Getting Started with Collaborative PCB Design

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Main article: Collaborative PCB Design

Like the idea of collaborative PCB design, where multiple designers can work on the same board at the same time, and bring their results together? Altium Designer brings true collaboration to the PCB design process.

Through the new Collaborate, Compare and Merge panel you're informed about the status of your board, compared to your fellow collaborators. Click on a command in the panel to Show the Differences, then use the Difference Map to get a high-level view of who has done what on the board. Click in the Map to zoom to an area of interest, then use right-click commands in the workspace to keep your changes, or pull the changes made by others into your board. There's even an Auto command, that automatically integrates all changes that do not conflict with your version of the board, making it a snap to bring in a large amount of routing from another designer. When you're ready, the updates can be saved and committed back into the repository. Each designer can also define Work Regions, ensuring that everyone knows where they can work, and where they should not.

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