The Editor View and the Compiled Documents View

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The Schematic Editor has a main design window where all of your designs are drawn and viewed. You will notice each Schematic Document in your project has an Editor tab. The design constructed in the Editor tab is the source for compilation which produces Compiled Documents that can be viewed using Compiled Document tabs. Editor and Compiled Document tabs are located along the bottom of the Schematic Document in the design window.

For a multi-channel design, there is one Compiled Document per Channel. If there are no channels in your design, there is only one Compiled Document per Schematic Document.
Compiled Document tabs are named using the Room Name which is based on the Sheet Symbol Designator. The top sheet in a hierarchical design does not have a Sheet Symbol Designator so the Compiled Document tab Name is the same as the filename. For example, Mixer.SchDoc, has the Compiled Document tab, Mixer. You can customize your Compiled tab Names further in your Project Options dialog (Project » Options » Multi-Channel) by changing your Room Naming Style.

Compiled Documents View

The Editor tab is the only tab visible in the Schematic Editor before the project is compiled. When Schematic Documents are edited, the Editor tab becomes the active tab. After you have compiled your project, Compiled Documents can be viewed by clicking on the Compiled Document tabs. If you attempt to make any changes to your design in a Compiled Document, editing mode is activated and the Editor tab becomes active.
Compiled Document tabs are distinguished from the Editor tab by both their naming convention and the font properties of the tab names. The Editor tab name is black and bold whereas the Compiled Document tab names are not bold and are gray.

Note: The Editor tab is the only tab you will see when you first open a project. You have to compile your project to view Compiled Documents.

Compiled Document Preferences - Gray Scale

Compiled Documents are displayed with a different color scheme from the source document in the Editor tab. They are grayed out by default which helps to identify when you are viewing Compiled Documents which are read only.

You can customize the Gray Scale of your design in the Compiled Documents by:

  • Selecting the DXP » Preferences command which brings up the Preferences dialog
  • Navigating to the Compiler tab under the Schematic folder
  • In the Compiled Names Expansion section of the dialog, use the Full Color to Gray Scale slider bar to specify the extent of color in your Compiled Documents.

Compiled Document Preferences - Compiled Names Expansion

Compiled Documents display the compiled data with the corresponding source data displayed in brackets using superscript.

Upon compilation, the corresponding compiled data of your objects is also displayed in brackets using superscript in the Editor tab. If there are multiple compiled names for an object, the first name is displayed followed by 3 ellipses (...). You can view the list of Compiled Names by hovering your mouse over the object.

You can customize how the source data is displayed in your Compiled and Source Documents by:

  • Selecting the DXP » Preferences command which brings up the Preferences dialog
  • Navigating to the Compiler tab under the Schematic folder
    In the Compiled Names Expansion section of the dialog, choose which names you would like to be displayed in superscript. These options are applicable to both the Editor tab and your Compiled Document tabs.
    There are three options to choose from for each object:
  • Never display superscript - expanded names are never displayed
  • Always display superscript - expanded names are always displayed
  • Display superscript if necessary - expanded names are only displayed if they are different from the source

Searching for Compiled Names

You can use the Edit » Find Text command to search for Compiled Names in your project.
For example, using the circuitry above, R1 is the designator in the Editor View and R10, R20 and R30 are the compiled names. You can search for R10, R20 and R30 providing you have compiled your project. You do not have to have the compiled document active to search for compiled names.

Printing Compiled Documents

Compiled Documents cannot be printed from the Schematic Editor. If you attempt to print Compiled Documents, the source document in the Editor tab will be printed.
To print Compiled Documents, create or use an existing Output Job and either:

  • Select the data source: [Project Physical Documents] for your Schematic Prints outputs, indicating that you want to print Compiled Documents, then right-click and select Print from the pop-up menu that appears or use the File » Print command

See Also

You are reporting an issue with the following selected text and/or image within the active document: