Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) Model
Model Kind
Model Sub-Kind
SPICE Prefix
SPICE Netlist Template Format
Parameters (definable at component level)
The following component-level parameters are definable for this model type and are listed on the Parameters tab of the Sim Model dialog. To access this dialog, simply double-click on the entry for the simulation model link in the Models region of the Component Properties dialog.
Length | channel length (in meters). |
Width | channel width (in meters). |
Drain Area | area of the Drain diffusion (in sq.meters). |
Source Area | area of the Source diffusion (in sq.meters). |
Drain Perimeter | perimeter of drain junction (in meters). (Default = 0). |
Source Perimeter | perimeter of source junction (in meters). (Default = 0). |
NRD | equivalent number of squares of the drain diffusion (Default = 1). |
NRS | equivalent number of squares of the source diffusion (Default = 1). |
Starting Condition | set to OFF to set terminal voltages to zero during operating point analysis. Can be useful as an aid in convergence. |
Initial D-S Voltage | time-zero voltage across Drain-Source terminals (in Volts). |
Initial G-S Voltage | time-zero voltage across Gate-Source terminals (in Volts). |
Initial B-S Voltage | time-zero voltage across Bulk (substrate)-Source terminals (in Volts). |
Temperature | temperature at which the device is to operate (in Degrees Celsius). If no value is specified, the default value assigned to TEMP on the SPICE Options page of the Analyses Setup dialog will be used (Default = 27). |
M | multiplication factor. (Default = 1). This parameter is only available when using the EKV model. |
Parameters (definable within model file)
The following is a list of parameters that can be stored in the associated model file, when using the Shichman-Hodges, MOS2, MOS3 or MOS6 models:
LEVEL | model index (Default = 1). |
VTO | zero-bias threshold voltage V TO (in Volts). (Default = 0). |
KP | transconductance parameter (in A/V 2 ). (Default = 2.0e-5). |
GAMMA | bulk threshold parameter γ (in V 1/2 ). (Default = 0). |
PHI | surface potential φ (in Volts). (Default = 0.6). |
LAMBDA | channel length modulation λ (in 1/V). This parameter is applicable to MOS1 and MOS2 model types only. (Default = 0). |
RD | drain ohmic resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
RS | source ohmic resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
CBD | zero-bias B-D junction capacitance (in Farads). (Default = 0). |
CBS | zero-bias B-S junction capacitance (in Farads). (Default = 0). |
IS | bulk junction saturation current I S (in Amps). (Default = 1.0e-14). |
PB | bulk junction potential (in Volts). (Default = 0.8). |
CGSO | Gate-Source overlap capacitance per meter channel width (in Farads per meter). (Default = 0). |
CGDO | Gate-Drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width (in Farads per meter). (Default = 0). |
CGBO | Gate-Bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel length (in Farads per meter). (Default = 0). |
RSH | Drain and Source diffusion sheet resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
CJ | zero-bias bulk junction bottom capacitance per square meter of junction area (in Farads/m 2 ). (Default = 0). |
MJ | bulk junction bottom grading coefficient (Default = 0.5). |
CJSW | zero-bias bulk junction sidewall capacitance per meter of junction perimeter (in Farads/meter). (Default = 0). |
MJSW | bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient (Default = 0.5 |
JS | bulk junction saturation current per square meter of junction area (in Amps/m 2 ). |
TOX | oxide thickness (in meters). (Default = 1.0e-7). |
NSUB | substrate doping (in 1/cm 3 ). (Default = 0). |
NSS | surface state density (in 1/cm 2 ). (Default = 0). |
NFS | fast surface state density (in 1/cm 2 ). (Default = 0). |
TPG | type of gate material: |
XJ | metallurgical junction depth (in meters). (Default = 0). This applies to Levels 2 (MOS2) and 3 (MOS3) only. |
