Old Content - see latest equivalent

Providing further flexibility in the access of your data, Altium Vault 2.1 brings a couple of nice enhancements to its browser-based interface. Firstly, you can now open a managed project in Altium Designer, directly from the Projects page of the interface. And secondly, as you browse components on the Vault page, you can opt to show a component within Altium Designer, having it opened in the Vaults panel.

Since components cannot be placed from the browser interface directly, being able to navigate to a component is especially useful. You no longer have to remember where you found a component in the browser, and attempt to locate it back in the design space. Now you can have it selected and ready for placement!

When you first work from the browser to Altium Designer, the browser will open a dialog called something like Launch Application, where you let the browser know what application to use for that file-type. If the browser supports it, the dialog will include a Remember my choice for dxp links option, if this is enabled then the Launch Application dialog will not appear next time you open a project or navigate to a Vault component from the browser.

Opening a Managed Project from the Browser Interface

To open a managed project:

  1. Sign in to your Altium Vault's browser-based interface.
  2. Click the Projects header to make it the active page of the interface.
  3. For the managed project you wish to open, simply click the  icon, in the associated Open field for that project.
  4. The Launch Application dialog will appear. Selecting the dxp entry and clicking OK will launch the last run instance of Altium Designer. If you have multiple installations of Altium Designer, for example different versions of the software, you can specify which instance to run. Click the Choose button, then use the dialog that appears to browse to and open the required DXP.exe file.
If an instance of Altium Designer is already running, that instance will be used.
  1. The active/last run/chosen instance of Altium Designer will open, and the chosen managed project will be opened and presented in the Projects panel.

Open a managed project directly in Altium Designer while interacting with the vault through its browser interface.

Opening a Component from the Browser Interface

To open a specific revision of a Component Item:

  1. Sign in to your Altium Vault's browser-based interface.
  2. Click the Vault header to make it the active page of the interface.
  3. Browse to the Component Item you wish to open. Then right-click over the top level entry (for the latest revision), or a specific previous revision of that Item, and choose the Navigate command from the context menu.
  4. The Launch Application dialog will appear. Selecting the dxp entry and clicking OK will launch the last run instance of Altium Designer. If you have multiple installations of Altium Designer, for example different versions of the software, you can specify which instance to run. Click the Choose button, then use the dialog that appears to browse to and open the required DXP.exe file.
If an instance of Altium Designer is already running, that instance will be used.
  1. The active/last run/chosen instance of Altium Designer will open, and the chosen Component Item Revision will be presented in the Vaults panel.

Navigate to a specific revision of a Component Item directly in Altium Designer's Vaults panel, while interacting with the vault through its browser interface.


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