PCB Editor - Defaults

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Parent page: PCB Dialogs

The PCB Editor - Default page of the Preferences dialog.


As its name suggests, the PCB Editor – Default page of the Preferences dialog provides numerous controls relating to the default settings within the PCB workspace.


The PCB Editor – Default page is part of the main Preferences dialog (DXP » Preferences) and is accessed by clicking the Default entry under the PCB Editor folder, in the left hand pane of the dialog.Alternatively, right click the PCB Editor, choose and run command Options » Defaults... from the popup menu.


Default Primitive 

This field displays a list of PCB primitives. Select an object type and press the Edit Values button (or double-click on an object type in the list) to edit the default properties of that object. The defaults can also be changed on-the-fly during object placement, by pressing the TAB key while the object is floating on the cursor. The changes made on-the-fly will not affect the defaults if the Permanent option is enabled.

  • Primitive Type - Display all primitives which can be edited
  • Edit Value -  Click to open the Properties dialog for the currently selected primitive object. Use the Properties dialog to define the default behavior for the object.
  • Reset - Click to reset the default properties of the object type currently selected in the primitives list. The properties of the selected object type will be reset to the system defaults. This button only affects the currently selected object type. To reset all object types simultaneously, click the Reset All button.
  • Load - Click to load a previously saved set of default object properties. You will be asked to navigate to and select a previously saved properties file.
    When the PCB server is started, the current defaults are read from the file ADVPCB.DFT, and any changes you make to the defaults are stored in this file when you exit. Use the Save As button to save the current default properties in a custom file.
  • Save as - Click to save the current default object properties to a custom properties file. You will be asked for a name and directory for the file.
    When the PCB Editor server is started, the current defaults are read from the file ADVPCB.DFT, and any changes you make to the defaults are stored in this file when you exit. Use the Load button to load a previously saved set of default properties.
  • Reset All - Click to reset the properties of all objects to the system defaults.
  • Permanent - If this option is enabled, the default properties of all object types are locked and are not changed if you edit an object's properties during placement.
    If this option is disabled, any changes you make to a particular object during placement (by pressing the TAB key while the object is floating on the cursor before placement) are used to update the default properties for that particular object type.


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