LD | lateral diffusion (in meters). (Default = 0). |
UO | surface mobility (in cm 2 /Vs). (Default = 600). |
UCRIT | critical field for mobility degradation (in V/cm). This parameter is applicable to the MOS2 model only. (Default = 1.0e4). |
UEXP | critical field exponent in mobility degradation. This parameter is applicable to the MOS2 model only. (Default = 0). |
UTRA | transverse field coefficient (mobility). This parameter has been deleted with respect to the MOS2 model. (Default = 0). |
VMAX | maximum drift velocity of carriers (in m/s). (Default = 0). |
NEFF | total channel-charge (fixed and mobile) coefficient. This parameter is applicable to the MOS2 model only. (Default = 1). |
KF | flicker noise coefficient (Default = 0). |
AF | flicker noise exponent (Default = 1). |
FC | coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula (Default = 0.5). |
DELTA | width effect on threshold voltage. This parameter is applicable to MOS2 and MOS3 model types only. (Default = 0). |
THETA | mobility modulation (in 1/V). This parameter is applicable to the MOS3 model only. (Default = 0). |
ETA | static feedback. This parameter is applicable to the MOS3 model only. (Default = 0). |
KAPPA | saturation field factor. This parameter is applicable to the MOS3 model only. (Default = 0.2). |
TNOM | parameter measurement temperature (in °C) |
The following is a list of parameters that can be stored in the associated model file, when using the BSIM or BSIM2 models:
LEVEL | model index (Default = 1). |
VFB* | flat-band voltage (in Volts). |
PHI* | surface inversion potential (in Volts). |
K1* | body effect coefficient (in V 1/2 ). |
K2* | Drain/Source depletion charge-sharing coefficient. |
ETA* | zero-bias drain-induced barrier-lowering coefficient. |
MUZ | zero-bias mobility (in cm 2 /Vs). |
DL | shortening of channel (in μm). |
DW | narrowing of channel (in μm). |
U0* | zero-bias transverse-field mobility degradation coefficient (in V -1 ). |
U1* | zer0-bias velocity saturation coefficient (in μm/V). |
X2MZ* | sens. of mobility to substrate bias at V ds =0 (in cm 2 /V 2 s). |
X2E* | sens. of drain-induced barrier lowering effect to substrate bias (in V -1 ). |
X3E* | sens. of drain-induced barrier lowering effect to drain bias at V ds =V dd (in V -1 ). |
X2U0* | sens. of transverse field mobility degradation effect to substrate bias (in V -2 ). |
X2U1* | sens. of velocity saturation effect to substrate bias (in μmV -2 ). |
MUS | mobility at zero substrate bias and at V ds =V dd (in cm 2 /V 2 s). |
X2MS* | sens. of mobility to substrate bias at V ds =V dd (in cm 2 /V 2 s). |
X3MS* | sens. of mobility to drain bias at V ds =V dd (in cm 2 /V 2 s). |
X3U1* | sens. of velocity saturation effect on drain bias at V ds =V dd (in μmV -2 ). |
TOX | gate oxide thickness (in μm). |
TEMP | temperature at which parameters were measured (in °C) |
VDD | measurement bias range (in Volts). |
CGDO | gate-drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width (in F/m). |
CGSO | gate-source overlap capacitance per meter channel width (in F/m). |
CGBO | gate-bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel length (in F/m). |
XPART | gate-oxide capacitance-charge model flag. |
N0* | zero-bias sub-threshold slope coefficient. |
NB* | sens. of sub-threshold slope to substrate bias. |
ND* | sens. of sub-threshold slope to drain bias. |
RSH | drain and source diffusion sheet resistance (in Ohms). |
JS | source drain junction current density (in A/m 2 ). |
PB | built-in potential of source drain junction (in Volts). |
MJ | grading coefficient of source drain junction. |
PBSW | built-in potential of source drain junction sidewall (in Volts). |
MJSW | grading coefficient of source drain junction sidewall. |
CJ | source drain junction capacitance per unit area (in F/m 2 ). |
CJSW | source drain junction sidewall capacitance per unit length (in F/m). |
WDF | source drain junction default width (in meters). |
DELL | source drain junction length reduction (in meters). |
