Front-End Design - FAQs
Front-end design FAQs
Use the following links to browse through frequently asked questions about front-end design in Altium Designer.
How can I replace multiple parts at once?
Replacing multiple parts (or schematic components) in one operation is a useful capability. The method to do it is not particularly obvious, especially where the new part is in a different library to the old part. The solution may depend on what sort of libraries you are using and whether the new schematic part is in the same library as the old part.
New part and old part in the same library
In this situation:
- Select all the parts you want to change.
- Open the Sch Inspector panel, note that it states the number of selected objects at the bottom of the panel.
- Type (or paste) the new library Symbol Reference into the Design Item ID field in the Sch Inspector panel.
- Press Enter on the keyboard to commit the change.
New part and old part in different libraries
This solution will probably only work if the new part Symbol Reference is unique across all libraries installed into the project (confirmation required here.)
- Select all the parts you want to change.
- Open the Sch Inspector panel, note that it states the number of selected objects at the bottom of the panel.
- Uncheck (clear) the Use Library Name checkbox in the panel.
- Type (or paste) the new library Symbol Reference into the Design Item ID field in the Sch Inspector panel.
- Press Enter on the keyboard to commit the change..
The only difference between this and the situation where the new part is in the same library, is clearing the Use Library Name checkbox.
Why can't I get all schematic pages to print?
To get all the pages in a multi-sheet design to print, each sheet must have a unique page number. To number the pages, run the Tools » Number Schematic Sheets command to open the Sheet Numbering for Project dialog, as shown below. For more information on using the dialog, click here, or press F1 over the dialog when it is open in Altium Designer.