SiSoft Quantum-SI Export

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Altium Designer supports saving of PCB layouts to SiSoft's Quantum-SI™ CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file format, enabling fast, accurate signal integrity analysis that supports complex layer stacks, split planes, as well as via and pad stacks.

To access this feature, simply select Save As... from the PCB editor's File menu, and in the Save As Type drop-down, select Export SiSoft Files (*.CSV).

Exporting a PCB document to a SiSoft CSV fileset.

Once you have saved the SiSoft CSV fileset, you can import this into a Quantum-SI project, by selecting Setup & Assignment... in the project's Post-Layout Verification tab, and clicking Import & Setup Board.

Importing into the Quamtum-SI Project's Post-Layout Verification tab.

This operation opens the Import & Setup Board wizard. First, the PCB Databased Type drop-down should be set to Altium. Then the neutral_pins.csv file is loaded from the Altium Designer PCB Project's SiSoft export folder, generated previously and named SiSoftNeutral<PCB Filename>. The export is done to a folder as it involves the creation of multiple CSV files, one of which is neutral_pins.csv. Once that file is located and selected, the Import & Setup Board wizard brings in all the layout data that was exported from Altium Designer.

Once the PCB has been imported, the wizard allows you to tweak the salient characteristics of the design, including layer stack-up (and pad/via stacks), supply nets and voltages, and components.

Setting up the imported board in Quantum-SI

From there, it's a matter of configuring your clocks and signal sources and simulating the desired nets and pins in Quantum-SI.

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