The following is a list of parameters that can be stored in the associated model file, when using the BSIM3 model:
LEVEL | model index (Default = 1). |
MOBMOD | mobility model selector (Default = 1). |
CAPMOD | flag for the short-channel capacitance model (Default = 2). |
NQSMOD | flag for NQS model (Default = 0). |
NOIMOD | flag for noise model (Default = 1). |
VTH0 | threshold voltage (at V BS =0) for Large L (in Volts). (Default = 0.7 - NMOS; -0.7 - PMOS). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
K1 | first-order body effect coefficient (in V 1/2 ). (Default = 0.5). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
K2 | second-order body effect coefficient (Default = 0). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
K3 | narrow width coefficient (Default = 80). |
K3B | body effect coefficient of K3 (in 1/V). (Default = 0). |
W0 | narrow width parameter (in meters) (Default = 2.5e-6). |
NLX | lateral non-uniform doping parameter (in meters). (Default = 1.74e-7). |
VBM | maximum applied body bias in Vth calculation (in Volts). (Default = -3.0). |
DVT0 | first coefficient of short-channel effect on Vth (Default = 2.2). |
DVT1 | second coefficient of short-channel effect on Vth (Default = 0.53). |
DVT2 | body-bias coefficient of short-channel effect on Vth (in 1/V). (Default = -0.032). |
DVT0W | first coefficient of narrow width effect on Vth for small channel length (in 1/m). (Default = 0). |
DVT1W | second coefficient of narrow width effect on Vth for small channel length (in 1/m). (Default = 5.3e6). |
DVT2W | body-bias coefficient of narrow width effect for small channel length (in 1/V). (Default = -0.032). |
U0 | mobility at TEMP = TNOM (in cm 2 /V/s). (Default = 670.0 - NMOSFET; 250.0 - PMOSFET). |
UA | first-order mobility degradation coefficient (in m/V). (Default = 2.25e-9). |
UB | second-order mobility degradation coefficient (in (m/V) 2 ). (Default = 5.87e-19). |
UC | body-effect of mobility degradation coefficient. |
VSAT | saturation velocity at TEMP = TNOM (in m/sec). (Default = 8.0e4). |
A0 | bulk charge effect coefficient for channel length (Default = 1.0). |
AGS | gate bias coefficient of Abulk (in 1/V). (Default = 0). |
B0 | bulk charge effect coefficient for channel width (in meters). (Default = 0). |
B1 | bulk charge effect width offset (in meters). (Default = 0). |
KETA | body-bias coefficient of bulk charge effect (in 1/V). (Default = -0.047). |
A1 | first non-saturation effect parameter (in 1/V). (Default = 0). |
A2 | second non-saturation factor (Default = 1). |
RDSW | parisitic resistance per unit width (in Ω-μm WR ). (Default = 0). |
PRWB | body effect coefficient of RDSW (in V -1/2 ). (Default = 0). |
PRWG | gate bias effect coefficient of RDSW (in 1/V). (Default = 0). |
WR | width offset from Weff for RDS calculation (Default = 1). |
WINT | width offset fitting parameter from I-V without bias (in meters). (Default = 0). |
LINT | length offset fitting parameter from I-V without bias (in meters). (Default = 0). |
DWG | coefficient of Weff's gate dependence (in m/V). (Default = 0). |
DWB | coefficient of Weff's substrate body-bias dependence (in m/V 1/2 ). (Default = 0). |
VOFF | offset voltage in the subthreshold region at large W and L (in Volts). (Default = -0.08). |
NFACTOR | subthreshold swing factor (Default = 1). |
ETA0 | DIBL coefficient in subthreshold region (Default = 0.08). |
ETAB | body-bias coefficient for the subthreshold DIBL effect (in 1/V). (Default = -0.07). |
DSUB | DIBL coefficient exponent in subthreshold region (Default = DROUT). |
CIT | interface trap capacitance (in F/m 2 ). (Default = 0). |
CDSC | Drain/Source to channel coupling capacitance (in F/m 2 ). (Default = 2.4e-4). |
CDSCB | body-bias sensitivity of CDSC (in F/Vm 2 ). (Default = 0). |
CDSCD | Drain-bias sensitivity of CDSC (in F/Vm 2 ). (Default = 0). |
PCLM | channel length modulation parameter (Default = 1.3). |
PDIBLC1 | first output resistance DIBL effect correction parameter (Default = 0.39). |
PDIBLC2 | second output resistance DIBL effect correction parameter (Default = 0.0086). |
