NanoBoard 3000 - Host Status LEDs

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The NanoBoard 3000 provides two 1204 size RGB LEDs (S1204RGBSDJC, from Sansen Technology Co., Ltd) – used to reflect the status of the Host Controller FPGA (NanoTalk Controller). Internally, each LED is comprised of three distinct chips – the LEDs of which provide the component colors Red, Green and Blue. The anode of each is commoned and brought out to a single pin, which is subsequently connected to the board's 5V power supply.

Each LED is wired to, and driven from, three separate I/O pins of the Host FPGA device.

On the Altera variant of the NanoBoard 3000 (NB3000AL), each of these 6 lines are pulled down to GND through 4K7 resistors, ensuring that the LEDs do not light in a spurious fashion.

RGB LEDs used to
provide visual output
of Host Controller status.

These LEDs are mostly used during the firmware update process, to indicate conditions such as 'Flash erase in progress' or 'Flash programming in progress'. Once the firmware is booted, the STATUS 1 LED will light red and remain lit to signify that the firmware is in its normal operational mode.

They are also used when the boards are being manufactured, for debugging purposes.

Location on Board

The RGB LEDs (designated LED16 and LED17 and labeled 'STATUS 1' and 'STATUS 2' respectively) are located on the component side of the board, to the left of 'User Header A'.

Schematic Reference

The LED circuitry can be found on Sheet 33 (LED_RGB_SMDx2.SchDoc, entitled Visual Indicators) of the motherboard schematics.

Further Device Information

For more information on the RGB LED (S1204RGBSDJC), refer to the datasheet (S1204RGBSDJC.pdf) available at located under the 'SMD LEDs' section, '1204 size RGB Tri-color SMD LED' link.

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