Support for Subversion 1.8

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In Altium Designer 14.2 the in-built SVN client has been upgraded to support SVN 1.8. If you also use an external SVN client, such as TortoiseSVN, it is recommended that you also upgrade the external client to the latest version.

These notes have been sourced from information on the Apache Subversion site and the Tortoise SVN site, and included here for the reader's convenience.

Compatibility Concerns

Older SVN clients and servers interoperate transparently with 1.8 servers and clients. However, some of the new 1.8 features may not be available unless both client and server are the latest version. There are also cases where a new feature will work but will run less efficiently if the client is new and the server old.

There is no need to dump and reload your repositories. Subversion 1.8 servers can read and write to repositories created by earlier versions. To upgrade an existing server installation, just install the newest libraries and binaries on top of the older ones. Note that there are improvements in how the repository is written, as described in the following section.

Repository Changes

The default repository format created by svnadmin create is now FSFS version 6, which is not accessible by Subversion 1.7 or older. Older repository formats remain fully supported by Subversion 1.8 but will not support revprop packing (packing of revision files and also the revision property files). To create FSFS repositories compatible with Subversion 1.6 and 1.7, use the --compatible-version 1.6 parameter.

You can use svnadmin upgrade to upgrade existing repositories. However, to fully benefit from the latest repository size reductions, it is recommended to create a new repository, adjust its settings and then dump/load or svnsync the contents into it. 

Local Client Compatibility

Subversion working copies are sometimes accessed using several different clients, for example TortoiseSVN, AnkhSVN, and the svn command line client included in Altium Designer. Because the working copy format has changed with this release, 1.8 clients cannot access an earlier working copy without first upgrading it. Pre-1.8 clients cannot access 1.8 working copies at all and there is no downgrade option.

Note that migrating to 1.8 working copies is a one-way operation. If you need to use multiple clients on the same working copy then be sure that you can update all the clients before upgrading the working copy.

Upgrading the Working Copy

Subversion 1.8 introduces changes to the working copy format. In previous releases of Subversion (1.6 and earlier), Subversion would automatically upgrade the working copy to the new format when a write operation was performed. Subversion 1.8, however, requires an upgrade for both read and write operations on the working copy, and makes the upgrade a manual step.

Before using Subversion 1.8 with existing working copies, users will be required to run the svn upgrade command to upgrade working copy metadata to the new format. This command may take a while, and for some users, it may be more practical to simply checkout a new working copy.

Subversion 1.8 can only upgrade working copies created with Subversion 1.6 and Subversion 1.7.

Note: Subversion 1.8 cannot upgrade working copies that a 1.6 client would have refused to operate upon before an svn cleanup was run (with a 1.6 client). In other words, before upgrading to 1.8, a 1.6 client must be used to run svn cleanup on all 1.6 working copies that require cleanup. Likewise, Subversion 1.8 cannot upgrade corrupt 1.6 working copies. Unfixable problems can arise from missing or corrupt meta-data inside .svn directories. Such damage to the 1.6 working copy is permanent, and cannot be fixed even if svn cleanup is run prior to the upgrade.

If your working copy does not upgrade cleanly, please check out a new one.

See Also

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