PDIBLCB | body-effect coefficient of DIBL correction parameters (in 1/V). (Default = 0). |
DROUT | L dependence coefficient of the DIBL correction parameter in Rout (Default = 0.56). |
PSCBE1 | first substrate current body-effect parameter (in V/m). (Default = 4.24e8). |
PSCBE2 | second substrate current body-effect parameter (in m/V). (Default = 1.0e-5). |
PVAG | gate dependence of Early voltage (Default = 0). |
DELTA | Effective Vds parameter (in Volts). (Default = 0.01). |
NGATE | poly gate doping concentration (in cm -3 ). (Default = 0). |
ALPHA0 | the first parameter of impact ionization current (in m/V). (Default = 0). |
BETA0 | the second parameter of impact ionization current (in Volts). (Default = 30). |
RSH | source drain sheet resistance (in Ω/square). (Default = 0). |
JS | source drain junction saturation current per unit area (in A/m 2 ). (Default = 1.0e-4). |
XPART | charge partitioning rate flag (Default = 0). |
CGSO | non LDD region source-gate overlap capacitance per channel length (in F/m). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
CGDO | non LDD region drain-gate overlap capacitance per channel length (in F/m). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
CGBO | gate bulk overlap capacitance per unit channel length (in F/m). (Default = 0). |
CJ | bottom junction capacitance per unit area (in F/m 2 ). (Default = 5e-4). |
MJ | bottom junction capacitance grating coefficient (Default = 0.5). |
MJSW | Source/Drain side junction capacitance grading coefficient (Default = 0.33). |
CJSW | Source/Drain side junction capacitance per unit area (in F/m). (Default = 5e-10). |
CJSWG | Source/Drain gate sidewall junction capacitance grading coefficient (in F/m). (Default = CJSW). |
MJSWG | Source/Drain gate sidewall junction capacitance coefficient. (Default = MJSW). |
PBSW | Source/Drain side junction built-in potential (in Volts). (Default = 1.0). |
PB | bottom built-in potential (in Volts). (Default = 1.0). |
PBSWG | Source/Drain gate sidewall junction built-in potential (in Volts). (Default = PBSW). |
CKAPPA | coefficient for lightly doped region overlap capacitance (in F/m). (Default = 0.6). |
CF | Fringing field capacitance (in F/m). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
CLC | constant term for the short channel model (in meters). (Default = 0.1e-6). |
CLE | exponential term for the short channel model (Default = 0.6). |
DLC | length offset fitting parameter from C-V (in meters). (Default = LINT). |
DWC | width offset fitting parameter from C-V (in meters). (Default = WINT). |
ELM | Elmore constant of the channel (Default = 5). |
WL | coefficient of length dependence for width offset (in m WLN ). (Default = 0). |
WLN | power of length dependence for width offset (Default = 1.0). |
WW | coefficient of width dependence for width offset (in m WWN ). (Default = 0). |
WWN | power of width dependence for width offset (Default = 1.0). |
WWL | coefficient of length and width cross term for width offset (in m WWN+WLN ). (Default = 0). |
LL | coefficient of length dependence for length offset (in m LLN ). (Default = 0). |
LLN | power of length dependence for length offset (Default = 1.0). |
LW | coefficient of width dependence for length offset (in m LWN ). (Default = 0). |
LWN | power of width dependence for length offset (Default = 1.0). |
LWL | coefficient of length and width cross term for length offset (in m LWN+LLN ). (Default = 0). |
TNOM | parameter measurement temperature (in °C) |
UTE | mobility temperature exponent (Default = -1.5). |
KT1 | temperature coefficient for threshold voltage (in Volts). (Default = -0.11). |
KT1L | channel length dependence of the temperature coefficient for threshold voltage (in V*m). (Default = 0). |
KT2 | body-bias coefficient of Vth temperature effect (Default = 0.022). |
UA1 | temperature coefficient for UA (in m/V). (Default = 4.31e-9). |
UB1 | temperature coefficient for UB (in (m/V) 2 ). (Default = -7.61e-18). |
UC1 | temperature coefficient for UC. |
