Edit Explode Custom

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Parent process: CAMtastic:EditExplodeCustom

Applied parameters: None


This command is used to convert a custom aperture object into its constituent base objects.


After launching the command, the cursor will change to a square and you will enter custom apertures explode mode. You will be prompted to select custom aperture objects to include in the explode. Simply position the cursor over a custom aperture object you wish to include in the selection and click. Clicking away from an object allows you to drag a selection area, for including multiple objects in the selection. Selection is cumulative.

Continue adding custom aperture objects to the selection and then right-click. The selected custom aperture objects will be converted to their constituent base objects.

Continue selecting further custom aperture objects to explode or right-click or press ESC to exit custom aperture explode mode.


The command can be canceled at any stage before the initial right-click by pressing ESC.

All exploded custom aperture objects can be restored by using the Undo command.

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