KEYPADA_W - Wishbone Keypad Controller

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Figure 1. KEYPADA_W - Wishbone Keypad Controller.

The Keypad Controller component (KEYPADA_W) provides a simple interface between a host processor and a 16-key (4Row x 4Column) keypad, such as that located on the NanoBoard-NB1. The Controller is fully synchronous.

Features at-a-glance

  • Fully synchronous design
  • Reset under processor control
  • 1 MHz operational frequency
  • Continuous scanning of the keypad matrix – no triggering required
  • Inherent key debouncing (16ms)
  • Wishbone-compliant


From an OpenBus System document, the Keypad Controller component can be found in the Peripherals region of the OpenBus Palette panel.

From a schematic document, the KEYPADA_W component can be found in the FPGA Peripherals (Wishbone) integrated library (FPGA Peripherals (Wishbone).IntLib), located in the \Library\Fpga folder of the installation.

Designing with the KEYPADA_W

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