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Returns all objects having an Object Kind property that complies with the Query.

This is an alias for ObjectKind (Field).


Kind = ObjectKind_String

Kind <> ObjectKind_String

ObjectKind_String must be one of the strings from the following list:

'Acute Angle Rule' , 'Angular Dimension' , 'Arc' , 'Baseline Dimension' , 'Broken Nets Rule' , 'Center Dimension' , 'Class' , 'Clearance Rule' , 'Component' , 'Component Clearance Rule' , 'Component Rotations Rule' , 'Confinement Constraint Rule' , 'Coordinate' , 'Daisy Chain Stub Length Rule' , 'Datum Dimension' , 'Fanout Control Rule' , 'Fill' , 'Flight Time Falling Edge Rule' , 'Flight Time Rising Edge Rule' , 'From To' , 'Layer Pair Rule' , 'Leader Dimension' , 'Linear Diameter Dimension' , 'Linear Dimension' , 'Matched Lengths Rule' , 'Max Min Height Rule' , 'Max Min Hole Size Rule' , 'Max Min Impedance Rule' , 'Max Min Length Rule' , 'Max Min Width Rule' , 'Max Slope Falling Edge Rule' , 'Max Slope Rising Edge Rule' , 'Maximum Via Count Rule' , 'Minimum Annular Ring Rule' , 'Net' , 'Nets To Ignore Rule' , 'Original Dimension' , 'Overshoot Falling Edge Rule' , 'Overshoot Rising Edge Rule' , 'Pad' , 'Parallel Segment Rule' , 'Paste Mask Expansion Rule' , 'Permitted Layers Rule' , 'Poly' , 'Polygon Connect Style Rule' , 'Power Plane Clearance Rule' , 'Power Plane Connect Style Rule' , 'Radial Diameter Dimension' , 'Radial Dimension' , 'Routing Corner Style Rule' , 'Routing Layers Rule' , 'Routing Priority Rule' , 'Routing Topology Rule' , 'Routing Via Style Rule' , 'Short Circuit Rule' , 'Signal Base Value Rule' , 'Signal Stimulus Rule' , 'Signal Top Value Rule' , 'SMD Neck Down Rule' , 'SMD To Corner Rule' , 'SMD To Plane Rule' , 'Solder Mask Expansion Rule' , 'Supply Nets Rule' , 'Test Point Style Rule' , 'Test Point Usage Rule' , 'Text' , 'Track' , 'Unconnected Pin Rule' , 'Undershoot Falling Edge Rule' , 'Undershoot Rising Edge Rule' , 'Via' , 'Vias Under SMD Rule' , 'Violation'

The single quote characters (') shown at the start and end of each ObjectKind_String are both mandatory.


  1. Kind = 'Class'

Returns all Class objects.

  1. Kind <> 'Via'

Returns all objects except for Via objects.

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