PCB Editor - True Type Fonts

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Parent page: PCB Preferences

The PCB Editor - True Type Fonts page of the Preferences dialog.


As its name suggests, the PCB Editor – True Type Fonts page of the Preferences dialog provides numerous controls relating to the functionality of the True Type Fonts feature within the PCB workspace.


The PCB Editor – True Type Fonts page is part of the main Preferences dialog (DXP » Preferences) and is accessed by clicking the True Type Fonts entry under the PCB Editor folder, in the left hand pane of the dialog.Alternatively, right click the PCB Editor, choose and run command Options » True Type Fonts Options... from the popup menu.


Truetype Fonts Save / Load Options 

  • Embed TrueType fonts inside PCB documents - TrueType fonts are the fonts installed on your computer. Enable this setting to save the TrueType fonts you have used in your PCB file. This will allow other machines which do not have this font to view the design as you have intended.
  • Substitution font - The substitution font will replace any TrueType fonts contained in files you open but which are not present on your system.


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