Support for Generating Folded STEP Models of a Board

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Altium Designer supports exporting the PCB to the STEP file format. The STEP file can then be imported into an MCAD design environment, for further integration into the mechanical design. 

Support for exporting the folded board to STEP was added in Altium Designer 14.3

Exporting a Folded Board to STEP

Extending the STEP export capabilities, Altium Designer now supports the STEP export of a folded right-flex design. The STEP Export Options dialog includes a slider which allows the designer to define the amount of fold required, from flat (fold 0%), right through to fully folded (fold 100%).

To export the board to STEP in its folded state:

  1. enable the Export Folded Board option,
  2. then set the Rate slider to the required amount of fold.

Export the foldable rigid-flex design in the STEP format, setting the fold amount in the STEP Export Options dialog.

The STEP file opened in an MCAD application (Rhinoceros 5 in this example).

Note that the fold amount defined in Altium Designer in the PCB panel in Layer Stack Regions mode, will become the default fold amount when the STEP Export Options dialog opens.


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