CAM Editor Shortcuts

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CAM Editor (CAMtastic®) Shortcuts

CTRL + X Cut
CTRL + C (or CTRL + INSERT) Copy
CTRL + V (or SHIFT + INSERT) Paste
CTRL + E Clear
CTRL + M Mirror
CTRL + R Rotate
CTRL + L Align Selective
L Merge Layers
ALT + C Select using crossing window
ALT + P Select previous selection
CTRL + F Toggle Flash selection mode On/Off
CTRL + T Toggle Trace selection mode On/Off
CTRL + A Array objects
CTRL + D Modify/change objects
CTRL + I Set origin
CTRL + U Scale objects
HOME View all
SHIFT + P View around specified point
CTRL + Mouse-wheel up (or PAGE UP) Zoom in
CTRL + Mouse-wheel down (or PAGE DOWN) Zoom out
Mouse-wheel up Pan up
Mouse-wheel down Pan down
SHIFT + Mouse-wheel up Pan left
SHIFT + Mouse-wheel down Pan right
SHIFT + V Zoom last
END Refresh
D Dynamic panning mode
SHIFT + B View Film Box
CTRL + HOME Zoom Film Box
ALT + HOME Zoom current DCode
SHIFT + E Toggle view of Extents Box On/Off
SHIFT + F Toggle Fill Mode On/Off
SHIFT + H Toggle highlight of current objects using current D code
N Toggle negative view
SHIFT + T Toggle translucent view
SHIFT + G Access CAM Editor - Drawing Modes page of Preferences dialog
Q Query object
SHIFT + N Query net
SHIFT + M Measure point-to-point
SHIFT + A Access apertures table
K Access Set Layers Off dialog
ALT + K Access Set Layers On dialog
SHIFT + S Toggle Object Snap mode
ESC Cancel action
SHIFT + CTRL + R Repeat last action
+ (numeric keypad) Display next layer only
- (numeric keypad) Display previous layer only
* (numeric keypad) Display next signal/plane layer only


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