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Parent page: PCB Dialogs


The String... Dialog.


The String dialog allows designer to edit String properties, in addition to some special strings.


The String dialog can be accessed prior to entering placement mode, from the PCB Editor - Defaults page of the Preferences dialog (Tools » Preferences). This allows you to change the default properties for string objects, which will be applied when placing subsequent strings.

During placement, the String dialog can be accessed by pressing the TAB key.

After placement, the String dialog can be accessed in the following ways:

  • double-clicking on the placed string object
  • right-clicking the string object and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu
  • selecting the Edit >> Change command, then clicking once over the placed string object. This method allows consecutive editing for multiple objects.


  • Width - Specify the width value for the String.
  • Height - Specify the height value for the String.
  • Rotation - Specify the Rotation for the String.
  • Location X/Y - Specify the Location for the String.


  • Text - Enter the content of the String. Also A defined set of special strings are available that act as placeholders for PCB design or system-based information, such as layer names, hole counts, legends and the like. The following lists the defined set of special PCB strings:
    • .Application_BuildNumber - the version of Altium Designer that the PCB is currently loaded in. When generating Gerber output, this string will record the software build that the design was created on
    • .Arc_Count - the number of arcs on the PCB
    • .Comment - the comment string for a component (used in designing component footprints)
    • .Component_Count - the number of components on the PCB
    • .ComputerName - The name of the machine that the PCB is currently loaded in
    • .Designator - the designator string for a component (used in designing component footprints)
    • .Fill_Count - the number of fills on the PCB
    • .Hole_Count - the number of drill holes on the PCB
    • .Layer_Name - the name of the layer the string is placed on
    • .Legend - a symbol legend for mechanical drill plots. This string is only valid when placed on the Drill Drawing layer
    • .Net_Count - the total number of different nets on the PCB
    • .Net_Names_On_Layer - the names of all nets on the specific layer. This string is only valid when placed on an internal plane layer
    • .Pad_Count - the number of pads on the PCB
    • .Pattern - the names of the component footprints used on the PCB
    • .Pcb_File_Name - the path and file name of the PCB document
    • .Pcb_File_Name_No_Path - the file name of the PCB document
    • .Plot_File_Name - When generating Gerber output, this string identifies the file name of the Gerber plot file. When generating printed output, this string identifies the layer depicted within the output. When generating ODB++ output, this string identifies the name of the parent folder in which the files are stored
    • .Poly_Count - the number of polygons on the PCB (consisting of polygon pours, internal planes and split planes)
    • .Print_Date - the date of printing/plotting
    • .Print_Scale - the printing/plot scale factor
    • .Print_Time - the time of printing/plotting
    • .Printout_Name - the name of the printout
    • .SlotHole_Count - the number of slotted holes on the PCB
    • .SquareHole_Count - the number of square holes on the PCB
    • .String_Count - the number of strings on the PCB
    • .Track_Count - the number of tracks on the PCB
    • .VersionControl_RevNumber - the current revision number of the document. Version control must be used for this string to contain any information
    • .Via_Count - the number of vias on the PCB.
  • Layer - Specify which Layer String locates.
  • Locked - Enable this option to lock the string.
  • Mirror - Enable this option to mirror the string.
  • Font - Specify font style, the appearance of the lower section of the dialog will change for different font.
    • True Type - Select TrueType Font.
      • Font Name - Select the font you wish to use from the Font Name list. TrueType and OpenType fonts are found in the \Windows\Fonts folder (OpenType being a superset of TrueType). Note that the list will only include entries for detected (and uniquely named) root fonts. For example, Arial and Arial Black will be listed but Arial Bold , Arial Bold Italic , etc will not.
      • Bold - Use this option to make Font Bold.
      • Italic - Use this option to make Font Italic.
      • Inverted - Use this option to have the text displayed as inverted, with control over the size of the border around the text.
      • Use Inverted Rectangle - Check this box to control over the bounding rectangle for the text, including justification and margins.
    • Stroke - Select Stroke Font, three Stroke-based fonts are available.  Default is a simple vector font which supports pen plotting and vector photoplotting; Sans Serif and Serif fonts are more complex and will slow down vector output generation, such as Gerber. The Stroke fonts are built into the software and cannot be changed. The Stroke fonts have the full IBM extended ASCII character set that supports English and other European languages.
      • Font Name - Select a font: Default, or Sans Serif, or Serif.
    • BarCode -  Select BarCode Text.
      • Type - Select the barcode ISO coding you wish to use
        • Code 39 - US Dept of Defense standard.
        • Code 128 - the global trade identification standard.
      • Render Mode - Choose a render mode for barcode display, Min Single Bar Width or Full BarCode Width.
      • Full Width - Specify the full width of the bar code.
      • Full Height  - Specify the full height of the bar code.
      • Min Width - Specify the minimum width of the bar code.
      • Font Name - Choose a font for the bar code text.
      • Left/Right Margin - Specify margin value for the bar code in left and right side.
      • Top/Bottom Margin - Specify margin value for the bar code in top and bottom side.
      • Show Text - display  actual text string that the barcode is derived from.
      • Inverted - allows you to set a distance between the barcode (or barcode and text) and the border.


You are reporting an issue with the following selected text and/or image within the active document: