Supply Nets

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Rule categorySignal Integrity

Rule classification: Binary


Identifies a supply net and specifies its voltage (or set of nets using the net class scope). 


  • Voltage - the voltage value for the net(s) falling under the scope (full query) of the rule. (Default = 0.000V).

How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved

All rules are resolved by the priority setting. The system goes through the rules from highest to lowest priority and picks the first one whose scope expression(s) match the object(s) being checked.

Rule Application

Batch DRC and during Signal Integrity analysis.


The supply net(s) can be specified by enabling the Net or Net Class option in the Where the First object matches region of the PCB Rules and Constraints Editor dialog and choosing the required net or net class from the corresponding drop-down list. The corresponding Full Query for the rules' scope will be as follows:InNet('NetName') - for a single netInNetClass('NetClassName') - for a net class

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