connected objects on the schematic sheet. Use the Toggle value to toggle from True to False or False to True. |
AF_EditLocationThicken | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditLocationThicken to true if you want to have the ability to thicken the surrounding connected objects when you are moving a object connected to a network of connected objects on the schematic sheet. |
AF_EditPropertyDim | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditPropertyDim to True, if you want to have the ability to dim all unconnected objects on the schematic sheet when you are re-sizing a connected object. |
AF_EditPropertyZoom | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditPropertyZoom to true if you want to have the ability to zoom in all the connected objects of a network on the schematic sheet when you are re-sizing a connected object of this network. |
AF_EditPropertyThicken | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditPropertyThicken to true, if you want to have the ability to thicken all the connected objects of a network on the schematic sheet when you are re-sizing a connected object part of this network. |
AF_EditInPlaceDim | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditInPlaceDim to true if you want to have the ability to dim all unconnected objects when you are placing a new object on the schematic sheet. You can toggle the Electrical Grid in the Preferences dialog to help you with the ease of placement of electrically aware objects. |
AF_EditInPlaceZoomText | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditInPlaceZoomText to true if you want to have the ability to zoom in the text string of a connected object (for example the port) that is being edited. |
AF_EditInPlaceZoomConnection | True, False, Toggle | Set AF_EditInPlaceZoomConnection to true if you want to have the ability to zoom in the connected object that is being edited. |
AF_DimLevel | Integer | Set AF_DimLevel of the dimming level. A value of 0, objects are dimmed to the point of being almost transparent, and a value of 100, objects are slightly dimmed. |
AF_ThickenDelay | Integer | Set AF_ThickenDelay of the thickening delay. A value of 0, the delay to thicken connected objects are minimal, a value of 100 |
ConvertCrossJunctions | True, False, Toggle | Set ConvertCrossJunctions to True and when the addition of a wire would create a four-way junction, this is converted into two adjacent three-way junctions. |
DisplayCrossOvers | True, False, Toggle | Set DisplayCrossOvers to True and the wiring cross-overs will be displayed with little bridges on the currently focussed schematic sheet. Use the Toggle value to toggle from True to False or False to True. |
ShowHints | True, False, Toggle | Set ShowHints to True and you have ability to see compile hints on the schematic sheet and hover over the underlined object (not the squiggle itself) for details. Use the Toggle value to toggle from True to False or False to True. |
DefaultSheetStyle | 0..17 | 0 = A4,1 =A3, 2= A2,3=A1, 4=A0, 5 = A, 6= B, 7 = C, 8 = D, 9 = E, 10 = Letter, 11 = Legal, 12 = Tabloid, 13 = OrcadA, 14 = OrcadB, 15 = OrcadC, 16 = OrcadD, 17 = OrcadE |
Process: SCH:SetUpPreferences
Parameters : ConvertSpecialStrings = Toggle | ShowHints = True | DisplayCrossOvers = True
SetupPrinter process
SynchronizeHierarchy process
Updates ports and sheet entries in the project, current document or the chosen sheet symbol.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | WholeProject, WholeDocument, SingleSheetSymbol | Set Action to Whole Project to synchronize across the whole project, set to Document to synchronize across the document or set to SingleSheetSymbol to update the ports and sheet entries for this Sheet Symbol only. |
Process: SCH:SynchronizeHierarchy
Parameters : Action = WholeDocument
ToggleComponentModeDisplay process
The ToggleComponentModeDisplay process toggles a component into one of its alternate component modes if any. The default mode for the component is Mode0 and the next modes are Mode1..Mode 254 if any exist.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Action | Previous,Next, Add, Remove, Moden | Previous value goes to the previous component mode. Next goes to the next component mode. Add creates a new component mode and you can define a new component in the library. Remove deletes the current component mode, and Moden goes to the specified component mode, where n is 0 to 254. |
Process: SCH:ToggleComponentModeDisplay
Parameters : Action = Mode0
ToggleElectricalGrid process
The ToggleElectricalGrid process is used to turn the Electrical grid on or off. The Electrical grid defines an array of points in the workspace that restricts cursor movement and the placement of objects. Turning the Electrical grid off allows you to place objects at any location on the schematic document without any restrictions.
ToggleHiddenPins process
The ToggleHiddenPins process is used to show or hide all the pins that have the attribute of Hidden. This process does not change the Hidden property of pins.
ToggleSelection process
Toggles the selection state of selected objects on a schematic document.
Process: SCH:ToggleSelection
ToggleSingleObjectSelection process
The ToggleSingleObjectSelection process is used to select and de-select objects on a schematic by moving the cursor over the object and clicking SHIFT
ToggleSnapGrid process
The ToggleSnapGrid process is used to turn the snap grid on or off. The snap grid defines an array of points in the workspace which restrict cursor movement and the placement of primitives. Turning the snap grid off allows you to place primitives at any location on the schematic document without any restrictions.
ToggleVisibleGrid process
The ToggleVisibleGrid process is used to turn the visible grid on or off in the current document window. The visible grid provides visual reference as you move around the schematic and can be displayed as dots or straight lines.
Undo process
Undoes the current operation.
UpdateComponentsFromLibraryEditor process
The UpdateComponentFromLibraryEditor process is used to automatically update/replace matching parts in opened schematic documents with the component in the current documet.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Filename | String | The filename of the library |
LibRef | String | The name of the part to be updated. |
Process: SCH:UpdateComponentsFromLibraryEditor
UpdateCurrentTemplate process
The UpdateCurrentTemplate process is used to update the current sheets template information from its template file.
UpdateLibraryMask process
UpdatePartDatabaseLinks process
UpdatePartFromLibraryEditor process
The UpdatePartFromLibraryEditor process is used to update all parts in every schematic that is open from the library editor.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Filename | String | The filename of the library. |
LibRef | String | The name of the part to be updated. |
UpdatePartsFromLibraryList process
The UpdatePartsFromLibraryList process is used to update all parts in every single sheet that is open, from libraries listed in the Change Library File List dialog box.
Zoom process
The Zoom process is used to set the zoom level of the current Schematic document. Depending upon the parameters, a number of zoom actions can be performed from refreshing the screen to displaying a specified region of the schematic document.
Parameter | Value | Description |
ZoomLevel | Real | Prompts for a zoom value if not specified |
Action | ZoomIn,ZoomOut,Pan, Redraw, All | Use ZoomIn to zoom in a document, ZoomOut to zoom out of a document, pan to pan across a document, Redraw to refresh the document or All to resize the document in full view. |
Object | Window, Point, Selected | Choose which point of reference to display the specified region (Window, Point or Selected) of the schematic document. |
Process: SCH:Zoom
Parameters : ZoomLevel = 0.5