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Returns components whose Height property complies with the Query.

The child objects of these Component objects are not also returned.
The H property is only defined for Component objects.
This is an alias for Height (Field).


Height : Number

If the target file has an 'Imperial' Measurement Unit property, the Number specifies a distance with a unit of 1 mil (1 mil = 0.001 inch).

If the target file has a 'Metric' Measurement Unit property, the Number specifies a distance with a unit of 1 mm (1 mm = 0.001 meter).

A specific option for the distance unit can be specified as follows:

AsMils(Height) : Number {This specifies a distance with a unit of 1 mil.}

AsMM(Height) : Number {This specifies a distance with a unit of 1 mm.}


  1. Height = 300

Returns all components that have a Height property which is equal to 300 current measurement units.

  1. Height >= 5.08

Returns all components that have a Height property which is greater than or equal to 5.08 current measurement units.

  1. AsMils(Height) > 400

Returns all components that have a Height property which is greater than 400 mil. (The current value of the target file's Measurement Unit property has no impact upon this outcome.)

  1. AsMM(Height) Between 6.35 And 8.89

Returns all components that have a Height property which is greater than or equal to 6.35 mm and less than or equal to 8.89 mm. (The current value of the target file's Measurement Unit property has no impact upon this outcome.)

  1. Height <> 550

Returns all components that have a Height property which is not equal to 550 current measurement units.

  1. AsMils(Height) <= 650

Returns all components that have a Height property which is less than or equal to 650 mil.

  1. AsMM(Height) < 11.43

Returns all components that have a Height property which is less than 11.43 mm.

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