Component Implementations with Invalid Pin Mappings

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This compiler hint appears when compiling an Integrated Library Package (*.LibPkg) and the pin mapping between the schematic component and the linked model is found to be invalid. The message is displayed in the Messages panel in one of the following formats:

ComponentName: Could not find port 'ModelPinNumber' on model 'ModelName' for pin 'ComponentPinNumber' - PCB model related

ComponentName: Could not map port 'ModelPinNumber' on model 'ModelName' to a pin - simulation model related


ComponentName is the name of the component in the source schematic library

ModelPinNumber is the expected designator for the pin/pad that could not be found on the linked model

ModelName is the name of the model that is linked to the component

ComponentPinNumber is the designator of the pin on the source schematic component to which the erroneous pin of the model is mapped.

Default Report Mode



If the PCB model related error message is displayed, double-click on the entry for the PCB model link to access the PCB Model dialog. Once there, click on the Pin Map button to access the Model Map dialog. In the Component Pin Designator column, find the pin number flagged by the message (ComponentPinNumber). The violation arises because the corresponding entry in the Model Pin Designator column points to a pad designator that does not exist in the PCB model. Amend the entry as required. Typically there will be one-to-one mapping, with the designators on both sides the same.

If the simulation model related message is displayed, double-click on the entry for the simulation model link to access the Sim Model dialog. Once there, click on the Port Map tab. This violation will arise when the model pin is not correctly mapped to a pin of the schematic component. This can happen when the entry for the model pin has been set to a pin that is already mapped, or to Not Connected. Amend the entry as required.

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