AT | temperature coefficient for saturation velocity (in m/s). (Default = 3.3e4). |
PRT | temperature coefficient for RDSW (in Ω-μm). (Default = 0). |
NJ | emission coefficient of junction (Default = 1). |
XTI | junction current temperature exponent coefficient (Default = 3.0). |
NOIA | noise parameter A (Default = 1e20 - NMOS; 9.9e18 - PMOS). |
NOIB | noise parameter B (Default = 5e4 - NMOS; 2.4e3 - PMOS). |
NOIC | noise parameter C (Default = -1.4e-12 - NMOS; 1.4e-12 - PMOS). |
EM | saturation field (in V/m). (Default = 4.1e7). |
AF | frequency exponent (Default = 1). |
EF | flicker exponent (Default = 1). |
KF | flicker noise parameter (Default = 0). |
TOX | gate oxide thickness (in meters). (Default = 1.5e-8). |
XJ | junction depth (in meters). (Default = 1.5e-7). |
GAMMA1 | body-effect coefficient near the surface (in V 1/2 ). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
GAMMA2 | body-effect coefficient in the bulk (in V 1/2 ). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
NCH | channel doping concentration (in 1/cm 3 ). (Default = 1.7e17). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
NSUB | substrate doping concentration (in 1/cm 3 ). (Default = 6e16). |
VBX | Vbs at which the depletion region width equals XT (in Volts). (See BSIM3-Related notes). |
XT | doping depth (in meters). (Default = 1.55e-7). |
LMIN | minimum channel length (in meters). (Default = 0). |
LMAX | maximum channel length (in meters). (Default = 1.0). |
WMIN | minimum channel width (in meters). (Default = 0). |
WMAX | maximum channel width (in meters). (Default = 1.0). |
BINUNIT | Bin unit scale selector (Default = 1). |
The following is a list of parameters that can be stored in the associated model file, when using the EKV model:
Process Related Parameters | |
COX | gate oxide capacitance per unit area (in F/m 2 ). (Default = 0.7e-3). |
XJ | junction depth (in meters). (Default = 0.1e-6). |
DW | channel width correction (in meters). (Default = 0). |
DL | channel length correction (in meters). (Default = 0). |
Basic Intrinsic Model Parameters | |
VTO | long-channel threshold voltage (in Volts). (Default = 0.5). |
GAMMA | body effect parameter (in V 1/2 ). (Default = 1.0). |
PHI | bulk Fermi potential (*2) (in Volts). (Default = 0.7). |
KP | transconductance parameter (in A/V 2 ). (Default = 50.0e-6). |
E0 (EO) | mobility reduction coefficient (in V/m). (Default = 1.0e12). |
UCRIT | longitudinal critical field (in V/m). (Default = 2.0e6). |
Optional Parameters | |
TOX | oxide thickness (in meters). |
NSUB | channel doping (in cm -3 ). |
VFB | flat-band voltage (in Volts). |
UO | low-field mobility (in cm 2 /Vs). |
VMAX | saturation velocity (in m/s). |
THETA | mobility reduction coefficient (in 1/V). (Default = 0). |
Channel Length Modulation and Charge Sharing Parameters | |
LAMBDA | depletion length coefficient (channel length modulation). (Default = 0.5). |
WETA | narrow-channel effect coefficient. (Default = 0.25). |
LETA | short-channel effect coefficient. (Default = 0.1). |
Reverse Short-Channel Effect Parameters | |
Q0 (QO) | reverse short-channel effect peak charge density (in As/m 2 ). (Default = 0). |
LK | reverse short-channel effect characteristic length (in meters). (Default = 0.29e-6). |
Impact Ionization Related Parameters | |
IBA | first impact ionization coefficient (in 1/m). (Default = 0). |
IBB | second impact ionization coefficient (in V/m). (Default = 3.0e8). |
IBN | saturation voltage factor for impact ionization. (Default = 1.0). |
Intrinsic Model Temperature Parameters | |
TCV | threshold voltage temperature coefficient (in V/K). (Default = 1.0e-3). |
BEX | mobility temperature exponent. (Default = -1.5). |
UCEX | longitudinal critical field temperature exponent. (Default = 0.8). |
IBBT | temperature coefficient for IBB (in 1/K). (Default = 9.0e-4). |
Flicker Noise Parameters | |
KF | flicker noise coefficient. (Default = 0). |
AF | flicker noise exponent. (Default = 1). |
Setup Parameters | |
NQS | non-quasi-static (NQS) operation switch. (Default = 0). |
