Additional Output Generators

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Additional output generators allow you to further streamline and automate the design release process. In particular, the inclusion of ERC and DRC Report Output Generators which constitute a powerful enhancement to the OutputJob document.

ERC Report Output Generator

Added to the OutputJob Generators is the new Electrical Rules Check Report Generator (ERC). The addition of the Electrical Rules Check Report to the OutputJob Document means you can easily add this report to your final documentation, showing that the design has been verified to be free of any violations. The ERC Report Output Generator is versatile in that it can be output to any of the listed output media, (Print, PDF, Web, or Generated Files).

The ERC Report Output Generator Configuration dialog

To add a new ERC report click on Add New Report Output and choose Electrical Rules Check in the pop up menu that appears. From there you will see several options depending on your design's configuration. Choose [Project] if you want to test your entire design for violations, or choose a specific sheet. Once you have chosen a design option a new ERC output entry will be added to the Output Jobs. To configure the ERC output generator, right-click choose the Configure item from the popup menu.

In the Electrical Rules Check Setup dialog the Column formatting, Error Reporting levels, and pin to pin connectivity errors reporting levels can be specified.

The Columns Tab is used for adjusting the layout of the columns that will appear in the report. The available columns are Class which displays the violation levels (Warning, Error or Fatal Error), Document which displays the name of the document where the violation occurred, and Message which provides the details of the violation.
You can specify which column you want to show or hide by click on the appropriate checkboxes located in the Show Columns box.
Further control of the output can be performed by clicking on a column header in the Column Order and Sorting list box. By clicking on a column header the sorting of the violations can be changed and will be reflected in the final output.

Error Reporting levels, and pin to pin connectivity errors reporting levels can be specified in the corresponding tabs. These settings are similar in nature to the project settings, but are stored locally in the ouputjob file. Therefore they do not affect the project error reporting levels settings.

DRC Report Output Generator

DRC Reports can be added to project outputs. The DRC Report Output Generator runs a PCB DRC based on the PCB settings and publishes the results in either Print, PDF, Web or single file format. The report output is similar in format to that created by the PCB Editor >> Tools >> Design Rules Check and uses those settings specified in the Design Rules Check dialog. One exception is that a report is always created. Since all settings are specified within the PCB Editor there is no Configuration dialog, and you will see that the Configuration entry is disabled in the popup menu.

Script Execution Output Generator

Custom Output Generators can be created in order to generate special outputs. The Script Execution Output Generator makes use of user written scripts to perform this tasks.

In order to use a custom script for output the script file must first be added to the project. For example, located in the Examples\Scripts\Delphiscript Scripts\Wsm\Export To Agile\ folder of the Altium Designer installation is AgileBOMV1.1.pas a sample script that is an exporter to the Agile PLM system. Right click on your PrjPCB file and choose Add Existing to Project from the popup menu that appears.

Example view of the Projects Panel.

Project Popup menu.

Navigate to the above location and choose AgileBomV1.1.pas. As you can see in the above Projects Panel AgileBOMV1.1.pas was already added for this example.
Now that it is added to the project, open an OutputJob and right click on 'Add New Report Output' which will display a menu with a new entry Script Output, from which you can now choose the AgileBomV1.1.pas script to add as report output.
Once a script has been added, select it and either press Alt+Enter or right click and select Configure from the menu. Depending on the script, it may or may not support a Configuration dialog. For this example you will see the following dialog.

Example AgileBomV1.1.pas configuration dialog.

With your script added to the output jobs it can now be used to output a custom report of your design.

You are reporting an issue with the following selected text and/or image within the active document: