Schematic - Default Units

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The Schematic - Default Units page of the Preferences dialog.


The Schematic – Default Units page of the Preferences dialog provides controls related to default unit settings in the schematic.


The Schematic – Default Units page is part of the main Preferences dialog (DXP >> Preferences) and is accessed by clicking the Default Units entry under the Schematic folder, in the left hand pane of the dialog.


Imperial Unit System

  • Use Imperial Unit System - Enable this option if you want to use imperial units in your schematic projects. You would also need to choose which imperial units to be used (DXP defaults - 10 mil, mils, inches and auto imperial units) in theImperial unit used drop down list.
  • Imperial Unit used - Choose one of the available imperial units; mils, inches, DXP default units (10 mils) and auto imperial. If the Auto imperial unit is selected, the system will switch from mils to inches when the value is greater than 500 mils.

Metric Unit System

  • Use Metric Unit System - Enable this option if you wish to use the metric units for your schematic projects. You would also need to choose which metric unit to be used (millimetres - mm, centimetres - cm, meters - m and Auto-Metric) in the Metric unit used drop down list.
  • Metric Unit used -  Choose one of the available metric units;millimeters,centimeters, meters, Auto-Metric. If the Auto imperial unit is selected, the system will switch from mm to cm when the value is greater than 100 cm.

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