SATLIM | ratio defining the saturation limit. (Default = exp(4)). |
Additional Parameters | |
LEVEL | model index (Default = 1). |
TNOM | parameter measurement temperature (in °C) |
IS | bulk junction saturation current (in Amps). (Default = 1.0e-14). |
JS | bulk junction saturation current per square meter of junction area (in Amps/m 2 ). |
JSW | sidewall saturation current per unit length (in A/m). (Default = 0). |
N | bulk p-n emission coefficient. (Default = 1). |
CBD | zero-bias B-D junction capacitance (in Farads). (Default = 0). |
CBS | zero-bias B-S junction capacitance (in Farads). (Default = 0). |
CJ | zero-bias bulk junction bottom capacitance per square meter of junction area (in Farads/m 2 ). (Default = 0). |
CJSW | zero-bias bulk junction sidewall capacitance per meter of junction perimeter (in Farads/meter). (Default = 0). |
MJ | bulk junction bottom grading coefficient. (Default = 0.5). |
MJSW | bulk junction sidewall grading coefficient. (Default = 0.33). |
FC | coefficient for forward-bias depletion capacitance formula. (Default = 0.5). |
PB | bulk junction potential (in Volts). (Default = 0.8). |
PBSW | built-in potential of source drain junction sidewall (in Volts). (Default = 1). |
TT | bulk p-n transit time (in seconds). (Default = 0). |
CGSO | Gate-Source overlap capacitance per meter channel width (in F/m). (Default = 0). |
CGDO | Gate-Drain overlap capacitance per meter channel width (in F/m). (Default = 0). |
CGBO | Gate-Bulk overlap capacitance per meter channel length (in F/m). (Default = 0). |
RD | drain ohmic resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
RS | source ohmic resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
RSH | Drain and Source diffusion sheet resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
RSC | source contact resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
RDC | drain contact resistance (in Ohms). (Default = 0). |
XTI | drain, source junction current temperature exponent. (Default = 0). |
TR1 | first-order temperature coefficient for drain, source series resistance (in °C -1 ). (Default = 0). |
TR2 | second-order temperature coefficient for drain, source series resistance (in °C -1 ). (Default = 0). |
ACM | area calculation model. (Default = 0). |
CJGATE | zero-bias gate-edge sidewall junction capacitance (in F/m). If no value is specified, the value assigned to CJSW will be used. This parameter is only used when ACM = 3. It is ignored otherwise. |
GEO | shared geometry parameter. (Default = 0). This parameter is only used when ACM = 3. It is ignored otherwise. |
HDIF | length of heavily doped diffusion (in m). (Default = 0). This parameter is only used when ACM = 2 or 3. It is ignored otherwise. |
LD | lateral diffusion into channel (in m). (Default = 0). |
LDIF | length of lightly doped diffusion near gate (in m). (Default = 0). |
SCALM | model scaling factor. (Default = 1). |
UPDATE | selects effective drain and source resistance model. (Default = 0). This parameter is only used when ACM = 1. It is ignored otherwise. |
WMLT | width diffusion layer shrink reduction factor. (Default = 1). |
- The Simulator supports the following MOSFET device models, which differ only in their formulation of the I-V characteristic:
- Shichman-Hodges (LEVEL=1)
- MOS2 (LEVEL=2)
- MOS3 (LEVEL=3)
- MOS6 (LEVEL=6)
- The LEVEL parameter is used to specify which model to use. It is declared at the start of the parameter values list, entered in the associated model file. If no LEVEL parameter is declared, the default Schichman-Hodges model will be used.
- The Bulk (substrate) node is connected, by default, to the Source node.
- If any of the component-level Length, Width, Drain Area or Source Area parameters are not specified, default values will be used.
- The values for the component-level NRD and NRS parameters are used to multiply the sheet resistance (RSH), in order to obtain an accurate representation of the parasitic series drain and source resistance of each transistor.
