Schematic - Default Primitives

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The Schematic - Default Primitives page of the Preferences dialog.


The Schematic – Default Primitives page of the Preferences dialog provides controls and information related to primitives in the schematic.


The Schematic – Default Primitives page is part of the main Preferences dialog (DXP >> Preferences) and is accessed by clicking the Default Primitives entry under the Schematic folder, in the left hand pane of the dialog.


  • Primitives List - This is a list of primitives that can be used on a schematic sheet. Select a primitive and click the Edit Values button to define the default values for that primitive type. Click Save As button to save the new default values to a ADVSCH.DFT and ADVSCH.MMDFT files. Click Load button to load the file that contains the primtive defaults. Click on the Reset All button to reset all primitive default values to factory defaults.
  • Primitive Type List - Click this button to choose a group of primitives, such as Wiring Objects, Library Objects etc. With this group you can choose values to affect the primitives within this group only.
  • Save As - Click this button to save a default primitive file with a DFT extension. The values for the specified primitive or list of primitives are saved and can be re-used in the future.
  • Load - Click this button to load a default primitive file (that normally ends with a DFT extension) that has default values. Everytime you place a object on a schematic sheet, this object iniitally has default values.
  • Reset All - Click this button to reset all object default values.
  • Permanent - Enable this option and while changing field values are possible through pressing the TAB key, the default values are not updated and the changes only apply to the placed primitive.

Mils Tab

  • Edit Values Mils - Click this button to change the default values for the highlighted primitive in Mils unit. If you want to use MM units instead, click on the MMs tab.
  • Reset Mils - Click this button to reset all values in Mils for this highlighted primitive.
  • Reset All Mils - Click this button to reset all object's values in Mils.

MMs Tab

  • Edit Values MMs - Click this button to change the default values for the highlighted primitive in MMs unit. If you want to use Mils units instead, click on the Mils tab.
  • Reset MMs - Click this button to reset all values in MMs for this highlighted primitive.
  • Reset All MMs - Click this button to reset all object's values in MMs.
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