Bus Indices Out of Range

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This compiler hint appears when the index of a constituent net connected to a bus lies outside the range specified by the net to which the bus is associated. The message is displayed in the Messages panel in the following format:

Bus index out of range on NetPrefix Index = NetIndex,


NetPrefix is the prefix of the constituent net connected to the bus (e.g. A for net A1, connected to a bus associated to net A[0..7])

NetIndex is the erroneous index of the constituent net (e.g. net A8 has an index of 8).

Default Report Mode



Use the Compile Errors dialog to quickly cross probe to the net label associated with the offending net and either amend the index of the net so that it lies within the correct range, or rename the net altogether. The latter would be typical if you have named the net by mistake and it is not a constituent of the net transported by the bus object.

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