- The values for the component-level parameters Initial D-S Voltage, Initial G-S Voltage and Initial B-S Voltage only apply if the Use Initial Conditions option is enabled on the Transient/Fourier Analysis Setup page of the Analyses Setup dialog.
- The component-level Temperature parameter applies to LEVEL 1,2,3,6 & 8 MOSFET models (not BSIM type models).
- The link to the required model file (
) is specified on the Model Kind tab of the Sim Model dialog. The Model Name is used in the netlist to reference this file. - Where a parameter has an indicated default (as part of the SPICE model definition), that default will be used if no value is specifically entered. The default should be applicable to most simulations. Generally you do not need to change this value.
- The BSIM and BSIM2 models are designed to be used with a process characterization system. This system is responsible for providing all parameter information (values) automatically through the use of a process file and therefore no default parameter values are specified. As a consequence, all parameters are required to be specified and the absence of any will result in an error.
- If the XPART parameter is set to
, a 40/60 drain/source charge partition in saturation is selected. If this parameter is set to1
, a 0/100 drain/source charge partition is selected. - Certain model parameters (those marked with an asterisk in the BSIM/BSIM2 list of parameters) also have corresponding parameters dependent on length and width. For more information on these and other aspects of the MOSFET models, consult the SPICE reference manual.
- The following charge partition schemes are supported, selectable based on the value entered for the XPART parameter:
- XPART = 0 - a 0/100 drain/source charge partition os selected
- XPART = 0.5 - a 50/50 drain/source charge partition os selected
- XPART = 1 - a 40/60 drain/source charge partition os selected.
- If no value is specified for one of the following parameters, it will be calculated:
- VTH0
- K1
- K2
- CF
- For details of the calculations involved, refer to the BSIM3v3 User Manual.
- The following BSIM3 model parameters are not supported in Altium Designer:
JSSW | side wall saturation current density. |
CGS1 | light doped source-gate region overlap capacitance. |
CGD1 | light doped drain-gate region overlap capacitance. |
VFB | flat-band volatge parameter. |
- The EKV MOSFET model was developed by the Electronics Laboratory (LEG) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL). The model used in Altium Designer is version 2.6.
- The following EKV model parameters are not supported in Altium Designer:
M or NP | parallel multiple device number. |
N or NS | series multiple device number. |
AVTO | area related threshold voltage mismatch parameter. |
AKP | area related gain mismatch parameter. |
AGAMMA | area related body effect mismatch parameter. |
XQC | charge/capacitance model selector. |
For more detailed information on model equations associated with the EKV MOSFET, search the site for the document The EPFL-EKV MOSFET Model Equations for Simulation.
Consider the MOSFET in the above image, with the following characteristics:
- Pin1 (Drain) is connected to net
- Pin2 (Gate) is connected to net
- Pin3 (Source) is connected to net
- The substrate node (Bulk) is connected to
(the Source node). - Designator is
- The linked simulation model file is
If no values are entered for the parameters in the Sim Model dialog, the entries in the SPICE netlist would be:
*Schematic Netlist:
*Models and Subcircuit:
In this case, there are no parameter values specified in the Sim Model dialog. In the model file, there is only the LEVEL parameter specified, corresponding to the use of the MOS3 model. The default values for all other parameters inherent to the model will be used.
PSpice Support
Of the existing MOSFET device models, the following are not supported with respect to PSpice compatibility:
- BSIM3 model version 2.0
For the other supported MOSFET device models, many of the parameters that can be included in a linked model file are common to both Spice3f5 and PSpice. Those that are supported can be found in the previous section, Parameters (definable within model file).
The following PSpice-based parameters are not supported for this device type.
GDSNOI | channel shot noise coefficient (use with NLEV=3) |
JSSW | bulk p-n saturation sidewall current/length |
L | channel length |
N | bulk p-n emission coefficient |
NLEV | noise equation selector |
PBSW | bulk p-n sidewall potential |
RB | bulk ohmic resistance |
RDS | drain-source shunt resistance |
RG | gate ohmic resistance |
TT | bulk p-n transit time |
W | channel width |